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Little Girl Being Mischevious


There's one encounter I have that still sends shivers down my spine when I think of it. I posted a story about a "man" I encountered when I was younger and he wore a brown suit. We moved to a new house a few months after that experience. That house was on a street called Williamson Avenue. In that house I've had a handful of experiences that I will tell eventually. This experience, however, ties in with them all, because it was my first ghost experience in the new house.

I was still in High School and every weekend I had a bunch of my best friends over to stay the night and hang out. It was a Saturday and, as usual, my friends were over that night. It was just another fun night, or so we thought! Around 2 am everyone was up still playing video games. There were 6 of us, focused on the screen with laughter and joy.

My buddy, Tanner, was in the doorway leading to the kitchen when he turned his head towards the living room/kitchen area. He looked back at me and said, "Is your sister Haley up?" I said, "No!" It was 2 am so we were the only ones up. He says to me, "Dude...I saw a little girl in a white dress run into the bathroom..." and as he said that his whole body went from a normal color to pale white. We curiously ran into the bathroom and saw nothing. I didn't think anything of it, we just assumed it was because we were tired.

A few months went by and I forgot all about it. It was a normal school night. Homework first then I went straight to my guitar. It was around 5 pm, and my mom was downstairs with my two sisters and my stepdad was also downstairs watching T.V. I was the only one upstairs playing guitar (I didn't know this at first). I always kept my door locked to keep my sisters from bugging me. I was in mid-song when I heard loud knocking on my door and child laughter. I quickly raced to the door and shouted at my sisters to quit bugging me. This went on for about thirty seconds, along with my doorknob rattling like someone was trying to break in. I finally got fed up and opened by door, and found no one there! I raced downstairs and asked my mom what the girls wanted. She looked at me with a puzzled look and said no one was upstairs and they've been downstairs helping her with dinner the whole time. I got pale white at that point and stayed downstairs the rest of the night.

My mom never talked about ghosts and seemed like a non-believer until she noticed a little girl in a white dress playing peek-a-boo in her closet. This confirmed to me that we had the spirit of a little girl at that house.

My family has had other experiences in that house that involved other spirits, some not so friendly, but the little girl always sticks out in my mind. It's been years since we've talked about her and even moved into a new house.

I moved out on my own shortly after and came by my mom's house one day to do some laundry. I curiously asked her if she remembered the "doorknob" experience. Puzzled, again, she said, "Oh, you mean Angelica?". I was shocked. She had a name for her! She said that the little girl followed my mom from the old house on Williamson to their new house and still likes to play peek-a-boo in her closet.

I feel bad for the spirit, and my mom says she is trying to help her move on... I'll always remember Angelica.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Baronessie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Baronessie (4 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-12)
Thanks everyone for the comments and the feedback! I'm writing a new story as we speak, but I talked to mother about Angelica yesterday and she said she doesn't really see her anymore. Every now and then she sees her but not as much.
Cliney1212 (4 stories) (121 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-10)
Hi baronessie I really like this story and am therefor adding it to my favourites... Angelica is very lucky to have found your mum... And I hope she crosses over soon:)
DelzLdy (2 stories) (50 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-10)
Rook and Hotrod - From my limited understanding, don't spirits often emulate in their spirit-life what they lived when alive? In other words, if when a spirit was alive it lived and believed in the Sikh religion, isn't it possible for it to continue to do so once it has passed on? If that person believed it was due sweets, nice clothes, etc while living, isn't it possible for that person/spirit to take those beliefs with them once they die?

If so, it is entirely possible for Hotrod's beliefs to be true.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-09)

It's bad enough that you and I have kind of hijacked Baronessie's comment section... A section that they were hoping to receive insight, advice and/or aid on. To further 'muddy' things by 'joking' about possible solutions is even worse than 'us' 'derailing' things the way we have.

Let's say we continue OUR conversation here...


It's one of my experiences and has become a 'go to' place for 'off topic' conversations that may prove informative to members.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-09)

My apologies that my 'question and answer' session has turned into lesson in World Religions.


Thanks for that post. 😉 My interest in Astral Projection, the Charka's and Reincarnation has provided some insight into those things... Not quite as detailed as you have provided but a basic overview is something I do have.


