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Mysterious Locking Doors


In my last post I talked about how a spirit around my house keeps shaking my bed to wake me up. Since that last post there has been a different type of activity. Doors around my house keep locking and unlocking on their own.

The first incident happened when my husband got up to get ready for work. About a half hour later he knocked on our bedroom door. I got up and the door was locked. I opened the door and teased my husband about locking himself out. He told me he didn't lock it. I laughed and commented about the ghosts playing a prank on us. I went back to bed and cuddled myself in. I heard my husband leave the room about 10 minutes later to take a shower. I reminded him to be careful not to lock the door on himself. He checked the lock before shutting the door. Apparently he'd forgotten his shoes in the bedroom and was going to say good bye to me before he left. Again he knocked on the door. When I checked it the door was locked again despite his attention when leaving the room. This happened for about two weeks straight then it started tapering off.

It was about a week later that I was home alone while my family was all at work. There are two dogs in the house that sleep in my parents room. The bigger of the two has a habit of going into the room and sleeping the whole day, despite the fact he is only 3 years old. This particular day I got fed up with it and went to shut the door to my parents' room after kicking him out. I checked the door knob and it was locked. That night I talked to my dad and he said that he hadn't locked it and neither had my mom.

There have also been times that my parents open the dogs' door and a couple hours later it will be closed again. None of these experiences scare me or even really bother me. I'm used to it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, GypsysHeart, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

GypsysHeart (9 stories) (39 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
The house is an older one but it isn't big. It's only a 3 bed 2 bath. The kitchen and dining room are tiny and so are the bedrooms. The only room that isn't small is the living room. Four humans (my parents, my husband and me), two dogs (one yorkie and one super sized lab), and my 15 year old cat live here. We've lived here for three years now.

The only one in my house that gets scared of these events is my mother. She believes all spirits are demons.
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-05)
A couple of questions for you. Is this a large older home? Do you live with your parents, you and your husband? Is there anyone else living in the house?

I do like your attitude about this whole experience. It does not seem to be freaking you out too much and you do claim to take your house back if need be. I think that is very important. Just as anything, living or non-living, if it knows it is bothering or scaring us, it may continue to get worse thinking it has the upper-hand.

Be looking forward to hearing more. Zeta.
GypsysHeart (9 stories) (39 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-04)
It keeps moving my dad's checkbook and messing with the lights. I'll find lights turned on when no one's been in that room for hours and they don't just leave lights on. It also likes moving my crochet things around so I can't find what I'm looking for. Last night I was going out to greet my dad in the garage it started closing the door and pushing me out gently. It didn't shut the door fully or lock it. It just wanted to have a bit of fun. 😆
HuntingBear (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-04)
So its a prankster, eh? Haha, what else has it done lately? Just curious... 😊
HuntingBear ❤
GypsysHeart (9 stories) (39 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-04)
Well it's a little prankster. It isn't bothersome. I welcome any ghost or spirit that isn't going to hurt or distress my family. Once they do that they are in trouble. 😁 Thanks for your concern though.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-04)
Please disregard my last comment. I didn't realize that you had so many spirits that won't listen to you and leave. Reclaim your house. Tell them it is your house and you don't want them there. I had a friend that would say "You don't have to go home but you can't stay here". Try adapting that by telling them they don't have to cross over but they can't stay there.
Try Rooks cleansing method.
Any method you use be adamant that they HAVE to go.


RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-04)
I'm sorry but I disagree that the ghost should cross over and that it would be happier there. This family doesn't mind that it is there and it isn't really bothering them. So I say leave the spirit alone until it becomes bothersome or decides to cross over.


GypsysHeart (9 stories) (39 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-04)
I've smudged the house and released any spirits that wished to leave but a few of them like it here. I've tried to talk to them a bit and tried to find out why they are here. Every time I do try there are several that step over each other to talk. It gives me a huge headache.
regi375 (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-04)
Did you ever try to find out what, or who the ghost is? I believe that it would be best for the spirit to cross over. Besides, it would be happier there. 😉
HuntingBear (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-03)
Wow,that's cool that these things have been happening to you for so long. As long as nothing tries to harm you or others,that's all that matters! I actually have a spirit cat (no joke! Its a tabby, a cute one too!) in my home. I have four other cats and they treat it as a friend. 😆 Odd things happen to people that good spirits believe they can trust for help! ❤
GypsysHeart (9 stories) (39 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-03)
Yeah I'm used to having things like that happening to me. They've been happening since I was a baby.
HuntingBear (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-03)
Though this has not happened to me yet (knock on wood!) 😜 the door handles start shaking like someone wants out. Oddness...haha.
Glad none of these experiences freak you out!
colombiana98 (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-03)
this happens to me as well and usually when somebody comes over

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