The story takes place in the Northern Rockies of Western Montana. The house I lived in was a 1880s western Victorian that one housed miners for the Anaconda company. The day I walked into this house, the first time I could feel a warm embrace that I had not felt before or since. So on that day I made the offer and it was accepted.
The house would give me glimpses of a hidden world from time to time. The first few were haunting violin music from an empty upstairs room very late at night. There were also many nights I would see things, shapes, shadows and a mist of sorts. Though the true contact of this entity happened on a brisk autumn eve after returning home from a long day at work. I had no shower in this old home so I bathed in a period claw foot tub. I ran the tub like any other time, hopped in and lathered up. The water was a bit to warm for my liking so with soap all over me and my eyes shut I reached for the cold water side and turned it, to my surprise I had turned the hot water on full blast, feverishly trying to get the soap out of my eyes to remedy the water situation. I opened one eye in time to watch the hot water turn off with out any help from me.
I remember every experience that home had to show me with a fondness and hope that one day I would return and thank it for opening my already very open eyes.