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The Haunted Parsonage


My story takes place in April 1988 in the rural area called Shoulderblade, KY. I was 20 years old and had just gotten married in my local church. The church offered us the parsonage to live in. We happily accepted and moved in right away.

The first night we were there I was so glad to have my own place to live. We settled in for the night and just as we had gotten comfortable, we hear the glass door knob on the bedroom door moving back and forth. It was a distinct sound. My husband got out of bed and grabbed his gun and walked over and motioned for me to open the door. I did and he stepped out and looked and nothing was there. He moved into the hall and looked around, then went into the bathroom. Once in the bathroom the light went out suddenly. He told me to switch it back on and I did. He checked out the whole apartment, which was in the basement of the church, and he saw nothing out of the ordinary.

The next day I spent most of my time putting away clothes and dishes. I felt very much like I was being watched the whole time. It made me feel very uneasy. I kept looking out the window to see if someone had came to the church. No one was around. That evening was spent with my husband eating dinner and watching the television. We went to bed and just before we could fall asleep, we hear a loud shouting coming from upstairs. I thought to myself, why would anyone be here this time of the night? My husband and I both felt unnerved by the whole thing. I couldn't exactly make out what was being said, but it made the hair stand up on my arms. We both decided to go up and see what was going on. When we approached the last step before you enter the chapel, the shouting stopped. I wish I could remember what was being said that night.

As we entered the chapel the first thing we noticed was no one was there. It was pouring the rain out and not one speck of mud was on the floor. It was dead silent in the church. We immediately knew it was something supernatural, maybe even evil that we had just experienced. We went back downstairs and settled in and the rest of the night was uneventful. I must say it took a long time to return to sleep. I just kept waiting for the shouting to begin again. I also said many prayers before I could go to sleep.

The next day I couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching me. I especially felt it in the kitchen. It was the room with the biggest windows. I kept looking out the window expecting to see someone. I finally decided to call my mother and tell her what was going on and how I felt. She decided to come spend the night with us and brought my stepdad along. She brought lots of deli food and we watched a couple movies and went to sleep. Not one thing happened and I felt at ease while they were there. I convinced myself there was nothing to really worry about.

The next night I am having the same feelings of being watched. We eat and go see my in-laws for the evening, then come home and go to bed. Once again we hear the doorknob moving back and forth. This time my husband jumps up and grabs the door open and jumps out. He looks around and slowly backs into the bedroom. He shuts the door and tells me to get dressed. I get ready and he puts his shoes on and grabs his gun and my hand and out the bedroom door we go. I take one look into the living room and I know what his fear is. Hovering in front of the living room window is this dark mass. It's floating and pacing back and forth, then it moves toward the kitchen. As it does, my husband starts toward the living room door, pulling me behind him. I don't know whether to follow or run back and hide. I don't want to get near the entity. I quickly realize I must get out of the apartment and I follow him without hesitation. When we get to the truck and as we are leaving, I look in the window and you can still see the dark mass floating across the room.

We go straight to my in-laws right up the road and tell them the story. My father-in-law is convinced it was our imagination but agrees to go look. The two of them, my husband and his father, go and search the parsonage. They see nothing out of the ordinary. The next morning we tell the preacher of the church what happened and he agrees to come bless the apartment and pray over it. After this is done, he tells us that the reason the parsonage was empty was because the previous occupants had a son who was into witchcraft. He said he used the Ouija board in the small bedroom of the apartment. That room was painted red. I never felt good about that room and didn't even have anything in that room yet. He wished us the best and told us to let him know if anything else happened.

That evening I decided to take a bath and relax, then go eat dinner with my in-laws. I got into the tub and began to feel uneasy again, like I was being watched. I decided to pull the shower curtain closed to feel hidden from the invisible eyes. The curtain was an opaque color, allowing you to still see through it slightly. Once again I saw the black misty entity go by the curtain. It passed several times and I was mortified. I hurried and got out and got dressed and left.

I never spent another night there and found another place to live only a few days later. I truly believe that the boy who used to live there brought something into the parsonage that didn't want to leave. I really never knew a church could be haunted.

This is a true story and to this day that church has lost most of its members and the preacher there actually uses cuss words in his sermons. I think the dark entity is still at work there.

