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Granny And Little Boy


We have been living in our house for the past 7 years. From day one I have been very aware of entities residing in the house. They (there are 2) don't mean anyone harm. In fact, one of them is completely focused on my mother. Ok, maybe I should explain this statement.

My mother grew up in foster homes and boarding schools. Her mother had died when she was 6-years old and her father had disappeared right after mother's her death. She had been reunited with him later on in her life, but he doesn't really have much of a bearing on the story.

My mother told my sister and I from a very young age that she knew her mother was watching over her. She still says that she wakes up in the middle of the night and her mother is next to the bed, looking down at her. She says she is always calm and she knows that her mom is there to protect her. As strange as it sounds, knowing that my grandmother is an entity following my mom her entire life is comforting. She is also one of the entities in my house, as my mom is currently living with me.

Now, living in a house like this, you learn certain things very early on. The biggest rule in our house is, you never watch movies such as The Ring, The Grudge, Paranormal Activity, in that house. They make things happen to get you to switch the TV off. The one night we tried to watch The Ring in the house, they made the alarm system go off. Now, most people would think that this could just be coincidence, but what they don't know is that we had been living there for about 6 months by then, and my parents had thought it unnecessary to have an alarm system in the house and big dogs outside, so they completely disconnected the alarm. However, that very night, as the movie started, my mom needed something in her room, and as she walked into her bedroom the alarm panel against the wall suddenly came on and was flashing the light indicating "DANGER". She freaked out and ran to the lounge, and when she got there the alarm started screaming.

They immediately switched the TV off and the alarm fell silent. The panel wasn't flashing anymore either. We actually checked the back-up power supply for the alarm system and found it completely disconnected. It has been 7 years now; no one has ever attempted to watch another horror in the house.

I have always felt that one presence is female and one is male. Though, until recently, I thought that the male presence was a friend of mine who had been extremely close to my mom and had died the first year that we lived in the house. But then a friend of mine and her husband came to visit one night and he told me that the male presence was a little boy, around 4 or 5 years old. He said he is completely calm, he doesn't have any negative "vibes", but it bothers me a lot as to why this little boy is in my house.

It then made sense to me why the swing set we had in the house for my boys (one was extremely sick and we couldn't risk him getting sicker by playing outside) had the unusual habit of swinging by itself. I found it amusing that I had sat and watched this happen one day, while my boys were taking a nap, and actually asked the open air around this freely moving swing, "Do you really think it's fair that you play while the twins are sleeping?". The swing slowed down and stopped then. Little kids who come into our house tend to pick up on the little boy. They smile and stare at nothing and ask often if he wants to play with them, this includes my boys. He has a habit of running around the house, starting at the door leading out of the kitchen to the lounge, right around into the dining room and back into the door leading back into the kitchen. And on occasion he will hit a countertop to get your attention, or to give you an unexpected fright.

When my friend's husband told me about that little boy, he also mentioned that the female spirit, whilst also not giving off any threatening feelings, does have a negative connection based on the way she died. He said she must have died in a brutal way. I told him that she had been murdered, and explained to him how. He then jumped right out of his chair and asked me not to tell him more.

What I'd like to know, since I know my gran is connected to my mom, if my mom moves away, will she follow? I would like to bring someone in to cleanse the house, help the little boy find peace, but I don't want to force my gran away from my mom. I'm just afraid that taking such action might anger them.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, triden07, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-08)
I'm sorry to respond so late. I am my mom's eldest, yes. My gran calls me her "baby", so yes, the connection is incredibly strong. And since my gran was killed by a man, she has a bit of an aversion to male figures, but she is extremely focussed on my twin sons. I have had quite a few experiences with my gran, if you haven't read my other stories, feel free 😉
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-25)
Gosh triden07, you are such a blessed soul to have a mom and gran (even in spirit form) like that. After all that she went through, she could have turned bad, but she stayed good. I'm just curious, are you your mom's first born? Usually grannies are closer to their first grandchildren. Have you experienced any affectionate behaviour/gestures from your gran? I'm a mom to a toddler and my heart just melts on hearing this story. Thank you, I now believe that there's indeed kindness and love in this big, bad world! Sorry for the gushing talk:) ❤
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
Hi Jav, the reason why her father wasn't there at that point in her life, he was the reason her mom had died. He had beaten her to death with a stove iron in a drunken rage, right in front of the kids. My mom repressed this most of her life, though she constantly had nightmares of seeing her mother in a pool of blood. Up until the year we moved into this house, my mom did not know her father had killed her mother. But, as he was in a drunken stupor when it happened, he was sentenced to only a few years for involuntary manslaughter. After my mom found out, she destroyed every picture she had of her father, she was so hurt.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-25)
I just love this experience. It is so sweet of grandmother to watch over your mother, bless her heart. Losing her mother at such a young age and then her father leaves her too? That just breaks my heart. Whatever they want, they should get. After the suffering she went through as a child it's only right.
Then you have the little boy. I find his age to be a very interesting part of this. I'm sure you would have found out by now that he isn't related to you, but the situation as a whole has some very intriguing symbolism attached to it. For instance, at first I thought he might be a symbol of your mothers lost childhood. Being nearly the age she had been when her mother passed, you know? It might seem silly to others, but that's how I see things sometimes. I hope you don't mind. 😊 If you ever do learn anything more about this child, please keep us posted.