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-08)
From Wiki:
"Maya- defined as illusion or "unreality" - is one of the core deviations from the pursuit of God and salvation: people are distracted from devotion by worldly attractions which give only illusory satisfaction. However, Nanak emphasised maya; as not a reference to the unreality of the world, but of its values. In Sikhi, the influences of ego, anger, greed, attachment, and lust - known as the Five Evils - are believed to be particularly pernicious. The fate of people vulnerable to the Five Evils is separation from God, and the situation may be remedied only after intensive and relentless devotion"

"Sikh festivals/events

>Technically, there are no festivals in Sikhism. However, the events mostly centred around the lives of the Gurus and Sikh martyrs are commemorated. The SGPC, the Sikh organisation in charge of upkeep of the historical gurdwaras of Punjab, organises celebrations based on the new Nanakshahi calendar. This calendar is highly controversial among Sikhs and is not universally accepted. Sikh festivals include the following:

>Gurpurabs are celebrations or commemorations based on the lives of the Sikh gurus. They tend to be either birthdays or celebrations of Sikh martyrdom. All ten Gurus have Gurpurabs on the Nanakshahi calendar, but it is Guru Nanak Dev and Guru Gobind Singh who have a gurpurab that is widely celebrated in Gurdwaras and Sikh homes. The martyrdoms are also known as a shaheedi Gurpurabs, which mark the martyrdom anniversary of Guru Arjan Dev and Guru Tegh Bahadur. Since 2011 the Gurpurab of Guru Har Rai Sahib (March 14) has been celebrated as Sikh Vatavaran Diswas (Sikh Environment Day). Guru Har Rai was the seventh guru, known as a gentle guru man who cared for animals and the environment. The day is marked by worldwide events, including tree plantings, rubbish clearances and celebrations of the natural world.[39]
>Nagar Kirtan involves the processional singing of holy hymns throughout a community. While practiced at any time, it is customary in the month of Visakhi (or Vaisakhi). Traditionally, the procession is led by the saffron-robed Panj Piare (the five beloved of the Guru), who are followed by the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy Sikh scripture, which is placed on a float.
>Visakhi which includes Parades and Nagar Kirtan occurs on 13 April. Sikhs celebrate it because on this day which fell on 30 March 1699, the tenth Guru, Gobind Singh, inaugurated the Khalsa, the 11th body of Guru Granth Sahib and leader of Sikhs until eternity.
>Bandi Chhor celebrates Guru Hargobind's release from the Gwalior Fort, with several innocent Hindu kings who were also imprisoned by Jahangir, on 26 October 1619. This day usually commemorated on the same day of Hindu festival of Diwali.
>Hola Mohalla occurs the day after Holi and is when the Khalsa gather at Anandpur and display their individual and team warrior skills, including fighting and riding."

I don't know, but it appears to me that your statement "The dead are not supposed to be remembered" isn't exactly accurate.
Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)
Have you studied sikhism? It has a slightly different philosophy. I request you do research on sikhism. And I wus just joking about the topknot etc thing.
Lol.I enjoyed I too
Isolde (guest)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)
Sweets and clothes? Haha... LMAO
So, that's where the Halloween custom comes from: trick or treat (=haunt)!

Thank you, Hotrod, you just made my day.

...with a big smile on her face
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)

Thank you... I understand your last statement...
(this one)

"Thdre is a saying in punjab,india,the dead, wether a close family member or any one else cannot be taken for granted or relied upon. The dead don't spare even thier own offsprings. They are only interested in satisfying there desires.
The dead are not supposed to be remembered.
We are taught not to look back.
Not be attached with the memories of the departed."

Basicly, looking back... Dwelling on the past slows or halts 'forward progress' and can keep one from enlightenment.

If that's correct, then why interact or 'give in' to the spirits 'desires'...don't look back, do not be attached means just that... If they are gone then why 'do their bidding'?

As far your very last statement...

