This takes place at a house, which was my mom's boyfriend's at the time, in Phoenix. I was lying on the couch in the living room talking to my girlfriend on the phone. The living room was connected to the kitchen by a small 5' x 10' area, which I'm guessing was supposed to serve as a dining room, but the space was left empty for as long as I lived there except for the 2 bar stools at the counter.
While on the couch and the kitchen behind me, I was staring at the wall in front of me while I talked. Out of no where, a shadow of a person went from right to left and startled me enough to make me turn around as fast as I saw it. Nothing or no one was there. The back and front doors were locked and the only person in house besides me was my older sister Kelly, but she was in the master bedroom talking on the other line in the house to her boyfriend who was currently in Nevada for work. I knew it wasn't her, because when I realized no one was there behind me I went straight to the room to ask her if she had just came out, but she was still lying in bed talking on the phone. I asked if she just went out there but she said she hadn't. I shook my head and let it go. Thought to myself I was just seeing things.
I went back out into the living room and sat down on the couch for a little while until I got off the phone. When I hung up, I shut off all the lights in the front of the house and went to the bedroom to hang out with my sister. Wasn't long until my sister started asking questions. She said it sounded like someone was picking up the phone somewhere in the house then hanging it up. Didn't take long for us to get creeped out. She told her boyfriend she'd call him back in a little bit because she wanted to see what was up with the line. Right after she hung up she picked the phone back up to hear a dial tone, but every time she hit a number another number would be pressed that she didn't dial. That went on for a while. We couldn't dial out and neither of us had a cell phone.
The only thing we could do was sit in the room with the door locked trying to figure out how we're going to get out of the house or get a hold of someone. We didn't want to go out the window. We felt somewhat secure in the room behind a door that's locked. After so long though, you can only switch to plan b. Plan b was for me to slowly exit the room, quietly make my way down the hallway and peek around corner where the only other phone for that line was. The best weapon we could find was the metal pipe that connects to an old school vacuum cleaner.
She slowly unlocked the door, which was frightening at the time, and I crept out of the room. Walking down the hallway I would stop periodically to listen for noises. Didn't hear anything, so I proceeded further to the end of the hallway. I didn't see anyone by the front door or the family room, but then a noise of hundreds of drips of water hitting the carpet was in the direction towards the phone. I turned my head and saw the shadowy figure in the dark, standing there right next to the phone and it looked as if it was reaching out towards me. I ran incredibly fast back to the room and slammed the door shut and locked it in panic. We didn't know what to do other than pick up the phone and try to call the police if we could get through. Took a few tries because the extra numbers kept dialing, but within a minute or so of trying we finally got through.
The police showed up and we met them at the front door. Yes, we booked it pretty damn quick to get to it. The police came in, we turned on the lights and found the back arcadia door was open about 5 inches. It was shut and locked when I left that room. They stayed with us until we packed up and got out of there to stay elsewhere for the night. My mom and her boyfriend were having a night out and staying at a hotel so we were kind of house sitting while they were gone.
I've had other experiences in this house, too. One of which the cops were called 3 times, the third time they brought the helicopter. Never found anyone. We were going to call a fourth time but we grabbed our shoes and baseball bats instead and ran down the street. After about 50 yards I turned around and saw a man standing in the front lawn looking at us. I just kept running. My mother also caught an apparition in a picture looking through the window staring at us. You can see the detail in the persons face. Cheek bones, glasses, goatee and half a body. I'll post it on here if I can.