For a while now I have been able to sense a presence of some sort, I don't know if I am imagining it or if it may be true. I can just be simply walking up the stairs and I feel unwelcome and an awkward atmosphere I would run into my bedroom and I would feel like something is staring at me.
A couple of years ago, my sister used to ask me if I could sense or see ghosts, at the time I didn't. But now yes.
A couple of days ago I was in the bathroom cleaning my brace and I felt something and it really scared me. In my bathroom we have a rope switch coming from the ceiling and it was swaying (there was no breeze and nobody had touched it).
As I am writing my story now I can hear shuffling and I feel something but I always try to ignore it. For my sisters 16th birthday, we had our neighbors round and my dad said something that scared me, then did my mam. After my dad's granddad (my great granddad) died, he was watching TV and his granddad appeared in front of him and told him he loved him. The same happened to my mam but it was with my nana.
I have always had an interest in the paranormal and I like to link my experience with others.
I told my friends at cadets what is happening and they don't believe me, nobody ever believes my stories, not even my very close friends believe me. One of my friends said to me that the nut house bus will be coming for you soon.
I can sense when something good and or bad is going to happen but I don't know when or what it is. And a couple of times I hear bangs after I feel uneasy and doors slam shut.
I would just like to know if what I am sensing is true or am I losing my mind?