Hello everybody, it's been a while since I've been on this site, due to school and stuff, I haven't had the time for internet but I have a story to tell that happened recently over the past few weeks. I was with my mom in the car, we had just picked up a pizza from Little Ceaser's and were heading to H-E-B to buy my little brother a cake, since it was his birthday.
We got off to choose the cake and you know, we were just inspecting all the cakes they had on sale, seeing which one was the cheapest but most appetizing. We finally both came to the choice of the small, rectangular chocolate cake for 8 bucks, had it decorated and all the stuff, and got ready to leave. I, for one, really needed to go visit mother nature, so I decided to use a restroom in the store.
I went into the bathroom, which for some reason was completely deserted and as creepily dark as halloween night, but this was an emergency so I had to be brave. I switched on the lights, did my thing and went to the sink to wash my hands. I turned on the faucet, washed my hands and I'm a girl, so I had to take a checking at myself in the mirror (don't all you girls out there do too?) I looked into it for about a minute and then I could just make out the shape of a person's body just standing a couple of feet away from me. I was paralyzed, I didn't know what to do until the person in the mirror started descending towards me slowly, at that I screamed and ran out of there faster than you can say, "scared to hell!".
This was the first experience that I had that had to do with me actually seeing something out of the normal. What do ya'll think? Do you think that it's me, being too obsessed about these things and then my head creating weird shapes? Did I just imagine this, or is there really the genuine spirit of a deceased person in that restroom? Any suggestions...