I have way to many experiences! And one happened today. August 27,2007, after I got off the bus, I happened to look, and I saw the shadow man I've been seeing lately cross the dang corner of the house as if he was going to the backyard! Oh and I could see fine on the corner and gate, so once he turned he disappeared!
Here's another one, one day I decided to go ahead and talk to them and see where they were buried. Here is what I found out, by the way, I wrote it all down. Lela was born in 1456 and died in 1855. I think they messed it up by accident, but who knows? She's buried in Helen Cemetary which creeps me out! I read this book called, "Here comes Helen", it had a huge church that is now a house and a burned down place near it, then a gigantic cemetery! That's a real place and it's in Texas. That's where Lela is buried.
Then Aelx was born in 1855 and died in 1856. He lived in Dallas. I have a family that lived on this very lot that I am living on for a while! They had 3 babies but they died. I was just amazed at how much information I got just by asking about 3 questions.
I went into the bathroom and forgot to turn on the light, so I decided to look in the mirror for some reason and saw a black figure behind me, it freaked me out! Next it was in the night and everyone was gone, so suddenly I felt the urge to look down and pet a cat. I looked down and saw nothing nor felt anything, but finally I gave in! I could sense a cat's form and started petting it like how I would pet any other cat. Then it just walked away and the feeling left! I have 2 ghost cats here, one is black the other is white. There are twins who own these cats and they like to come over here to play with their cats since they leave them here. Now let me see, gotta go and eat dinner soon!