I traveled with my mom and my uncle to see my great-aunt and her two sons in their native country in Czech Republic on a vacation for two weeks. My uncle was going to come a few days after my mom and I.
So my mom and my cousins slept in bedrooms upstairs, my great-aunt slept in her room downstairs, and I slept in the living room on the sofa alone. My mom told me that my great-aunt's husband died over thirty years ago after they finished building their house.
Anyway I have a hard time falling asleep, especially in the pitch darkness so I was playing on my iPad to tire myself out. Then in the dark I heard a very stern voice say, "Dej to pryč" which means "put it away". It wasn't an angry or demonic voice. He sounded a little annoyed. I then felt a very cold sensation. The room did not shake and there weren't any loud bangs, just a man's voice. I knew it wasn't one of my cousins because they did not have that voice and I heard everyone snoring. So I immediately rushed up to my mom's bedroom and slept on the floor there until my uncle came a few days later. Honestly, I was too afraid to investigate or ask any questions. We slept on separate sofas in the loving room.
Though I never had another encounter, I always felt there was someone else in the living room. Could it have been my imagination or something beyond this world? I am not very spiritual, but I do believe that there is something waiting for us all after death. I do believe in ghosts, but I am still unsure if it was just my imagination, but nothing like that has ever happened before and since that strange night.