Last night, January 16, 2014, I went into the bathroom to get ready to shower. I turned on the light and air vent and, of course, the door was shut. As I was turning around in the shower the shower curtain was clinging to me a little bit. I didn't think much of it but as I turned my back towards the shower curtain again it was much more than a clinging feeling. My bottom was grabbed! I thought maybe it was my husband. Sometimes he will come in while I'm showering to ask me a question or to flirt. I opened the shower curtain to yell at him and he wasn't there. He hadn't come in the bathroom and the door was still shut.
I continued with my shower and thought maybe I had overreacted. When I got out of the shower my right shoulder was red and scratched! It looked like it had several deep scratch marks and it was puffy, itching and burning. I showed my husband and he found it odd.
I went to bed and my bedroom looks into our bathroom. I saw a faint black shadow reflecting in the bathroom mirror which startled me but, being logical, I thought well maybe it was a reflection from the TV in our room. I kept lying there when a few minutes later I saw a misty white shadow in the doorway of our bathroom. I looked at my husband and said, "Did you see that?" He said, "See what?" He's a huge skeptic so I said, "Nothing. It must have been the reflection of the TV making shadows. It freaked me out." He agreed and we shortly went to sleep.
I awoke in the middle night to hearing voices. I heard a couple of words but couldn't quite make them out. I tried to go back to sleep and then I heard something fall in our room. My first thought was that maybe the alarm clock got knocked off of the end table. My hubby woke up at 6 am and the alarm clock was still in place and so was everything else in our room.
Now I'm wondering if maybe I have an overactive imagination or is there a spirit really bothering me. I guess it's possible for spirit (s) to be attracted or attached to someone. Do you think this could be the case? I had a similar experience in my Dad's home several days ago.
Any comments or suggestions would be helpful.