Are you really suggesting the O/P forsake everything?


valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-08)
Evidently Angelica has attatched herself to your mom. Very interesting that she can communicate with her, that is a rare gift. And the fact she sometimes brings along her brother? Very interesting.
Like Rook, I am curious as to if Angelica has shared anything else with your Mom.
Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)
Give all your possesions in charity. Wear only a loin clothe. Tie your hair in a topknot. Forsake maya. Do penance in a forest. Give up everything. It is a small price for enlightenment
Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)
Somethings only a native can underxtand.
Thdre is a saying in punjab,india,the dead, wether a close family member or any one else cannot be taken for granted or relied upon. The dead don't spare even thier own offsprings. They are only interested in satisfying there desires.
The dead are not supposed to be remembered.
We are taught not to look back.
Not be attached with the memories of the departed. You can compare the differences. I think you don't think thataways in the us.
Peace 😊
Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)
If you feel I am wrong I wouldn't mind if you said so...
Sometimes I feel that there ix a big cultural diff. Put yourself in my place.
Are my statements generalisation? I mean watt eggs actly you want to say?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)

I UNDERSTAND we belong to different Cultures, that is VERY Obvious. I am just trying to understand your 'point of view' and what has formed it as many of the things you say seem to contradict things I have come to understand with the research I have done. (I admit it in some areas that is not much) It's why I ask questions.

So, I hope the O/P will forgive me and I'll say this...


"Maybe we belong different cultures, we ecperience things differrntly."

Seems more like a side step rather than a true answer... I am actually curious concerning your 'point of view' and I'm trying to understand it. Sidestepping my questions just... Well I say it politely... It gives me pause when it comes to your 'general statements'.


Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)
Greetings.From my personal experience I can say that 'attached' spirits like the one in this account have human desires and needs. They expect the people to whom they are attached to fulfill there demands. Maybe we belong different cultures, we ecperience things differrntly.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-08)

Thanks for sharing, did I read things right... This spirit followed your Mom from one home to another?

I'm glad this is a positive spirit, but it sounds as if she may have attached herself to your Mother and if 'Angelica' is truly 'earth bound' and has not 'crossed over' then returned she needs to be 'shown the way'. Perhaps a Priest Blessing or a Long heart felt talk from your Mother will help her find her way to the 'Light'.

Did 'Angelica' share anything else with your Mother about her past, other than the fire? If Angelica's Parents Loved her, and they have passed on, then they should be looking for her... This information may help her to 'move on' as well.

Now please pardon the interruption...


WHAT?!? What exactly do you mean by this statement...

"Spirits contact us when they want deliverance. Or it can be some mundane things like sweets, clothes and so on."

I can agree that they will 'make contact' when they seek deliverance... Because they will do that. As well as wanting to be noticed or to communicate.

But why would a 'spirit' want 'sweets, clothes' or other material items? They have no need for them. If the 'spirit' is requesting a 'peace offering' then its not such a 'nice spirit' and measures need to be taken to rid oneself of it. Give me sweets or I shall Haunt you? REALLY?

Or are you making a reference to leaving 'offerings' to/for our Ancestors? WHICH is a wee bit different and is a show of Respect for ones Family Roots but NOT, at least from what I understand, NOT because a spirit has 'said'..."Give me Candy."


Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-07)
Looks like your mom can communicate with the spirit people. Spirits contact us when they want deliverance. Or it can be some mundane things like sweets, clothes and so on. Spirits behave a lot like humans. If they demand xomething from you then one has to donate it to someone who is needy or poor, and of same age,sex.Some people place the request items in temples, free kitchens or orphanages. After fulfilling their desires the spirits may move on to the next realm. 😊
Baronessie (4 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-07)
[at] Valkricy, My mother said that the little girl told her that her name was Angelica, she even said how she died (house fire). Crazy stuff! I've never been able to talk to a spirit like that, my mom has a gift. [at] Zack84 Yes, I wasn't scared at all. I feel that the little girl is just a lost soul, doesn't mean any harm. My mom sees her everyday she says and every time tells her to move on, or pass on. I haven't experienced the little girl in years. My mom says she brings her little brother along too, and his name is Charles. They both passed away in a house fire (not sure what date although my mom has told me before).
valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-07)
Did you ever get a chance to ask your mom how she knows the little girl's name? I only ask because although it is more common for people to 'name' their ghost (sometimes through research, sometimes they just like the name) once in awhile a spirit will actually introduce themselves. Not important, I'm just nosey that way! 😆
I'm with Zack, it certainly does sound intelligent and not residual.
Zack84 (8 stories) (32 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-06)
A very nice story! My first reaction is always to check for a scientific explanation but from your account it certainly appears to be more of an intelligent "haunting." I'm glad you approached this experience with curiosity rather than fear. I've always felt that was the best approach.

I hate to hear people say the first reaction is one of terror, particularly in cases like this where the entity is clearly not hostile or threatening. She may or may not "move on" particularly if she feels safe in this environment. You may even come to think of her as part of the family. 😉

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