When I was a young child the best thing in the world was waking up early on Saturday morning for cartoons. At 6 o'clock on Saturday the first thing that they would show was "Mr. Peppermint" along with his right hand puppet Muffin and after that was over, they would start showing the good stuff like He-man and Transformers. Clearly I was a child in the era of good cartoons before pokemon took over the world.
The child in me loves to sleep and I was no different when I really was a child but I loved my cartoons and would wake up early without an alarm clock on Saturday to partake. One morning this ritual placed me in a strange situation coming face to face with something in a rear bedroom of our house. Being the first person awake that morning and being only 5 or 6 years old at the time, being stealthy was important because if Mom or Dad caught me they would send me back to bed and I would miss some of my shows! I remember getting out of bed and creeping down the hallway to our front room where the television was located. Turning on the television and finding the right channel for Mr. Peppermint to be doing this thing.
I watched Mr. Peppermint and muffin argue for a few minutes and then heard a soft noise coming from the rear of the house. I don't know why but I went back down the hall towards my bedroom but I did and looked further down the hall towards an unused bedroom at the very end. I thought that I heard something moving in there and since I did have a small dog, I thought maybe Phoenix was in there.
I walked into the darkened room and to my horror saw a bright green mass with a face floating above the furniture in the room. My parents had been using this room for storage since me and my brother were at that time young enough to share a room. The mass turned towards me and had this startled expression as if I had scared him. I assume from the face that it was a male but after all these years I don't remember specifics about the face. I ran for my bedroom and got back in bed and did what all little kids do when they are terrified and pulled the covers over my head. If you pull the covers over your head it stops any monsters from being able to touch you through the "blankie-forcefield".
I stayed there for hours until I heard my parents get up and they asked me if I had turned on the television because it was still on in the living room. This is how I know that I really did get up out of bed and was not dreaming because I had turned on the television. I don't know what I saw that morning but it was not mean or dangerous it just was there and appeared to afraid of little old me.