I've been reading some stories lately and thought I'd add some of my own that I've experienced over the years. I'm currently 17 and I feel very sensitive to the paranormal. I'm currently living in Ballarat, Australia. (Ballarat is one of the most haunted city's in Australia)
Anyway, my first encounter with the paranormal that I can remember was when we use to live in a hotel in Melbourne, Australia. I was only 14 at the time (my mum was manager so we had a managers room we lived in. I was just walking down the hallway to our room when I looked in the reflection of the door that was glass and led outside and saw an old man who was grey and white wearing a suit he was half bald with a face that was neither upset or happy but kind of peaceful, and I just turned around thinking this man was just lost or something and no one was there, so for some reason I walked to check around the corner of the hallway, no one was there. No one had walked down the hallway other wise I would have seen them and no one closed any doors otherwise I would have heard. So I crapped myself and sprinted to our room and told mum a few weeks later because it just didn't make sense.
She later explained that she didn't want to say anything to me because she didn't want to scare me, but she also saw the same man I described. I cannot remember her story on how she saw him but she also told me that someone who was holding a conference walked out to look for her but saw this same man fixing a fire house, the conference lady tried to talk to him but he did not respond. The lady said he just stood up and walked through the wall.
The following months we didn't hear or see anything else from this ghost or whatever it was, but we did find a very old photo album whilst cleaning out a storage room.
We found a photo which looked just like him and he was the original owner and died ages ago (not sure what of). His name was 'Michael Goldman'.
We only lived there for a few years until we moved to Ballarat.
In this current house I have been having really weird feelings like someone's watching me. A lot of the time it comes from my bedroom or the front living room of the house no one uses.
One night my friend asked me to come over to his house for the night and the five of us (Kyle, Brett, Dylan, Alex and myself) decided to do a homemade ouija board with paper letters in a circle four candles (yeah I know, one of the stupidest things EVER, but I was intrigued and wanted to try it) anyway we had a glass that we washed with water after every session. The first 3 attempts of asking if there was any entities with us, we finally got movement with the cup. During this session the corner of the room's candle was going CRAZY and there was a massive chill in the room.
I won't go through every session but we finaly got to one and we tried to leave the session because it was a really bad spirit (I think it was a demon). It kept on swearing at us telling us to commit suicide. We tried to be polite and we tried to talk to it but it just kept laughing at us and swearing more, so we tried to end the session but it would not let us leave. So we asked if we could close the session one by one. It accepted and said goodbye to everyone, but me.
I was so scared, it wouldn't let me leave the session for ages. My friends were all just watching in horror as the glass was rapidly moving across the table.
Anyway it finally said goodbye after I said how sorry I was for ever messing with the board and it finally said goodbye and to this day I won't ever use one again.
A week or two later after the session, I went to the toilet late at night after work, I'm not sure what time, and when I was peeing I had the door open (not sure why) and I had the worst feeling ever, so I turned around straight after I finished and this black figure with red eyes lunged or sprinted straight through me and I fell to one knee and had the worst feeling ever. I felt like crap and I had a massive chill down my spine.
After that nothing really happened to me that's paranormal, however lately I have been getting a huge feeling something is watching me not in a good way. I can feel it watch me in bed when I try to sleep, and it usually keeps me up in terror until 3am then it finally let's me sleep.
That's the end of all my stories. Sorry for any grammar mistakes and if anyone has any information or would like to ask any questions please leave a comment and I'll try and get back to you asap.
Thank you for reading.
I woke up around 3-4am not quiet sure on exact hours of night I awoke, to find an outline of a girl, as I woke up more my terror grew so quick I was freaking out swearing throwing my arm around frantically for my bedside table for my phone as my eyes adjusted all I could make out was a girl with long hair over her face, with a white bed dress hands by her side watching me standing perfectly still, as soon as my phone light was on and I held it to see who/what was going on, she had disappeared. Nothing was there.
This girl in the white dress looks like something from the ring (horror movie) that scared me a lot more! That's for sure but she looked like a girl I thought was a dream or something where I saw her looking at me through the roof of the hotel I use to live in, and I always thought this was just a dream or something but she had red eyes her head was out of the roof with a bit of her upper body same dress and both her hands holding either side of her as if she was holding herself out of a hole in the roof watching me and as I saw her she dissipated... I can only assume this was the same girl and this wasn't a dream? I still get a big feeling of being watched or paranoid whenever I seem to think about these entities/beings... Any help would be great, I strongly believe in Jesus and whenever I have nightmares I always shout his name and my nightmares always leave me... I don't know what to do all I know is to trust jesus