Over the last two weeks, I've been experiencing things which I need help with.
It started two weeks ago when I was at my girlfriend's house. We where laying in bed, nothing sexual, just trying to sleep. I sleep round there often as my parents aren't too fond of me.
I was still awake when I started to feel scared, not just scared, terrified. This scared me as I've always felt safe in my girlfriend's house. For the last 1 1/2 years I've been with her, it's been my safe haven. I tried to ignore it, but it was still there, that same feeling. Then a feeling of something watching me.
I looked behind me towards the door and a faceless mannequin stood a the door, one of the wooden art ones. I've always been scared of faceless mannequins, not normal mannequins, not faceless people, just faceless mannequins. And one of these wooden art ones stood there, just standing.
Then I started to head two people whispering, a boy, and a girl, the girl older. They were both calling it "Daddy". It stood there, not moving, just listening to the voices. I was scared enough that I couldn't move. And there I was, for the rest of the night, until my girlfriend snapped me out of it.
This has continued for the last two weeks. It's been there, everywhere I've been. I can see it now. It's outside, no one else can hear or see it but it's there. And the voices are changing, still the girl and boy, but its gone from, "Why is he there, daddy?" to "Get rid of him, I don't like him". "Him" being me, I don't know how I know, but I know it's me.
I've prayed for help and protection and for it to go the first night it came, but still nothing. It's there, stalking me, I've never seen it move, but it's there, I can feel its eyes.
I don't know what to do... Please help?
I have a second story if you want to look at the more recent things, but I will keep that in mind:)
Thank you:)