This is a short retelling of a ghost experience I had a few years back. I've had experiences since then but this was the most vivid one, which occurred when I was 15. Me and my friend were home alone, and we were into watching wrestling at the time. So, we decided to have a 'play fight' in the kitchen, at my house. On the bench in the kitchen were 3 assorted bottles of shampoo/conditioner.
So anyway we are wrestling about 1 and a half metres from the bench, punching each other and what not, when suddenly he grabs me in a headlock, he was bigger than me and stronger so he was overpowering me. A few seconds I started to feel weak, near the point of passing out, when - from the corner of my eye - I see the middle shampoo bottle of the three standing on the bench, fly across and hit him in the head.
He immediately let go of me, as we were both in shock (he noticed the bottle flying too). We were so freaked out we went to my room and didn't come out for 4 hours until my mum came home. I have a feeling it was my guardian angel, or my grandma who I know has been watching over me for many years. She died when I was 5 at the age of 54. I also believe My grandma could be my guardian angel.
Please share your opinions, but do not criticise whether it is true or not. My friend and I both know what we saw, and he obviously felt it. I really felt as though something was watching over me then, just like I still do to this day. I don't know whether guardian angels are related to this, but I am sure it was some sort of spirit, because a bottle does not just fly when all the windows and doors or closed.