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Real Ghost Stories

Hat Man


I think I've finally scrounged up enough courage to put this account to the jury of readers here on YGS. These experiences have confused and befuddled me for years. Being somewhat logical in searching for answers to events, I'm torn between what my logical mind is stating and what my senses have defined as truly paranormal. There are several members here who can identify with the ability to "see" spirits with the mind's eye, and it's this ability that has me questioning my logic.

We all know about "sleep paralysis" and the dreamlike hallucinations one can have upon waking (because of a continuation of a dream) and finding one's self without the ability to move or speak, but what about when it occurs prior to falling asleep? Perhaps I should elaborate.

There have been times when soon after I lay down to sleep (sometimes only seconds after) I can visualize/sense a presence. Normally, he is standing close beside me, although many times I've "seen" him standing in a doorway to the room I'm in. He is who most of us call "the Hat Man" and he gives off a very spooky vibe. He is pitch black, wears a wide brimmed hat and a trench coat. He never moves, neither closer nor further away. Sometimes, I lie awake trying not to close my eyes because I KNOW what's coming next. Soon after the visualization, my ears begin to ring, my head starts to "buzz" (vibrating brain? LOL), and from there the buzz takes over my body and sends me into paralysis. I feel like he's trying to gain access to my innermost thoughts and emotions. Not possession, mind you, but more like being "read". I should mention that one of my biggest fears is being smothered or drowned and the feeling I get during an episode is that of being buried alive. Not the physical sensation of pressure but that I'm running out of air.

I've had these episodes most of my life, way before I knew what a "shadow person" or who the "Hat Man" was (and WAY before Reverend Kane). Words can't express the fear that overtakes me when I can hear the activities of others (real, live people) in the area and am powerless to alert them. There have been times when the ringing in my ears begins, then the vision. The only time I can control the progress of the paralysis is during the ear ringing. Once the buzz comes, it's too late. I haven't had an episode in quite a while, but I feel it's because of my discovery on how to gain control of the situation. Once I learned how to snap myself out during the ear ringing the occurrences became fewer and fewer, and eventually stopped altogether.

There you have it, guys. I've been a member of this site for a few years but was hesitant to submit an account on this subject due to my confusion about whether these occurrences are paranormal or not. I'm still confused LOL, but after hearing and reading about others' experiences with this phenomenon, I'm leaning toward paranormal. Something else I should note is that I have had "normal" episodes of sleep paralysis, sans the ear ringing, buzzing and Hat Man. Any insight and opinions are welcome.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, zzsgranny, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-08)
Azraa: To give you a quick answer to your question, the more I research and gather information, the less I know haha. I know this thread got off track for a little bit, but if you go to the bottom of the comments there's a link to previous comments. Some pretty good discussions there.

Thank you for reading, and I'll be sure to read your submission if it get published.
Azraa (1 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-08)
Hey zzgranny, your story really scared me because I too have seen the shadow hat man and I already submitted my story which is yet waiting to be published but I forgot to mention that he too was standing near my bedroom's door. Have you found anything else regarding this entity and what does he want?
I would be thankful for any response
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-07-18)
Hahaha - how dare you mod me, granny 😆 I felt the sting of the ruler LOL Eh, you know I didn't mind 😊 ❤
callmeD (3 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
Thanks! Message sent. If you feel I will benefit from posting it here, feel free to copy and paste it. Hopefully you don't think I'm crazy.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)

Ok...D, 😁

Please send that e-mail...unless you do not mind asking in the 'open forum' (others may have the same question, but are too nervous to ask) then pick any of my experiences. I will do my best to answer whatever questions you may have.


callmeD (3 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
By sacrifice, did he mean humans? My culture still practice sacrifice, but if animals. Largest being a cow. Joyt's claims are pretty ludacris, but who knows. Humans, has got to be the most unpredictable species of beings in the world.
Rook, may I ask you a question via email? I've been reading a lot of the stories on this site, and read a lot of comments. It seems as though you've been a constant and very insightful. I'm just trying to understand things I've been trying to avoid for as long as I can remember. Thanks. Or anyone on here for that matter, who has the time and don't mind me asking questions that may seem ordinary maybe paint me strange.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
Well I was hopeing to he could respond to my 'questions' or statements but I think the reaction to my question about 'age' says all we really need to know.

