This happened in the town of Binalonan, Pangasinan. It was getting dark when my friend and I walked up the walkway to my uncle's house where I lived. I saw a skirt floating in front of us. It was kind of transparent, striped with colors. I pointed it out to my friend but she could not see it. I told my aunt and described the skirt. She said that a woman neighbor who was murdered by her husband had a skirt like that!
Another thing that happened to me at the same house was that as I opened the door to our back yard, a ball of fire about the size of my fist hovered in front of me for a few seconds then took off. This happened during the day. I was around 16 Yrs old, now I'm 68. Always wondered what that ball of fire was.
Later on when my father died in Seattle, Washington, I was at my brother's apt sitting on the couch when a strong wind with a sound went through my brother and I. The wind knocked some pictures off the table. There were no windows open. I could feel and hear the wind pass through us. This was in 1978.
The last time I experienced anything was in the 1980s. I used to go to Ketchikan, Alaska, to work in the canneries. We all stayed in a bunkhouse. I had a roommate. I use to hear whispering in my ear when I was laying on my bed, and I would also feel pressure, like someone pushing down on me. My roommate also had the same experience and moved out of the room. This was the only time that I was scared.
The other experiences I had did not scare me. The bunkhouse was located at the edge of the water.
I read somewhere that Indians use to bury their dead near the water. I wonder if this had anything to do with what was happening to us. Maybe someone was buried under our room? We moved to a different room in another area and we never experienced anything else.
Thanks for sharing your experiences.
Regards and respects to you.