My family and I had moved into the house were currently living in a few months back. This house belonged to our old landlady and our friend and we had always liked it. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, I didn't feel any negative energy whatsoever.
It started yesterday, my little sister had to come stay in my room for a bit because it got frigid cold in her room because of the windows, while my mom was at work, my little sister decided to clean up her room. I was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes. It turns out she had to go into the basement in order to get the vacuum.
I had turned around and noticed my cat sniffing the door so I quickly ran to her and picked her up, because she has a habit of snooping around, and she can't go into the basement because cats can easily get outside from down there. But when I picked her up she started going crazy, she grabbed onto the door frame, she doesn't have front nails so she didn't stay very well, and was meowing and hissing.
I didn't want her running down the stairs so I had kept a hold of her until my sister came back up. She kept freaking out. Finally when my sister came back up, I had handed my cat over to her and she noticed that the cats tail was wet. It turns out she had gotten so scared that she peed on herself and on me. Later on we found out that our German Sheppard won't even venture into the basement.
Later that night, my sister had gotten her room cleaned and went back to her room because it was warm again. I was tired so I wanted to hit the sack early. When I was almost asleep I hear a whisper-yell saying "Sarah!". I rolled my eyes because that's how my sister usually gets me to come talk to her when our parents are sleeping. I had walked into her room fuming because I was so tired, and she had her headphones in listening to music and playing on the computer. After various attempts to gain her attention, I finally threw the bottom of a broken hairbrush at her. Apparently she didn't even call my name. I had rolled my eyes and walked away.
A little bit later my little sister runs into my room. She tells me that her blue hanging light started moving randomly, so she had started recording on her iPod (audio), and was asking it questions, it wouldn't answer any personal questions but, on recording, she had asked "can you move the blue light again" and a little bit later you can hear a voice say what sounds like "uh-huh" and it started moving again. A little bit later she had captured a noise that we tried to debunk but couldn't. It sounds like a woman's voice (the same voice that replied before) moaning, but at the same time not, we're not really sure what it is. We still have those voice clips.
Also later that night I had sleepwalked for the first time ever. I had walked into my sisters room, and stood at the door that led to my parents room for around three minutes, when I finally turned around I had walked the same path and walked up stairs and went back to my bed.
Today we had found out, that this house was originally owned by some old spinster women, who had been obsessed with cleaning and making sure everything was done correctly.