Thanks for the chance anyways... 😉

(Too Much, the Magic Bus... To Much, the Magic Bus...)



Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
granny - I was trying to stay away from this, but I have to say thank you and I wish I could give you a hug. I had the same freaking questions / thoughts going through my mind. The only thing that made even a smidgen of sense to me is this one either seriously believes he is something he is not or he is, as BJJ put it, role playing. Either way, this is not something we want influencing our site. From here on out, I will delete any comments from him regardless the content.

So, please members, do not interact with him. Although I did give you a hearty Hell yeah! Rook 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
"Well I meant by that was, miracle could perform a revile ritual and understand why I was there on first place. But after that I shifted my plain and saw the aura surrounding miracle and realized I need to write it via email."

Here's what I derive from that statement:
1) The aura you saw around Miracles won't allow you to communicate with/read her psychically so that means her shield is strong. Good for her ❤.
2) The fact that you attempted to communicate with/read her just pisses me off because you have no right to do that. Just because you have the ability to do something doesn't mean you should. This is going against the basic unwritten guidelines of abilities and your actions could harm the person who hasn't given you permission, as well as you. NOT good Karma, in my opinion.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
In answer to your question concerning age (Hit a sore spot did I?)

Age has to to with knowledge, control, wisdom, experience...ect. Just because you have learned to use something it does not mean you can 'control it' nor does it mean you 'mastered' it.

Example: Gun Control is being able to hit your target... Learned pretty quickly... Always hitting a bullseye? Some people NEVER master that.


BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
Sacrifice? Really?
I don't know if you actually believe this stuff, or if you've mistaken our site for an rpg, but stop. You may have noticed in our guidelines that mods are permitted to delete comments that are too juvenile. Treating this site like a game forum is pretty juvenile.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
Granny I LOVE you, have I told you that reently? (😉 ❤ 😲)


(Cracks knuckles... Clears throat... Oh wait I'm typing...LoL)


Let's back up a wee bit... You mentioned your background and I would like to start there...

You have stated this... (Your statment in quotes, my replies, questions and or statments in ()...)

"My background
I have control over few elements air water earth and thunder" (Sister site topic... Control I do not beleive... Draw energy from I accept, BESIDES thunder is NOT an element. If these REALLY could be controled either there would be no hunger, drought, 'natural disaters... Or there would be complete chaos... Depending on who 'controls' them.)

"I have control on spirit as well" (Unsure what you mean by this...)

"I don't commune with Angels or demons rather I am blessed with borrowing power directly from realms of heaven and hell." (I have to ask which Religions Heaven and Hell... There are many. As far a borrowing 'power' directly from either... Who 'blessed you with this ability?)

"I have gift of foresight, true sight, silver tongue"
(foresight= gift, true sight= disecernment=gift, silver tongue= ability to lie and be beleived, at least I have been taught that).

"I can access and open gates of heaven and hell"
(Who provided the Keys and why give them to a mere Mortal? The keys to these Gates are not for 'us' to hold or have.)

"I can invoke gods of ancient and ask for aid"
(The 'gods of ancient' what? Ancient Egypt, Norse... Roman which ones... And be advised in 'my book' these are nothing more than 'Strong Fay' that interacted with Humans... They are not Gods.)

"I can call upon neutral magic..."
(Please define Neutral Magic... All 'power or energy' is neutral until used... Then purpose dictates 'good, neutral or evil')

"...and as I mentioned in email can communicate with princes of hell."
(Again I ask which Religion? Perhaps what you call Hell means something different to others.)

"For the god in heaven, his response to me is abstract I feel and know my answers but never he appears in spectral form except for once."
(Heavenly Father gave us Free Will and if we choose wisely and 'walk a good path' we also receive the POWER of discernment which helps guide us when it comes to 'knowing' right from wrong... Good from evil... You need not follow a particular Religion to receive this 'gift' just be, Just, Honest and True in your Life.)

Ok...that covers your background let's move on to your last comment about the experience this all started on...

"as for rahul.
The land he lives in, I have been there.
That place is full of neutral magic, I know this because I had seen it. To top it that earth had witnessed violence for power of darkness."
(I have already asked about this so I will not do so again.)

