When I was only about two or three years old, I was sleeping in my crib peacefully, in my bedroom that I always found suspicious. All the sudden I was awakened from my quiet slumber to see a shadow hovering above me, trying to grab me.
I could not really make out a face, but the lady was very tall and appeared to have a bun on the top of her head. It was about 3:00 AM. I immediately shrieked of fear and my mother came running to see the problem, and I explained as much as I could using little words to piece what I saw together, like "shadow" and "tried to get me". My mother just figured I'd seen my own shadow on the wall next to me, but I knew for sure that it was a completely different figure.
I had seen the lady standing at my crib every night from then on, not doing anything bad, but it still disturbed me a bit knowing she tried to take me the one night. I never tried talking to the woman, and I barely got any sleep considering I was extremely petrified of what would happen. My mother had noticed my lack of sleep and she finally told me to get rid of the spirit we would just spray air freshener and she would leave. And I did believe that at first, but once we did that, nothing had changed at all.
Nothing really bad did happen, just little things to get your adrenaline pumping but nothing beyond that. The spirit slowly backed off and eventually did not show up at all. About a month after that experience we had just been researching our house's past residences and had seen that a woman had lived here and passed away. I believe that the spirit was not trying to hurt me, maybe she had just missed being around kids or her own child. I never saw the same spirit again, although I still find my room strange.