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I Think He Is Back


Firstly, this could just be the result of an overactive imagination, but somehow I doubt it. Also I'm sorry if this is long.

To give you some background to help this flow better as you read, I live in the rural parts of Darwin, Northern Territory. My parents just bought a large block of land. It gets pretty hot here during the wet season (between October and April).

So one day it was a shocker (really, really hot and humid). I decided to go for a swim with one of my close mates Brad. He and I were having fun swimming and playing volleyball in my backyard when I looked over into the garden, which further back turns into bush-land, and I saw a man standing behind a palm tree. He was extremely tall maybe 6ft8. He had a hat like the Blues Brothers and a long dark trench coat. He sort of looks like this:

Anyway, I climbed out of the pool and he turned behind the tree. I ran to where he was and he was gone. Brad thought I was nuts (great mate, huh?)

Over the next few weeks I saw him often. I would come out of the shower and open the window to air the bathroom out and I would see him just standing there. Our cat Diego refused to leave the grass and venture into the garden as he always used to. Both of our budgies died on the same night with no apparent trauma. The vet said that they died from the cold?!? In the middle of summer as well, air conditioners are working overtime to keep the house cool and our birds die while outside from the cold?

While preparing for an upcoming motocross race one night, I was outside in the shed working on my bike. The weather was terrible, the wind was howling, the lightening and thunder roared. I just opened both the shed doors at each end to let the wind flow through.

I heard a huge BANG! I spun around, thinking lightening had stuck our other little garden shed. I was staring towards the small shed, when another lightening bolt stuck somewhere in the sky. I saw him clear as day standing next to the shed. I only thought that sort of thing happened in the movies! So as you can imagine I ran from the shed straight to my Mum... I'm 18 but she can still save me... Teenager logic.)

This is a little off topic but I promise it will make sense later on. So a week later I went to the movies with a friend of mine Maddi. We went and saw a horror movie. There was a demon in this movie and he looked like this:

So when we got home, as you can imagine, I was freaked out especially after seeing the hat guy. I also began to notice that this Hat guy was coming closer to me. About a week after I saw the movie, I was still seeing the Hat guy everywhere. When I was driving home from work, training and I saw him once during a motocross race. I saw him in the stand. I looked twice which caused me to crash and spend the night in hospital.

Upon my return home after the accident at racing, I was asleep in my room when I woke suddenly to see him outside my window patting the demon from the horror movie on the head. I screamed and my little brother (who is 11 months younger than me and 6ft3) came running in. He grabbed a torch and took off outside. I could see him out there telling this thing to piss off and leave his sister alone. This was a year ago.

I hadn't seen him since until last night. We have moved to another rural area and built a house. I was driving home from my boyfriend's at around 9 last night. When I saw the Hat guy run from one side of the road to the middle, just as I passed him I touched the brakes so the back lights came on and I saw him clear as a bell in the middle of the road through my rear view mirror. I freaked big time. I've just bought a Holden V8 SSV Ute so it's really fast and I floored it all the way home... It's a miracle I still have my license actually.

I wasn't going to share this story because I thought it was just my mind being over active. But now I'm second guessing that. If he can follow me from house to house will he ever stop? I need help with this one, guys... Comments and thoughts will be much appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, AussieChick95, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

samdew518 (4 posts)
11 years ago (2014-06-24)
Have you ever touched a old or ancient hat or something that you think can belong to the "HAT MAN"that could be your solution.
AussieChick95 (10 stories) (40 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-29)
angela_marie97, I do believe that the Demon in which I saw the "hat man" patting was indeed my imagination using the fear that I already had for this hat man to frighten me further. Hence why I mentioned the movie to explain where my imagination got it from... I hope that clears your doubts...
angela_maria97 (14 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-29)
well after I saw the first photo you posted... My thoughts on this subject is that it is fake yes I understand that the hat man has been all around you but I don't think the demon from the horror film insidious is with him I just think you were overacting after watching such film
AussieChick95 (10 stories) (40 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-28)
I will try the crystals and let you know how they go, I'm sure as hell not brave, I think I just got an adrenaline rush after reading everyone comments online about facing him. It has now been 2 nights without incident and I hope that this continues.:) Thanks for all your help guys.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-08-28)
I put mine in a bowl of salt overnight when they need cleansed. Unless its something that is delicate and the salt crystals would be too abrasive. Those are put out in sunlight for a few hours. Guess we all have our own ways of doing things lol.
Aussie, you are either brave, or insane. Either way, I applaud you. My opinion on darker entities is that personal confidence and empowerment are the only ways to really deal with them. You showed strength.
For crystals, my personal recommendation would be garnet (converts negative energy to positive) rose quartz (boosts feelings of love and peace) and smoky quartz to protect against negative energy. Those are just crystals that I like, if you like something else better then try it. Some people get along with some crystals better than others. Hematite is also supposed to be good for protection, but I just don't click with hematite so can't give my opinion on it.
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-28)
Hey! I agree with Redwolf and Granny. Crystals are good. When I was going through a difficult time with spirits not leaving me alone I was advised by a medium to get myself a black Tourmaline stone as it protects against negative spiritual energy. If you're up for something like this give it a try 😉
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-08-28)
RedWolf: Close 😆. I usually put mine out all night on a full moon. And just for extra good measure, the day before and after LOL. If you need a quick cleanse, you can run them under cool water. Probably should do that once a week, or when you start feeling yucky vibes.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-28)
I'm glad people have mentioned wearing crystals. You should go to a shop that sells crystals. Try to find one that gives you a good vibe. See if you can get a bag that you can hang around your neck or make it into a neckless. Keep it on and don't let anyone else handle it. Now anyone jump in to correct me if I'm wrong here. I heard that you should cleanse itt once a month during a full moon by holding it under running water for a few minutes and if possible do this in a room where the moonlight can shine through the window. If that isn't possible take it out into the moonlight for a few minutes to let the crystal catch the light of the moon.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-08-27)
Goodness, Aussie! That was some adventure you had. I'm glad you weren't hurt or anything. Holding and rocking Jack doesn't sound stupid to me. Kittens and puppies are just furry babies after all. Stay strong, this creature might try a few more times, but once it knows you aren't afraid anymore, it'll leave.
AussieChick95 (10 stories) (40 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-27)
Thanks every-one for your comments they are much appreciated. Unfortunately today I have an update and another sighting to report.

