I am new to posting on this site but I have read quite a few as I have always been interested in the paranormal. I thought I would post one of my own.
I am going to start by explaining I have had a few strange experiences, but only recently have I thought maybe they are all linked. This one I am going to share with you was when I was in labour with my first child who is now 5.
I was in the Labour Ward for a few hours before anything happened. I was quite scared with it being my first child, I didn't know what to expect. I was with my sister and my partner and we was all talking, when I asked them if they would go and let my mother know what was happening. To be honest, I just needed the quiet and to be left alone as I deal with things better that way. A few minutes after being left in the room on my own, I spotted a man by the doorway. He looked strange, only had one arm. He was wearing a flat cap, a checked shirt and scruffy jeans. He looked like he hadn't had a bath in ages.
He began talking to me, telling me he was in a ward in the hospital and he had been here awhile. He told me not to be scared, that I would be ok. I asked him what he was in for and he told me he was there because he needed to be. I turned to get a glass of water, looked back and he was gone.
I was on my own for a few more minutes then my sister and partner was back. I wanted to tell them about this man but before I had chance the machines started beeping. It was all crazy and blurred at this point, doctors rushing in and the baby seem to be struggling. Quite a while later, what seemed hours, my daughter was born at 12:40 am.
The next day my mum came to visit me and I mentioned this incident with the man while I was in labour. I told her about him only having one arm and him been scruffy and that he was staying in a ward here. As I explained, she stopped me and said he couldn't have been as this was a maternity hospital only now. She asked me to describe him and I did and we left it at that.
I didn't think no more about it until the day after. She came back again to visit and she brought a picture with her which she showed me and I said, "How's that possible? That was the man from the night I was in Labour." My mum then told me he was my grandfather and he had been dead for 30 years. She told me he had been shot while in the Army and lost his arm. He went onto alcohol when he was made unfit to work and his family disowned him, which I find sad. My mum also told me he had died in the hospital were I had my daughter.
I'm sorry for the length of my story. I just wanted to share. Sorry if it didn't make much sense, but could this have really been my grandfather I've never met before and, if so, why did he choose to show himself to me and not my sister?