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The Creature Lying Next To Me


A year ago me and my husband bought an old house in the northern part of our country. It is an old farmhouse, which the previous residents completely redid. There is a large piece of land which was used as agricultural land (animals, fruit trees). This plot is more and more transformed into a garden by former residents. Part of the garden is a vegetable garden. I love this garden so much. I lived in this city and had no real talent for plants. But last year I learned a lot about growing vegetables, flowers and herbs. I love to grow my own vegetables. They taste so much better.

In front of our house is a road. One side is toward the center of the village and the other to the next village. The road leads through a piece of nature.

It is a big old house with a large garden. It has a lot of windows, sunlight and warm feel to it. I feel really good, peaceful and comfortable in our new home. It is big because the former stables are drawn into the house. Our bedroom is in the upper part of the old stable. There are windows and the view is great.

My husband and I were in love with the house. I still love it. My husband not. He feels watched in the garden, especially at night, and during the day he gets a strange feeling in the garden. In the evening, and sometimes in the daytime, he pulls the curtains closed of the rooms with the windows to the garden. In summer he does not like to sit in the garden. The terrace in front of our house is ok, but not the second terrace, in the other part of the garden. This is unfortunate, because that terrace has a fireplace. He will go, but he cannot relax. I teased him often, and said he act like a little child. I feel wonderful in the garden. I do not have a problem.

I never really believed him until he got a new job. This new job asks of him that he must travel sometimes and stay in hotels. These nights when I am alone, I always wake up because of the sound of snoring. I open my eyes and there is a creature lying next to me, asleep and snoring. Sometimes with his back to me, sometimes on the back, sometimes on his stomach. Once he woke up, smiled at me sleepily and went to sleep. He does not cause me any harm, except wake me up with his snoring. He has green skin, black lips, large pointed ears and long black hair. Sometimes it is bound, sometimes braided, sometimes stuck together of many golden clips. His hands are like an animal. He dresses in a white shirt and black pants and posture is average. The one time he woke up, I saw all black eyes (no white) and when he smiled yellow sharp teeth. I can see this because I always sleep with the lights on when alone (I never liked the dark). Normally I fall asleep again, because I am very tired. I feel spooky, but no fear.

I do not want to tell my husband because I do not want to frighten him. And I am sure that he will sell the house 'yesterday'. I want to know for sure that it is not a dream, if I tell him. I hope you can help me. I do not want to lose the house.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Nanja, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

AshCat (24 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-19)
Thank you for sharing you story. I am sorry to hear about everything that has happened. Just stay positive and keep surrounding yourself with light, things will get better. I guess that creature has not visited again that you know of? I am sending happy thoughts your way!
Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-09-19)

It has been a while ago. A lot has happened.

That night I slept at the house of my friend in the village. She went the next day with me to help pack. There was a mood of despair and anger in the house when I was busy with my bags. She felt it also. Without her I would have not been able to. It was scary.
I went to my parents.
Since then I have, besides crying a lot, went to work to arrange my life. I have a new job, and next week I get the keys to an apartment.

I did not go back to the house. I must again return to give instructions to the movers. My brother goes with me then. I do not want to be alone there anymore.
Folke and I are in divorce proceedings. It causes me much grieve. The house will go for sale.

I still do not know what was and is happening there. It has been a crazy time. I do not know if I ever understand. I just know I want control of my life back.

Thank you for your support. It was very nice. But I hope I never have to need it again.

valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-07-13)
Dear Nanja,
I sit here not sure what to say. I do understand why you posted this. When we hurt, it is only natural to reach out for comfort. I want to say that I'm sorry for what you are going through. But that seems so...hollow. You are NOT stupid. It is never ever stupid to have feelings. You still love the man you married, but you hate him for hurting you. That is normal. And yes, you feel foolish, and angry. Angry at yourself for not seeing it coming, angry at him for not being true. This too, is normal.
Although you might find it hard to believe right now, one day you will smile again, and laugh.
I'm here, I'll listen. You are not alone.
Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-13)
I do not know how to start this post. Everything feels unreal.

Folke was here. He had to talk to me now. I gave him no possibility to avoid it.

He has not been honest. Completely not. We moved to live here. He started after the first few weeks to doubt everything, his job, our marriage. He doubted he married too early. He felt wanted to see more of the world. He said he felt restless. He found no rest in his life, and not at home. He did not say anything to me. He did not want to hurt me. He says it was not my fault too.

At work he meeted another woman. He changed jobs to be more time with her. He thought he could ride out the affair. Not wanting to lose me. But it all take a lot of time. He does not want to say goodbye to her. He took his stuff in the car and now he is away. I am alone now, again, but now it is more reality.

