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The Shadow I Saw


It was the 15th of December 2012 and my fiance's grandad had died. He was diagnosed with cancer in July 2012 and I met him for the first time in September 2012. His last words to me were, "The next time I see you we will go for a drink." Unfortunately this wasn't the case.

My partner flew to Ireland whilst his grandad was in the hospice. He rang me at roughly 11pm to say his grandad had died. I got the boat over the next day on the 16th of December. We had a 3 day wake for the man and then the funeral. The night before the funeral everyone was shattered. My in-laws went to bed and myself and my partner were sitting in the front room talking about his grandad. We got up, walked into the next room where his grandad was laying in an open coffin, my partner kissed him on the forehead, said goodnight and we went upstairs to bed.

The room we were in was like an attic room (where the ceiling is slanted) we got into bed. After a kiss and a cuddle, my partner rolled over to go to sleep. I turned the bedside light on to have a cigarette and whatever way I looked over to the left of the room I saw a shadow. It was moving... Very clear... But there was no sound. I waited for a few minutes, thinking I was going mad and then pulled my phone out and took a photo. I woke my partner up straight away and he seen it but was too scared and told me to turn the light off.

The next morning I showed my mother-in-law.

Here is the original photo taken on a blackberry phone:


Here is the image pointed out:


And here is the image in different styles:


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, myprincess90, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

myprincess90 (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-06-26)
Anyone else? I noticed a few of you have commented but then never got back to my response?
myprincess90 (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
That is very strange mothpete 😜

I would be interested to see if I could send these pictures to someone "professional" to have a look at them and give their opinion?
Mothpete (8 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-17)
This is kind of a strange coincidence since reading this story. My 6 year old boy just told me that he saw a shadow face the size of a cat's head go up his wall. He knows nothing of this story and we never talk of such things with him. It's an unusual thing for him to say. Weird. I'm in central Australia... We don't have 'ghosts' here 😜
Gardener38 (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-16)
I can see the face, to me it pops out more in the purple image. His chin looks like its a little long and tad crooked.
Mothpete (8 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-16)
And thank you MP90 for updating your story. That's truly perplexing and creepy stuff.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-15)
I love this story, it's sweet and very heartfelt.
Thanks for sharing. I can clearly makeout a coat hanger and the left-hand side. And it looks like the figure is wearing a turned up collar?
myprincess90 (1 stories) (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-15)
Thank you for your replies.

The house we were in has 1 and a half floors. By that I mean... There is a ground floor and there is an upstairs that looks like a loft conversion but its not. There is 4 rooms upstairs and this picture was taken in the very end room of the house.

The shadow is on the slanted wall which connects to the ceiling, Think of an attic and its slanted wall?
The objects in the picture are a wooden coat hook You would usually find one of these inside your front door where you hang you coats & jackets. The things hanging from the hooks (Which can't really be seen in the photo) is a hanger with my partners funeral suit on and on another hook is a spare hanger. Nothing else. The room is quite bare. Apart from the wooden coat hook, our suitcases, the bed, bedside table and the lamp there is nothing else in the room. It has not been used as a bedroom for many years.

When I say the "shadow" was moving but there was no sound... It was like watching an old black and white fuzzy tv on mute. The shadow appeared to be talking to someone sitting next to it. The head turned to its right, our left... (as you would if you were having a conversation with someone sitting next to you on the sofa/couch) it then looked back again in my direction... But never looked directly at me. It was like they wanted to be noticed but not to make contact. It was there the minute I turned the lamp on... Long enough to blink a few times and watch as it moved, take a photo and wake up my partner who saw it clearly and ordered me to turn the light off again. I have no idea how long it stayed for but it was gone the following night.

Feel free to ask anymore questions.
SmokenMirrors (6 stories) (78 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-15)
Can't really make out much from the first two but in the ones where the pictures have been color filtered a face like shadow is there.

Most noticeable in the red (ish) image.

Like Rook I would like to know what the objects in the photo are?
Mothpete (8 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-15)
Pareidolia (a psychological phenomenon involving a vague stimulus being perceived as significant), is a very common optical illusion. Having said that, and while I'm careful not to rest my beliefs on such pictures, you did say this was moving, and not so fast that you could take a picture, and there does seem to be a definable and unsettling face in that shadow. Brilliant. Thanks for sharing them.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-15)
Hi myprincess90, honestly I do not see any shadows or faces from out of the links you have given except some objects. I have the same doubt as Rook. What place in the room was this?

Regards and respects to you.

valkricry (49 stories) (3296 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-05-15)
Yep, had to copy and paste the links. I couldn't see anything until I zoomed in a bit. Then the face was pretty clear.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-15)
Ok, I got the links to work... After a cut and paste job.

There is something... Which part of the room was this? Was it near the ceiling?...The floor? What are the objects we see in the photo... Non 'shadow/face'?


Libbylou39 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-15)
I see part of a face. It's pretty distinct. Very interesting. The links worked for me on an iPad mini by copying and pasting.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-15)
I will say this... And I do not mean any disrespect by doing so...

You said his Grandfather said...

""The next time I see you we will go for a drink.""

If I understand the 'wake' concept the next time you saw him, you had a drink 'for' him.

Again, I mean no offense, but it seems Grandfather was right...


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-15)
Hard to say... The links are not working, even If I copy and paste them...


Cyborg-Siren (1 stories) (8 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-14)
Hi myprincess90, just wondering, um what exactly are we meant to be seeing in the photo? I can't notice anything...:P

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