please read the previous story I have posted as it will help with this story.
After living in the previous house that I had some paranormal experiences in. Such as: things being moved around, eyes appearing under a bed, and some feelings of a presence in the basement (where things were moved around with no explanation). I'm wondering if something is following me.
When my family and I moved into a newer house (built in the late 1990s or early 2000s-I'm not sure of the exact build date) about 1-2 years later I was laying in my bed and I was in this half dream state (I was not asleep, I could move freely and control my rate of breathing, but not really move my body) and I seen three shadow things sitting on top of my headboard (I had one of those big headboards with storage and a big mirror in it with two towers on either side of the bed for storage). After they were sitting there for what seemed like 5 minutes or so they moved very fast up the rest of the wall and over the ceiling to the other side of my room and then disappeared as they reached the wall. I immediately turned on my light and then called my best friend at the time and told her what happened and she said to wear a cross necklace.
Now I'm not much of a religious person but I did put on the necklace for bed for a week or so because it did freak me out a little bit. I have had experiences before but nothing like this, could something or somethings be following me or attached to me as a person? Because the history of the new house had nothing paranormal or any sort of violent thing in the past because a police officer and his family lived in it right after it was built.
Although if you read my other story at the link above, you can read about one of my experiences with the old house, which I'm not sure of the history because that house was so much older, and also it was in a bad neighborhood so there was some negative energy also. I'm just really wondering if there could be something following me or I'm just more sensitive to paranormal activity than other people. I have had some psychic dreams and I do feel mainly negative presences some-places around town that I go. Why could I not move when I seen the shadow things and could once they disappeared? Could it have been just my fear?
Even since moving in with my husband and living different places I have always had a feeling that I'm never alone, even with no one home but me. Also, we have been living in our present rental for almost 2 years and have 3 cats for the past 9 months, who will randomly just look at things. Also, one of our cats, Darrell, will randomly start yowling at the other end of the house where no one is (none of the other cats are back there either). Could Darrell be looking at something?