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Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-30)
Holy Crap! His stepdaughter? And all he got for that was a divorce? It seems to me, that in itself would have gotten him tossed from any sort of leadership post. He has gone far past any chance of gaining respect from anyone. And he was allowed to stay at his post? Oh yeah, piano lady and him have got to be related. There is no way this guy stays in his position without being family. I can't believe the town didn't get involved at that point. But they don't make those decisions anyway...
Seriously, I wouldn't walk within a hundred yards of that place for fear of getting hit by lightening. I swear, if it does get struck by lightening, you must bring that news here.

southerntk (4 stories) (75 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-30)
He gives me the creeps too. He is so fake but a smooth talker if you don't know him well. He really can convince you he is so smart and talented. He plays guitar and sings. I think the church is his own little mockery of God. No one with any real relationship with God would go there and worship. That's what I don't understand about the piano player. You know she knows better than to have him there. You are so right that something must be going on that involves her too. I know she is the overseer of the church. She would be like in charge. She is the oldest member of the church now. She has always been in the leadership of the church. Somehow she is involved. I think the preacher just uses the church too as a cover for his very evil thoughts and doings. This man even got his step daughter pregnant and his wife divorced him. That is really low, especially for a preacher.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-30)
[at] southerntk,
You know what bothers me about this guy, I mean besides the pedophilia and the cursing in his sermons? I guess I just don't see where any of this leads him. He's not getting rich and he doesn't have hordes of followers and yes men hanging about. But he seemed to have the whole thing mapped out as his life long desire, the church and the congregation, that was what he was after, right? Was he under the impression that just by being the preacher he would hold it all in the palm of his hands? Maybe he believed it would make him seem irresistible and smarter than he actually is? I mean it, why did he go through all of it if all he got were 5 or 6 followers? There must be something else going on when no ones looking. Probably buries his cash in coffee cans in the basement somewhere, he sounds like the type. It all seems so sinister and creepy. Gives me the creepin' willies just thinking about it!

southerntk (4 stories) (75 posts)
12 years ago (2012-09-29)
Yeah he is definitely not all there. The piano player is about 70 years old. I think he hides behind a preacher facade to hide his pedifile nature. He sure dosen't really have much in the way of money or assets. He has let down a lot of people with his lies as well. Maybe he will get put in jail sometime and the church can begin to heal from the evil. Another reason we moved from his house we rented is that he had our electric meter running his mom and his cousins house as well. It took a few months to figure it out. He should have told us and split the bill into 3 parts. Just an all around untrustworthy guy. It really could be a cult.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-26)
Oh it's a cult alright. But it isn't anything recent. This guy has been working this angle for over 30 years. When you think how much time and energy, a lifetime for him, that has been put toward getting everything he wanted, it is really not that impressive. By this time he should have mesmerized hundreds, maybe thousands of folks, but all he's got going for him is... Well. Not that much. I am not suggesting this creep isn't dangerous at all, because he most certainly is. However, he doesn't seem to have set the bar too high for himself, does he?
What are the chances he has some sort of mental condition? I'd say it's a pretty good bet there's something askew up there. I mean, wouldn't you have to be a bit 'challenged' to even consider that kind of a life? But what if he's like 'Rain Man' in that respect? On the one hand he is able to summon demons at will, but on the other he still buys his underpants at KMART?

I would be interested in knowing a bit more about this woman who has been playing the piano or organ all these years. Why the heck is she still hanging around? That's what made me think she may be his mother.

southerntk (4 stories) (75 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-26)
Everywhere I have ever lived I have heard and seen things so I would say that it would be impossible to know for sure but I know I never saw the black misty entity again. Yes we told the pastor why we were leaving and someone else moved right in. I don't know what they did to try to keep it from happening again. I actually quit going to church after that. Nothing really against the church, I just didn't feel comfortable. My daughter was very outspoken about doing nothing official about his come on to her. I actually was the one answered the phone that day when he ask for her. I had no idea he was like that. I knew he was odd but not a sicko. She is a strong willed girl who wasn't afraid of his advance, she just was disgusted and told him so. Since he was our landlord we just moved out. It's hard to believe he was a foster parent for years. He even had a young man kill himself in his driveway because the pastor wouldn't let him see his girlfriend who was a foster kid there. He was a teenager too. Supposedly he shot himself in the car in the driveway. This was the driveway of the house I was living in at the time and renting from him, his old home place. We just wanted away from there and him. I agree with you guys that something may have been going on with the new pastor and the church all a long, all those years. Something is very wrong with him. He will praise God in one breathe and talk about his drinking days and cuss in another. I have always drawn spirits and have many stories to tell. Let me know if you have other questions. One night in the bedroom of the house I rented from him, I awoke to an evil demonic face staring at me. It made me scream like crazy and it was gone as quick as it appeared. Strange thing is, when I mentioned it to the new pastor, my landlord, he said his wife used to see the same thing. I am glad I left that house and got away from him, and got my daughter away from him. It may be like a cult or something there now.
southerntk (4 stories) (75 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-26)
It's not an underground basement, the bottom of the church is concrete blocks, and it has windows all around. I guess that is still a basement. It has concrete floors in the basement too. Here in Ky. We consider that a basement still. The church is next to hillside and I'm sure an underground basement would eventually leak. Thanks.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-25)
Remember 'Laverne and Shirley'? That was a basement apartment. They had windows that looked out onto the sidewalk above. I believe that may be they same situation here. If you had classrooms and an apartment built into the basement of a church, it just makes sense to add windows as well.

