This story is about one man which I think is looking after me. I love in Perth, WA. My name is Bethany and I am the only one involved in this paranormal experience.
My first encounter was when I was lying in bed three months ago. It was 10:30 at night, and when I looked forward I saw a man sitting on the end of my bed looking at me. As soon as I got a glimpse of him, he disappeared, but I knew he was looking at me. The next morning I told my parents, and my dad believed me, but my mum didn't. I tried to get over the fact I saw a man sitting on the end of my bed, but I can't forget about it.
My second encounter was when I was almost asleep, it was 11:00pm, and I felt something was there. I looked straight up, and there was a man's face looking down at me. He had his hands behind his back, and when I looked at time, he vanished, almost as if he didn't want me seeing him.
My third encounter was about two nights after my first encounter. My eyes were shut, and when I opened them, I felt like someone was also in the room with me. As I looked across my bedroom, I saw the man again, but he was walking a dog. Lots of different people have told me that they have seen ghost dogs too.
I told my parents when I woke up the next morning, and they didn't believe me. I was disappointed because I knew the man and his dog were there, and I think he is trying to look after me.
My fourth encounter was only about four or five nights ago. Again I was lying in bed at about 10:00pm, and I heard a bang in my cupboard. I opened my eyes and looked around, again, the man was standing there watching me, as if something bad was going to happen to me. He was walking closer to me, and when I looked at him, he just disappeared! I want to communicate with him somehow, but it seems like he doesn't want me to know that he is there. He is a friendly ghost, and maybe one day I will get to communicate with him.
I apologize for sticking my nose where it doesn't belong but, if I were your Mum I would had discarded both people's opinion like not being true, otherwise they would not contradict each other.- Specially if she had to pay for their "help"!
I agree with spiritwaiting and would suggest for you to research the history of the house.
Good luck and thanks for sharing.