It is very difficult to write. It seems like it is more a truth in that way. I hate him and I love him. I feel so stupid. I have not thought of this. I can not believe it. I do not know what to do. I feel like I am in a crazy dream. I trusted, so stupid. All the months I was left and just waiting waiting waiting. All the hope and his lies. How could it just happened, I did not see? How could he do this to me?

I am going to a friend in the village, drinking wine together. I do not want anymore to think today. I do not know why I am posting this. I go now.

Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-13)

I just arrived home. It was nice when I stepped in the garden. It is so beautiful here. It felt like air hugged me. Could he have missed me? It feels nice. It is nice to be missed. Folke will come in a few hours. I hope everything will be good.

Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-07)
No, no, Folke is not home now. He is until the end of this week in Norway. I will go back home at the end of the week. But it is nice to get to be away. Like I am on a pause.

Folke told me yesterday that maybe the holiday in august will not go through. I have had enough. It is been months for him not to be there for me. I told him that we need to talk. It is all not like we had planned. We bought this house together to share together. Now often he is not even there, and when he is he is so distanced.

I know not why he wanted to have this new job. It was not necessary. It must be different from now.

When I left the house. It felt heavy. Just as I was under water? The feeling was gone a few kilometers later. I just had to go. The situation as it was I could handle, was even nice (to have him in the garden and to have this connection), but the additional messing to my hand and fingers in the night. It is just too much.


valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-07-07)

I am not sure what to say here. On one hand, I am glad you were able to get away. On the other, I am sad that you had to leave your home and Folke.
I do not think the feelings of heaviness you had, paranormal. Sometimes when we do things that we really do not want to (breaking up with someone) it can feel as if we are moving through molasses.
Be safe.
Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-07)

I have managed to get away. I do not have much taken. The most important and the small harp. It was very difficult. All my movements felt heavy.

I am with my parents. It is nice. It is nice to sleep without earplugs and without someone playing to your fingers.

It is not as nice as home, but everything feels more easy. I let Folke know where I am. But I have had enough. Of both.

Valkricry, thank you for the reply. I do not have a depression, luckily. When I had stayed, maybe I would get one.

valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-07-04)
Nanja, I could have sworn I answered you... But I do not see the reply I thought I made. Maybe the gremlins ate it!
What does Folke make of your leaving? You do mean just leaving your home and not leaving Folke right?
It sounds like you have some depression going on.
Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-04)

I am very sorry that nobody has a answer. I know it is a old story for you. For me it is not old, but is now.
I think I need to leave here. I want to. But I do not succeed. Every time I try to fill my suitcase I get distracted and so fail to finish that day. It was tuesday like that, and yesterday too, and now today. I feel as if a iron is around my heart.

Any word of ease.
Thank you.

Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-02)

Tonight I woke up from my own tears. I was not happy in my dream. I felt someone holding my hand. I know who it was. It was very weird. I did not dare move. I have not done my eyes open. I woke up in the morning, so I fell asleep again. I have thinked all day on this, also at work. Everything feels wrong. I feel very uneasy. What should I do?

Thank you

valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-06-17)
Nanja, think positive. Those 2 weeks in August WILL be good. 😊
Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-17)

Valkricry, that is very friendly of you.
It is not because I am alone in question. I have two good friends in the area. I talk to them. It is more easy, because in Dansk. However, it is different, friends are nice, but is not the same as a husband.

Folke was home this weekend. I had looked at other jobs for him, more closer, but he did not like that.
He wants to do it himself. I just wait for august, two weeks together. Hopefully it will be good.

Thank you. It is very friendly.

valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-06-14)
Nanja, I understand what you are saying. If you look at my profile you will see the url for my website and a short description. You will also find my email on there. You can write me or visit my community. It might help take the edge off your lonliness, and it might help to talk too. I can not solve your problems but I can listen.
Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-13)

I tried, but he will not listen. He says he can not use the extra burden. So I am sweet when he is home, and cry when he is away. I do not understand. I have known him for so many years, from when we were kids.
He never found his work more important than our happiness. He is at a distance, still more so. I will wait for august. I do not know what else to do.

I am sorry to trouble you. This relationship problem is no paranormal thing.

valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-06-12)
Nanja, have you tried telling Folke how you feel? Not in an argumentive manner. Just tell him you miss him. If nothing else it gives him the chance to tell you that everything he's doing right now is for the two of you. I agree with Miracles and BJJ - men are curious reatures at best.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2013-06-12)
I have to second what Miracles said. Men are odd beasties, and rarely just say what's going on. Your husband may be under more work stress than he's letting on, this project may be what's financing the trip, who knows. Just be patient, you guys will have a great time on your trip in August.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-06-12)
Nanja - don't give up on him, okay? Men are definitely different creatures than we are, as I was recently reminded 😉 Just because he wants to get this project done, doesn't mean you aren't important to him, okay? Plan your trip, think about the good times you're going to have, love your husband 😊 Don't read too much into the fact that he wants to get his project done before you go. You can ruin your trip before you ever leave.
Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-12)

BadJuuJuu, thank you. It is good advice.
We had made plans to go somewhere in july. But he said last week that it will be august. The project he is working on will take longer. I have insisted very strongly to go somewhere more early, but he does not have time. It feels that, that I am not important to him. I can only wait and hope things go better.

BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2013-06-11)
If it's at all possible, I think maybe you and your husband should get away for a few days. Go on a trip, reconnect, de-stress. Just spend some quality time together. Leave the paranormal behind for a little while and just enjoy each other.
Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-11)

We live in a way isolated between two villages, no direct neighbours. 10 minutes by car to one village and 30 minutes to the other village.

I was home alone in the morning on my name day. I do not know who could put the flowers there. Maybe it was a person. I do not know. There was no card. Normally people come to the main door. There is a gate in the backgarden that goes to the forest. The flowers were not bound together, but braided.

It is not nice with Folke. I feel like there is a wall between us. I do not know him.

valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-06-11)
Hi Nanja,
Folke is very much stressed? I am sorry to hear that.
Your 'friend' is now leaving you flowers? Well, it isn't completely unheard of. Sometimes when fond fey will give tokens of affection - just as we do our friends. But are you sure they were not from a neighbor or friend?
Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-10)

I am back to give a update. It has not changed here. The earplugs still work well. I have not seen him thus. I am not awake in the night. I dare not sleep without them. It is all invisible. It is better in a way.

But not completely invisible. Things are happening.
Like, last week was my name day. In the morning I found a bunch of wild flowers at the back door.
They were not from Folke. He was not home. I think it was from him. He now gives offerings to me?
It is nice in a way to have someone nearby. Folke is so often away. When I am alone in the garden, I speak against him. As a kind of diary. I have never had the patience for a diairy, it is nice.
It feels as if he is listening. Folke is always so absent, even when home. I feel I can not talk to him anymore, very much stressed. I still hope that he will soon get another job, and everything will be as it was in the past.

Merlyn9394 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-09)
Dear nanja,
I liked your story so much that I have added it to my favorites.
Your friend seems to be a brownie fae or a fathon fae. They are not good looking but very benign.
Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-07)

Saille, thank you for the reply. Your words always make me feel easy about this unusual and weird situation.

Saille (1 stories) (34 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-06)

I have never left utensils with any of the offerings I have put out for my fae, but I imagine he would have comprehended the reason behind it.

As for his not eating? I do not know for sure what happens to the things I leave out, but I have never found left overs. It is always a clean plate that I find.

Am I understanding that you found the plate in another part of the garden?

I can tell you that when I was a child. I was living in a place that was new to me, and it was summer, so I had a great deal of time to explore.

I found what I decided was a faerie ring. Inside it were a robin's egg, and a feather. I wanted the feather and the egg as they were things I collected. I believed that it would be impolite to simply take something from the ring without leaving something behind.

So I went looking and found some flower petals and a small sprig of flowers and placed them into the ring after I removed the egg and the feather.

Now for the entire summer, I would go back to that spot and find different things inside the ring. Something different than what I had left, I always exchanged them for other things.

It only stopped when snow finally fell and I was no longer able to locate the ring.

Now I have no idea. What was taking the items I left, and I have no idea what was leaving the things I gathered that summer.

But I always felt as if I was exchanging things with the fae realm.

I guess the point of this response is simply to tell you that a little magic in your life is important, and if your plate is returned empty then the truth of what happened to your gift is unimportant. What matters is as others have said the spirit in which it is given. He knows, and regardless of weather he can actually eat it as we would, he is thankful I should think that you care enough to even offer such hospitality.

Merlyn9394 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-06)
Hello nanja,
It is generally understood that faes do not eat because they don't have physical bodies like we have. They just draw out its essence. This is the general view.
But your experience is so unusual that you have proved me wrong. Infact its so overwhelming that very few people can stake a claim to such an encounter.
Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-06)

Merlyn, if he ated it than he liked it. You wrote he does not eat? The cake was ok, not very special.
Folke is away each week for a few days, sometimes half a week. He is more often away now. And when he is home, he works a lot.

I do not know if he is still next to me. I have earplugs now. I do not hear him snore, so I do not wake up. But I believe he is still next to me.

Merlyn9394 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-05-06)
Its good to know that your friend liked the cake. Also he took it along to his favorite spot and ate it with pleasure.
He is so lucky as he can get to eat your cake! Do make one for me lol! You are alone nowadays and he is visiting you daily?
Nanja (1 stories) (30 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-06)

Valkricry, yes, that was what I mean. I have checked if I saw something from people. Whether there was a human there. In the garden we have no difficult fences. It could be. But I could not find anything.

I will not give a spoon again, just the dish.

I like that I can come here to talk and question about this. I do not have a person I can do this to against.

Thank you.


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