I'd just like someone else's opinion on how to make sense of what I believe I saw.
My baby daughter is 7 months old and last night we got an early night. At approximately 11:30 pm my daughter was awakening, so I opened my eyes as I wasn't asleep properly, and saw what was a man in a dark suit with dark hair and medium build (I didn't get to see his face) and bright white light around it bent slightly over my daughter's cot watching her. He then turned to look at me as I sat up bolt right in bed unable to believe what I was seeing and vanished.
I never felt scared and we didn't talk. I just felt really calm. I then went to walk over to her cot, but my left knee would bend and felt all tingly, so I limped (it felt like it would give way if I put too much weight on it). There's nothing wrong with my knees normally. I found I then wanted to stay awake to see if it reappeared.
Could this be my daughter's guardian angel or a relative, as my partner's grandfathers passed over some years ago and he was quite close to them (I never met them). I have one of my grandfathers pass over but wasn't close to him, and why would my knee go like it did?
My partner is currently working away, but this figure resembled his build and height. I have talked to my partner and he thinks I was just dreaming but I know I saw something.
This isn't the first time I've experienced things either or seen people but I've always felt scared before. This didn't feel like it was out to frighten me but rather just to see my daughter.