We have just bought a Purebred Blue Heeler and called him Jack. He is currently 8 weeks old, I'm training Jack at the moment and last night I thought I would put him on the chain (Leash) for half and hour just so he gets used to it. I clipped him onto a chain which is on our deck and sat about 3 meters away at the out side table on the phone. It was about 10 O'clock at night, I was happily talking on the phone when Jack began to yap at something under the deck (underneath him). I told him to be quiet and went back to my conversation, He began to yap again, I finished my call and went to sit with him, I just thought he was getting frustrated with the chain as its a new experience for him. When he crawled into my lap and began to whimper and cry. I held him close and the wind picked up and the temperature dropped a few degrees, not by much but enough for me to notice. I sat there with him in my lap rocking him (I know it stupid because hes a dog but hes only a baby and something had scared him) Jack let out another yap this time towards the trees and Rusty (our 12 year old Red Heeler) came up behind me and looked towards the trees and began to bark. This got me worried because Jack being 8 weeks would be afraid of anything, But for Rusty to stand guard of me and Bark means there's something out there. I Stood up and looked at the treeline, then I saw him. He was leaning against a tree watching me. I felt a wave of fear come over me. After reading all the comments about him feeding off fear, I had a sudden burst of bravado and I yelled to him " what do you want from me?" No movement from him. So I jumped off the deck, (waited for Rusty to come down the stairs because hes too old to jump off it now) and ran towards him. He shifted his stance so he was standing upright. I'm sure I looked like a complete dickhead, doing a war cry running at something I'm not sure anyone else in my family could see. But I felt like it needed to be done. When I got about 5 meters from him, and he hadn't moved I was convinced I was going to die, This plan had sounded good standing on the deck but what happened if he wasn't going to move? What was my plan if I could touch him? I cursed myself for being so stupid and watching too many Scooby Doo shows thinking I could scare a Ghost. Then as fast as I had made the stupid decision to launch myself at him he disappeared. I stood still in the tree line, with Rusty at my side, Jack had fallen silent on the deck and I felt a sense of achievement. I don't know if hes gone for good or he will come back as pissed. But I stood up to him and it felt great.!
elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-26)
I'm sorry, Aussie Chick, but the image of Hatman patting the movie demon on the head made me laugh. You found him a friend!

All kidding aside, I do believe there are dark things out there that prey on fear and pain and sorrow and depression. I've read dozens, if not hundreds, of stories like yours. I think the most memorable came from England during world war one. A young officer, after acting distracted all evening, suddenly bolted out in the middle of a dinner party at a local manor house. His superior went after him and demanded an explanation. The young officer said he thought he was going mad because all night an evil creature had been hovering behind the hostess telling her to kill herself. As they stood talking another guest rushed by in search of a doctor. The hostess had suddenly slit her own throat.

I'm not telling you this to scare you. But it's important to realize that these things (1) can't hurt you themselves but (2) will try to make you hurt yourself. Don't you let it do that again! I think your brother had the right idea. Tell it to get lost. DON'T let it intimidate you and don't let it make you get hurt again.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-26)
I think I've heard an audio mimic. My mother had a lot of mental health issues, and hearing her voice a certain way used to make all of us go pale. Literally. No one would understand unless they had a psychotic realative. A few years ago I would hear her voice out of the blue, and just send me straight into flight mode. It ended when I started meditating seriously, like Val said. The Heart Sutra chant if you're curious.
Benny_Lundon (2 stories) (33 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-25)
Hi Aussie, glad I've not encountered anything like that.
Must have been quite scary to say the least, spiders... Oh my, I would have died on the spot. Thanks for the great story.

