It started when I was about seven years old. It was around midnight and I was thirsty so I decided to go downstairs and get a class of water. I had just fixing to go down the stair when a hand shot out of the darkness and grabbed me by the throat. I stood there with this hand clasped tightly around my throat for what seemed like ages. Finally the hand let go and I ran right back to my bedroom and got under the covers and pulled them over my head.
The next day I told my parents about what happened and they said that I was just imagining things and shouldn't watch scary movies before I go to bed. That same night I told my parents about what happened I was being punched and prodded by the thing that had grabbed me. The next day my mother saw the bruises I got and asked my brother had he been hitting me. He said no and told her he had been seeing strange lights in front of my bedroom and would hear my name being called out at night when he went to use the bathroom.
The next day while my brother and I were playing outside in the woods we saw a row of five or six tombstones. We ran to the house and showed our parents. They believed us after that and we moved out of the house three months later.
To this day I think the ghost has followed me because I still wake up with strange bruises and her my name being called out in the night.