My daughter and I plus a few other family members were asked to come view a house. This house had been left very fast by the past owner. As you can imagine the inside was a mess. Our family member was getting this house at a very good price... Wonder why? As we enter I was told to carry my two year old daughter due to things being all over the floor and the prior owner was known for drug use. As went through the house I had a very uneasy feeling, thinking it just being the state the house was left in I shrugged it off. We came to the staircase and my daughter said, "No, no, Mommy. No go up." I told her it was just the upstairs it was okay. She pulls at my clothes and hair, "No, Mommy. No, no, no, no go up. I want to go bye." Her reaction startled me. She never had done this before.
We got to the second floor which was like a loft, a small room on each end with a window. I had my back towards one window. My daughter was clawing, kicking her feet, pulling my shirt saying, "No, no, no go in there, I want to go, go Mommy." I took her out. At this point I was scared.
That night she would not sleep, she kept saying the people would not stop talking to her. I asked what people, she replied the people in the closet. I told her no one was there to go to sleep. Finally she went to sleep.
The next morning she came to wake me and she says, "Mommy, those people kept waking me up. They talking too much. I think they came from the bloody house." I sat up and looked at her and told her no more stories, to stop. She says to me, "I'm not, Mommy. The man in the house was talking to me and you didn't you see him?" I said, "No, where was this man?" She replies, "He was standing right next to you. Didn't you see him? He had no feet and a cracked head. There was blood all over him and in the bathtub."
I took her to a therapist, who told me never to take her back, that she believed she saw something in the house. We told the family member whom at this point had bought the house and, after his soon behaving strangely, looked into the history. Turns out a man killed himself in that house in the bathroom with a gun. We never told my daughter.
A few months after finding this out she came to me and said she knew what happened to him, that he came to her again and told her he shot himself with a shot gun in the head.
She has had other things happen as well that I will write later, thank you for reading. Was this a ghost or is she sensitive to these things?