Regards; Benny.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-08-25)
Yep Val, anything I was scared of. Most of the time it showed me a zombie, just to keep things interesting it would show itself as a giant spider occasionally. We're talking dog-size. Real dog, not the kind you carry around in a purse. One night when me and the hubbywumpkins were still dating we ran into something pretty nasty. When I got home, the mimic was waiting, in the shape of what we'd run into. Next night it was back to being a zombie. It only showed up at night, maybe that's significant? Characteristic of how these entities "hunt" for lack of a better word. I don't know. Maybe there are different varieties of mimics, some do audio, some do visual? I can't wrap my mind around this type of entity, can't make it make sense.
I really hate it when I can't make something make sense.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-08-25)
Morning BJJ,
You had an experience with something that could just 'conjure' up what ever you feared? Now THAT is intense! The 'mimics' that I've known (for want of a better term) always passed themselves off as someone I knew, real easy to confuse with a doppelgänger. They can even sound like the person (ie: I heard Mom call me, but she said she didn't.) I think I'd rather deal with that, then one that somehow knows my fears and can produce them!
But now, this has me wondering if what Aussie is experiencing is even a 'hat man' really. Aussie, did you have an uneasiness about the hatman before this one showed up?
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-08-25)
Aussiechick, I'm not even going to try to make a guess on this. I've never run across a Hatman, hope I never do. So far as the thing that took the shape of what you saw in the movie, I have had incidents with something like that. I never did figure out how to deal with it, although salt seemed to keep it bay, but eventually came to the idea that it had no power whatsoever except to project and scare me. Whether that's actually true, I don't know. I do know that the one I saw never got too close, always kept a distance, and showed me the most godawful images. Since it never got close, I decided it probably couldn't.
Val, these entities are, in my experience at least, 100% real. I don't know what they might actually be, but I always called the one I saw a Mimic. Someone out there might know what they actually are, and what it's actually called, but I just called it by what it did. Hated that damn thing.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-08-25)
Hmmm...when you were telling about seeing Hatman patting a creature from the movie, I did think imagination, but then WHAT was your brother telling off? Did you two ever talk about it? I have heard of creatures that can manifest/cause you to think you see things you fear in order to feed off that fear. To be honest, I don't know if beings with such powers exist or are just myth.
Interestingly you only see him outside the house (which is good) in a way. Swims suggestion of using Rook's cleansing method does seem the way to go. You might also consider wearing a bit of rose quartz, or carrying a piece with you. But remember this, the only real power he has is what you allow him to have. Find something you take strength from - it can be a piece of scripture, a prayer, a mantra - anything you truly believe in, that will come easily into your mind, and keep repeating it over and over if you ever see him again. This will help you block any fear you feel. Once you conquer your fear, I bet he leaves for good.
varun (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-25)
you must be strong and try to fight this fear out of you... You must stare at t and don't take it into consideration...
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-23)
aussiechick, my mom said when she was a little girl she saw the same thing! A lot of things she told about her childhood hauntings and such make sense now. And I agree with swimsinfire, this "Hat-man " guy is def world renowned for his appearences, and in a way harrassing them. He used to do things around my moms house as a child, that would cause her and her siblings to get a literal beating for. I believe this thing likes to cause havoc, and cause pain in its own sick way. Scary stuff, maybe You could look up a way of cleansing yourself, kind of like blessing a house. Keep safe
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-23)
Hi AussieChick,

Your 'Hat Man', I think, is the same entity as my 'Shadow Man' (or one just like him). The link you put on for the pic of him is exactly how I used to see him, except he always had red eyes. Like musqua_35 said, he feeds on fear and misery, and if you allow him to, he will cause you misery and the cycle will continue. As hard as it is, try to stand firm when/if he appears again. It took me 2yrs to gather the courage to face him down, but as soon as I did, his power over me faded almost immediately. If you can, get yourself a piece of uncut Rose Quartz and keep it in your room or under your mattress. It is believed to absorb dark/negative energy, keeping it away from you. The quartz will need to be cleansed every full moon in order to keep it pure. This is a belief passed down to me, and I have found it to work quite well. But don't just take my word as the only way. There are plenty of people on this site way more experienced with this than me, but this is what has worked in my life.

Stay strong.
AussieChick95 (10 stories) (40 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-23)
Thanks Guys I'm willing to try anything at the moment! I will let you know how I go:)
musqua_35 (1 stories) (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-23)
Spirits have been known to attach them selves to individuals as well as places or items and creatures like the hat man do typically feed of fear and misery. Acts like smudging can cleanse the house and purify oneself making it harder for dark spirits to cling onto or harm the individual's in the house if not completely expelling them.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-22)
Wohhhh, another "hat man story". In every story this guy seems bad, and hard to get rid of. He's always got the hat and a trench coat. Does Rooks cleansing method work on the hat man? Somebody on this site was actually doing some research on this entity. He's world-wide. Personally I would start everyday with meditation and visualize The light filling you, and then visualize light spilling all over your property like it's bubbaling all over. Then invite the guy to leave you and yours.

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