Oh yeah, he was the same guy alright. I'm thinking the piano player is his mother.

DannX68 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-25)
Lou, yeah, I also got the impression, that that preacher is the same as the kid.
Really freaky.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-25)
Hey Southern, great account! My only question is about the apartment- You mention in a post, the apartment is in the basement of the church. In your account, you say "As we were leaving toward the truck, I looked in the window and you can see the dark mass floating through the room" -you can see how these details can confuse the reader?
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-25)
The new preacher IS the kid who played with the Ouija Board... His church and his congregation are just the way he wants them. Like you said, the old preacher wouldn't want to gossip or malign anyone, so he never disclosed who the former tenant was because he was still part of the congregation... Keep your family away from this individual.

geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-25)
LOL! Jave, I love it when you get all work up... You are soooooo funny when you start talking!


What you say is NOT funny... It is simply the ugly truth...southernth...I suggest you still file a police report against this guy because (1) you may never know how many other girls he might have asked or going to ask and (2) a guy who asks a 16 year old to run away with him will probably go one step head and do something really bad in this world like rape or in the paranormal by putting an evil entity on you or your daughter... Just a suggestion and I hope follow the advise... Keep us updated!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-24)
You say the preacher that is there now was also a member of the flock back when this occurred? Tell you what I think, that guy has everything to do with what has happened both then, and now at that church. Think about it. Why the heck is he even there with no real congregation to speak of? You suspect he must be paying the bills out of his own pocket, and I agree. He curses in church? Oh lovely... You have to send us the article that gets written the day the lightening finally strikes that place and burns it to the ground. Because this guy has to have been preparing for years to take over as the head of that place. And I have to think his sermons are just a cover for whatever he has really been up to. There must be some dark stuff going on when no one else is looking.
Asking your 16 year old daughter to run away with him? OH NO! Not on my watch! Preacher or no, that boy wouldn't have lasted another week in his capacity as head of any church after that noise. There are some things that are not to be tolerated, for any reason, and that one is at the top of my list. That wasn't just harassment, it was sexual harassment, pandering, and in some states it is still considered statutory rape. Remember that old saw? You could be riding in a car with your boyfriend, innocent as a new born babe, but if you were barefoot while in the car, your boyfriend could have been charged with statutory rape.
Sorry, I do tend to go a little over the top when it comes to stuff like this. And for that reason, I believe I should take a breather. I need to walk this one off.

Jav 😠
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-24)
That must have been scary for both of you. I probably would have wet my pants. I got a question for you. When you moved out, did you tell the pastor the reason for your move? And was anything done to cleanse the house after the move? I know it was a while back, but I was just wondering.

As Rook mentioned, you should have report the new pastor to the police for asking your daughter to run away with him. That's called harassment.
Christine_Pandora (1 stories) (80 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-24)
Just skimmed a few comments and to be honest maybe the new pastor is just a bad person I'm not religious but I still font like how he is being disrespectful and using profanity I don't understand how he got the privilege either.
Anyway seeing shadows sounds scary and I don't believe profanity should be used in any religion and hope you have found a church much more enriched with God's presence:)
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-24)

Thank you for your response. You have filled in the blanks/answered my questions very well indeed 😁.

My comment about the 'church' was based on this statement from you, not the title of your experience...

"I really never knew a church could be haunted."

This is the first Parsonage I have ever heard of being 'with-in' the building that houses the Chapel and classrooms of the 'Meeting House' (Church). But your information about it being part of the basement makes sense.

As far as the 'dirty old Preacher' goes...It's unfortunate for those who still attend services there, and it's really sick that he asked your daughter to 'run away' with him... Has he been reported to the Authorities?

I understand why the 'kindly' old Preacher asked the former residents to move out because of what their son was 'in to'. However, as you pointed out, there is no proof that what he was doing was good or bad' just that it was not 'approved of' by this Church/Preacher. There is a good chance that IF there is something 'Bad' in this Church, some unseen spirit/entity it came because of the current Preachers actions...

Again, thank you for the feed back, it seems you experienced something and it was for the better you moved. Thanks for sharing...

