I don't really know how old I was when this happened, but I know I was young. There was a man that lived across our street. He was poor. Well, we would always make BBQ for him. He gave us a boat for thanks. But who would think this would happen. He was in his house one day, around December. It was very cold so he used a trash can with fire in it to heat up a little bit. When he went to sleep, it tipped over and caught on fire. The trailer was bursting in flames. He had burnt to death in the trailer.
About nine years later, when I was on our couch watching t.v. the doorknob suddenly starting moving like somebody was trying to make it in. I figured it was my dad back from work. But it was around 11:12 and he got here around twelve. I looked out the window and saw a tall man trying to get in. It's funny because this has never even happened before around this block. It didn't happen again until three years later when I was 12.
Me and a couple of friends were eating pizza and watching a movie during the day. And I saw the doorknob start moving again. My friend had saw it but my other friend didn't. I am sitting at home waiting for this to happen again. I don't know if it is real or not. If you think it is real write me at jamesraybrown [at] yahoo [dot] com or leave a comment.
Thank you.