Jav ❤
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-03)
Seeing as how I have never felt threatened in the house, I think I will just let them be. Like I said, I don't want to do anything that would upset them. What I'm really happy about is that I can't see them, I feel them quite clearly, but that's it. I think I would be very unnerved if I could see them too.
gothgirl (32 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-27)
me,2 I don't think you need to clean your house, I think since the ghosts actually warns you not to watch horrors, if it was me, I would actually just let them be
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-27)
Like the others have said, I don't think a cleansing is necessary as there are no negative entities in your house. Also, I agree that it would be nice to cross over the little boy but it could be difficult because he is such a young child. Since I'm not from South Africa, I wouldn't be able to tell you how to do the research on your house. There is a lady on this website named Fergie. She is on my favourites list, so if you want you can contact her and see if you can get information from her.

One suggestion I would make is to get in contact with your grandmother to see if she can help the little boy cross over. I'm saying this because your grandmother probably crossed over and came back to take care of your mother and maybe she can help with the little boy.

Be careful none the same!
girlie (15 stories) (426 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-27)
I don't think you need to do a cleansing. Just try and help the boy in your own way, like asking it to go into the light. I don't know if it will work, but it's worth a try.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-25)
Interestingly enough, my mom and I have noticed that my gran's presence is very strong around the house when my mom is ill. She has severe lung problems and nearly died last year. Which just furthers my belief that she is looking out for my mom.
triden07 (70 stories) (279 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-25)
I wish that we had more knowledge of previous owners or any history of the house. I do know that the previous owners had used a ouija board on occasion, though I never found out the reason for it.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-09-25)
DARKNESS: I think what I was going to say is, perhaps she didn't want the family to get the wrong idea about spirits?...LOL I just had a thought (scary, I know!) but Granny was tossing her BS Blankey! 😆 😆
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-25)
Hahaha Granny it took me a bit to think out the words aswell and I still don't think they are completely right! Ahh just one of those days I suppose! Lol! 😆 😁
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-09-25)
DARKNESS: That was one of my thoughts as well, but I couldn't find the right words so I scrapped it 😆...Thank you for reading my mind, now get out of my head! 😆 😆
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-25)
Hi triden07: I think that the alarms etc going off whilst horror movies are being played is just your Grandmother warning you not to watch them, the reason for this is because some of the things your grandmother does to communicate with you all may frighten you perhaps?

I also agree with my friend zzsgranny regarding the cleansing, I don't think it is required, there isn't anything malevolent or negative within the home and I honestly believe if your mum did move away your grandmother will follow her to watch over her when she needs it. As for the little boy indeed try help him to cross over it is sad to a child stuck in this situation although he may really love being around you all and no doubt considers you family perhaps! I wish you all the best. 😊

Thanks for sharing.

Mylenium (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-24)
I agree with zzsgranny.

That's very eerie that you can't even watch scary movies in your home. I had a similar incident, but nothing to that degree, and it only happened once. I had come home from uni for my grandfather's funeral, and was unpacking my suitcase, it was late in the evening, and I was watching that show A Haunting (not sure if that show was broadcast in South Africa). Whilst unpacking, next to me, I could hear a crinkling plastic bag/cellophane type of noise, and it kept going even though there was nothing like that next to me. The sound only stopped when I turned the TV show off.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-09-24)
triden07: In my opinion you really don't need to do a cleansing... I think cleansings are to rid the space of negative entities/energies...You should, however, try to get the little guy to cross over... Chances are your Grandmother has already crossed over and returns to keep an eye on your Mom...But, sometimes even the best of attempts at crossing spirits doesn't work...

Do you know any of the history of the house, or who this little boy could be?...

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