Did anything seem to follow you and yours when you moved out or was 'that the end of it'?


southerntk (4 stories) (75 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-24)
Also I would like to add that some of the activity took place in the church chapel, the shouting in the night. Also my title is the haunted parsonage, not the haunted church. Technically the apartment parsonage was in the basement of the church itself and I would feel does qualify it as part of the church building. Thank you though for your interest.
southerntk (4 stories) (75 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-24)
First of all the pastor who blessed the church was an old man who was very sweet and caring and he passed away many years ago. I did specifically state that this story took place in 1988. The preacher who curses during his sermons is the current preacher and he only has about 5 people per service show up. I knew him personally because about 3 years ago I rented a house from him. He is a very bad man and I don't know how he is even allowed to preach. The parsonage apartment is located in the basement of the church right next to the class rooms. It takes up half of the churches basement. The red room wasn't blood red, it was dark red and it would have been our place to paint it as part of the job of cleaning and doing up keep to the church. I've seen many rooms that color of red. It dosen't have to be an evil color. The mother of the son using the ouija board had concerns for her son and spoke to the kindly old preacher about him. Realizing that this activity was happening in the church, the preacher told her it would be best if they moved somewhere else. He told them he couldn't have such things going on in God's house. A dark entity would have to still be at work there or how else could the younger preacher, in his 50's, get away with using profanities. The piano player, a very nice older lady now, is the same one that was there when we lived there. She is very nice and the only thing I can figure is the preacher must be paying the bills for the church. They could never afford it on their own because of the lack of members in the church. There was even a time when my daughter got a call from the preacher and he ask her to run away with him. She was just 16 and just after that we moved out of his rental house. Mainly to get away from him and his odd behavior. This is all true. It may sound odd but the truth is weird sometimes. When I lived in the parsonage the church had many members and the old preacher and his wife were very sweet, loving people. What could they have possibly done to help us under the circumstance. The entity lived in a church or at least came and went as it pleased. He believed us and even offered the explanation of what could have caused it. I guess he had done all he could do. He wasn't an ordained preacher, but he did a very good job. The younger preacher who curses during sermons is an ordained preacher with a license to preach. He is obviously a fraud and a very bad person. He also attended the church back in 1988 but was a real young man in his 20's then. He was a foster parent as well. I don't know that the parsonage wasn't blessed before we moved in. I wasn't a deacon in the church or a teacher. I just went to church there. They could have prayed over it many times and I wouldn't have known. Preachers don't usually gossip about fellow members so I wouldn't even have known about the previous occupants problems with their son had it not been important to my situation at the time. I understand your questions and hope that I have answered them and thank you for your interest. I know it may have been confusing but many years have passed since the event with my stay in the parsonage and the time span of the preacher that curses now. I moved to Michigan about 6 months after the incident and stayed there for 15 years. When I first moved back to Kentucky I rented a house from the younger preacher and he invited my daughter to service. She was curious about the church having heard my story and because her father and I had gotten married there.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-24)
There are a couple of points I'd like to make...

The Parsonage House, while on Church property, does not qualify as a 'Haunted Church'.

You said the Preacher told you this about the previous occupants...

"...the reason the parsonage was empty was because the previous occupants had a son who was into witchcraft. He said he used the Ouija board in the small bedroom of the apartment. That room was painted red. I never felt good about that room and didn't even have anything in that room yet."

I would like to think that any Church out their would have Blessed this home, and painted that room, before allowing someone else to move in.

I also have a question about this statement...

"This is a true story and to this day that church has lost most of its members and the preacher there actually uses cuss words in his sermons. I think the dark entity is still at work there."

Is this the same 'Preacher' who blessed the home for you and wished you "...the best and told us to let him know if anything else happened."?

The 'black mass' you saw may have been an 'intelligent spirit' but before I file this one under 'Fact' could you please explain a bit more about this Preacher/Church or at least answer my questions?

Thanks in advance.


Wondering1 (4 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-22)
Very scary! And very well told. I don't blame you for leaving, I would have done the same!
Since you 'felt' that the entity was evil or wrong, you made the right decision to leave. We have to trust our feelings when it comes to things like this.
Take care and thank you for sharing with us.
southerntk (4 stories) (75 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-22)
I agree, I thinks it's the scariest thing that ever happened to me.
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-22)
A well-told and scary account. I've never heard of a clergyman using bad language in church.
owensnee1 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-22)
Wow! Very, very scary story. That's going straight to my favorites. It was well written and easy to follow. It also goes to show you that the Ouija is not something to be taken lightly. I'm glad you got outta there when you could!

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