"Tat makes the entity if it is still neutra, very much sensitive towards negative emotions. And a neutral entity if provoked can't be chased away with any kind of magic be it black or white. The only way to calm it is if a conduit stars with negative emotion and after the entity latches changes his emotions to neutral again. Very difficult for a large number of practitioners to attain."
(Practioners of what? I ask again... The 'energy' the stars can provide is as various as they are... Calm 'white' stars... Violent Super Nova's...even Rip them apart with Gravity Black Holes can provide power... But one has to feel what each type of 'energy' each individual star provides... They are not JUST negitive or neutral.)

"I could opt to lock it under Lucifer's domain but there is a heavy price to pay if I open the gate again. I have to draw constant energy from earth since I had visions so with open gates that will result severe quakes. I can't avoid even if I try."
(Sorry I do not mean to sound 'mean' but I do not believe you can channel enough energy from 'earth' to cause a Quake... Our bodies, mind and souls have 'built in limiters that 'should' prevent us from channeling too much energy... If we try we either 'burn out' our minds (go nuts) or burn out our bodies (physical ailments or even death.)

"I could have just heal rahul but I don't wish to engage empathy as that will cause the karmic balance of his life to disrupt as with that I would bring him super good luck."
(I am an Empath and 'engaging' empathy, at least to me, means I can 'feel and understand' what someone is going through emotionally... It has nothing to do with Karma... Balance or Luck.)

Alright, there it is... And I went easy on you... I hope you engage in this conversation and do not run away becasue I find it fasicnating.

Consider the BS Flag tossed and could those of you on the Bus please break out the EXTRA LARGE BS Blankie...thanks.


jyoti-mj (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
And yep this I forgot. Earth is a form of energy and it is not dumb that it won't know actual truth. Try looking for people who can actually perform reveal rituals they will provide you proof enough. Don't Google try old school search methods i.e. Asking around.
jyoti-mj (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
First what does how old is one affect this discussion?
Second I didn't say that I know where his apartment is. I said I have been to the place, rajnagar extension, if earth has holds magic then it doesn't mean in the area of 2bhk. And google doesn't have all answers. And what I meant with 'for power of darkness' I meant ritualistic sacrifices and a whole lot of it.
Third earth holds memories and knowledge. Especially the incidents of great intensity. And you said in that poem, ain't here to force feed. You can choose to believe or opt to reject, your free will as it is the free will of others whom I am trying to communicate with because of my visions, rather trying to negate those. My obligation is to try rest I don't have control over
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
Thank you granny for giving Rook permission! Me thinks this will be fascinating. Rook, please proceed! (waiting anxiously with Miss Demeanor ticket in hand) 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
I await the MODS for certian permissions as some of the 'topics' I wish to discuss with you will not actually concern 'Ghosts or Spirits'. Now being here on a 'netural thread' however I am hopeful they will say 'yes'.

Earth will only confirm what YOU believe to be true not what actually is true... So I shall refrain from doing so (besides there are other opitions). Now back to some things I can ask...

First a question I hope you do not find too personal... How old are you?

Second: From your comment I take it you live in or are very familure with India, and that is fine however I must ask this... How do you 'know' just where Rahul lives in Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad. I did a quick search and found... Well this... There is an area called Raj Nagar as well as an area called the Raj Nagar Extension.

The only 'Dark' history a quick search revels is this...

"Ghaziabad was associated with the Indian independence movement from the Indian Rebellion of 1857. During that rebellion, there were fierce clashes between the British forces and Indian rebel sepoys on the banks of the Hindon, and the rebels checked the advancing British forces coming from Meerut."

While 'war' can be dark, this sounds 'Positive' for the natives of the area so I am unsure what this statement of yours means...

"To top it that earth had witnessed violence for power of darkness."

Unless WAR itself equals 'power of darkness'.

Again I refrain from commenting on some of your other statments without written approval from a MOD. (Please, Oh Please, pretty, pretty Please?)


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
Rook: By all means. I just didn't want to take up the other person's thread. I'm interested in all of this.
jyoti-mj (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
If mods permit then do ask. But I would ask you this why won't you channel earth and find out the truth your self. I mean as far as I see your methods are close to earth.
jyoti-mj (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
as for rahul.
The land he lives in, I have been there.
That place is full of neutral magic, I know this because I had seen it.
To top it that earth had witnessed violence for power of darkness. Tat makes the entity if it is still neutra, very much sensitive towards negative emotions. And a neutral entity if provoked can't be chased away with any kind of magic be it black or white. The only way to calm it is if a conduit stars with negative emotion and after the entity latches changes his emotions to neutral again. Very difficult for a large number of practitioners to attain.
I could opt to lock it under Lucifer's domain but there is a heavy price to pay if I open the gate again. I have to draw constant energy from earth since I had visions so with open gates that will result severe quakes. I can't avoid even if I try.
I could have just heal rahul but I don't wish to engage empathy as that will cause the karmic balance of his life to disrupt as with that I would bring him super good luck.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)

Ah, interesting background... The sister site for Psychic's and such may be a better fit for you... Although your intresting perspective may help some here with their experiences you will have to explain things using 'plainer speech' than you have been.

I mention a 'few' things in my profile, but I am also familure with channeling energies from various locations.

There are a couple of things you say you 'can do' which make me want to 'cry BS' and let loose the Miss Demeanor and her entire Crew of Troll Busters! But I will refrain from that and ask about each of those things I question...

But First...

MODS can I do this here? Please?


jyoti-mj (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
Well I meant by that was, miracle could perform a revile ritual and understand why I was there on first place. But after that I shifted my plain and saw the aura surrounding miracle and realized I need to write it via email.
My background
I have control over few elements air water earth and thunder
I have control on spirit as well
I don't commune with Angels or demons rather I am blessed with borrowing power directly from realms of heaven and hell.
I have gift of foresight, true sight, silver tongue
I can access and open gates of heaven and hell
I can invoke gods of ancient and ask for aid
I can call upon neutral magic and as I mentioned in email can communicate with princes of hell.
For the god in heaven, his response to me is abstract I feel and know my answers but never he appears in spectral form except for once.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
About 13 hours ago you posted this as part of your comment and it seemes to be directed at one of the MOD's, Miracles51031, to be exact...

"I don't like been told what to do and I sense that suggestion of your was more negative than positive so I humbly thank you and ask you to consult the expert in your sister's site about the reason and ramification of me finding you or I could suggest a more convincing reveal ritual of myactions in last month. You ll know what I mean."

There is a chance this has been misunderstood but I am pretty sure that part of your comment is what started this whole thing.

I will say this, I am curious about your 'background' concerning the Paranormal... Sharing that on your profile could prevent misunderstandings.

Just saying...


jyoti-mj (guest)
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
I never threatened anyone or anybody. I really don't get what is the threat you are talking about?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-15)
jyot-mj: I'm bringing the conversation to one of my own threads so we don't detract from Rahul_Kumar's comments thread.

I have read the e-mail. I understand your desire to be helpful, really I do. Many of our members are also members on the psychic site so we do have among us those who can identify with psychic abilities/strengths. However, this is a site for ghost stories and, for a lot of us, a means to commune with those who share not only our belief in the paranormal, but also to assist us in possibly providing reasonable explanations to those experiences.

That being said, no matter the circumstances or state of mind, threats will not be tolerated. No kind. Physical, psychical, electronic or otherwise. You're welcome to our site, especially if you can in any way help the O/P.

I have company in town so I may not be able to get back on here for a while.
Darkangel73 (4 stories) (127 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-24)
I am glad to know I am not the only one who has seen this character! I had experienced the sleep paralysis a couple of weeks ago never to the extreme of ringing, but I have felt like someone was standing behind me. I don't know its a feeling of vulnerability I do not like!
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2013-09-08)
Anytime lol. What are friends for? 😊 ❤ 😊
Not 50. Hm.
"It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool."
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-09-08)
BJJ: 😆 Thanks for letting me dump on you!
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2013-09-08)
Sure I can do that.
Hm, must use 50 characters...
A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says "why the long face?"
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-09-08)
BJJ: I'm glad you're here today. I have a few questions for that I'd rather keep private at this time, and I don't know if I have your current e-mail address 😆. Since I really hate hate those MAILDAEMONS can I get you to shoot me an e-mail? Thanks!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-09-03)
ConfederateGhost: Everything's well with me, thank you for asking. And thank you for reading and commenting.

Val: So sorry, I fully intended to address your comment but it slipped my mind 😆. I'm glad you were able to debunk your Hat Man. Proof positive that a little investigation and ingenuity can make a scary situation laughable! 😆 Thanks for the update ❤

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