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Red Haired Woman


I would like to share a story and ask for advice on how to act further. My husband and I moved to a house in July, 2012. Since day one I am feeling that somebody is watching me, especially when I'm at the computer in the living room. I didn't pay too much attention until yesterday.

We have two cats, a girl and a boy. The boy was adopted from a rescue, he had been abused (beaten) by some crazy man, when he was a kitten. So he is very traumatized and afraid of men. He loves ladies though.

Yesterday evening I was in the bedroom with my tablet and the cats. I was completely awake, the lights were on, it was just around eleven. The bedroom door opened by itself and the cats started looking at its direction. My tom cat's reaction surpriced me a lot-he started purring loudly and rolling on his back, giving his tummy for petting. He was obviously communicating with somebody, definitely a woman, he really knows and likes. The she kitty was following somebody with her eyes, considering her look, somebody not shorter than 5.7feet. I got a little bit alarmed and told my husband what just happened. I can see his confusion at first, after that he told me that he thinks he knows who the cats could have seen.

He told me that since we moved in this house, he saw a red haired woman in the living room three times already. According to his description she had long red hair, quite heavy build, white skin. She is not transparent and her face has melancholic expression and she is naked. The three times he saw her was in the middle of the day, twice she was sitting on the sofa bed in the living room, the third-she just passed from the living room towards the wall and disappeared. He didn't tell me before, because he was afraid I'll think he is losing his mind.

I really don't know what to think about all of this and how to act further. I spent all night trying to find some history of the house online, no luck. I went to the Archives Canada,nothing.I couldn't figure out if the street had different name before.

The only thing that gives me food for thoughts is the fact that you can see some ruins of an old foundation around our house.

Any comments and advices are welcome and thank you for your time.

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tanya771007 (2 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-16)
Hello chuddley!
Thank you for your reply and sharing your experience. I'm going to try burning sage for sure.
About the previous tenant-I do have her name because we were getting her mail for some time. According to your advice l looked in Facebook. There are a lot of women with this name, it's a very common one.
In local newspapes there is nothing, I don't think the presence is hers. But probably she or her young child /especially the child/ experienced something also.
I wish somebody local could help me figure out what was the building which foundation we see around the house. My intuition says that the answer is there...

Great advice, thanks again:-)
chuddley (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-16)
I meant to say the newspaper's obituary section, since you are trying to find out if she's living. You can also call your police department to ask if they have any reports of crimes being perpetrated at the home. Don't tell them it's bc of a possible ghost bc they'll think you're nuts.
chuddley (2 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-16)
What an interesting story. I noticed you said your landlord told you the woman left abruptly without paying her utility bill. This gave me an idea. I know in the US (where I live), you can contact your utility company and get the name of the previous customer at the house. Once you get her name, you can try several avenues. First, if your local newspaper is online, try searching for the name of that previous tenant. If not, you can visit the newspaper and do your search from there. You can also try searching for the woman on Facebook. If you find her, email her and ask if she had any similar experiences. Just a thought.

I can say from experience, burning sage and doing a cleansing of the home can help tremendously. I once rented a house, where the previous owner's spirit visited me twice. It was so jarring, I bought a sage stick and performed a smudging (what the cleansing is called.) I knew her name, as her son was the one renting the home to me, so every time I walked in the door for several weeks, I would greet her, saying, "Hello, Mrs. Lewis." The visits stopped after that. She was a harmless spirit, but still a little unnerving, since I lived alone at the time.

It sounds like your visitations are pretty harmless, as well, even if they are melancholic. Know that she can't hurt you, and you have the power to stop this. Energy feeds off energy. Your fear can make the situation harder. While doing a smudging, which can be done nonsecular, keep a calm but persistent presence. Good luck
tanya771007 (2 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-15)
I just remembered something else-soon after we moved we got a strange letter, it was a court order for a guy. When I asked the landlord who this guy is he said that he didn't have a clue and that he was one of the previous tenants friends... He wasn't convincing.

Thanks for your time and I'm going to stop writing for now, it's turning into novel:-)
tanya771007 (2 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-15)
About the library research we live in Quebec, the archives are very poor and all of them in French, my French is not good enough for researches. L still think that the house wasn't planned to be a home but something else with the long corridor and many rooms on both sides.
tanya771007 (2 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-15)
Next weekend my husband is going to bring a priest for house blessing,we'll see what is going to happen after.
Otherwise I have a small update since Monday - the living room light is down. We changed a dozen of bulbs the last two days and none of them last more than five minutes, they keep bursting out.
Obviously the presence doesn't like light over there. That's something new. Nothing else happen though.
About the fact that just my husband sees her-I'm not surprised, I always notice things last:-)
tanya771007 (2 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-15)
About my gut feeling... I don't feel very comfortable in the house since day one, when my husband is at home I'm fine, when he's not l prefer leaving also:-) I'm going to go back in time and tell you how we found the place.
We were renting another house for about six years but the landlord decided to sell it, so we had to move. We couldn't find anything for months-it was " no smoking" and "no pets" in every place we went.
Both of us are smokers and we had our kitty. The last day we had before the moving date we found this house. No restrictions, full privacy and a funny rent - like for a bachelor's pad.
Then I thought that we had been sooooo lucky.
When we first visited the house it was deep night already, about 11 PM, I finish work very late in summer. There was no electricity so we were having a look with a torch... And it felt spooky. But this doesn't prove anything anyway.
tanya771007 (2 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-15)
Hello everybody!
First I would like to apologize for my absence for the last two days-
I couldn't open the site, it was giving me some 403 error and a smiling crocodile:-) .I'm so glad that today everything works fine.
Thank you so much to all of you who welcomed me and commented on my story. Your comments are extremely helpful, they make it a lot easier to organize my thoughts and find out some details I didn't pay attention to.
I wish I could ask the neighbors about the previous tenants or the house itself but we don't have ANY of them. Just now I realized how weird the house is located. It's 50 meters away from a very busy intersection, you go downhill and it's just a huge parking lot on the left and a huge empty space on the right. After the empty space on the right there are new residential buildings, many of them.
So the house feels really isolated. Obviously there were other old houses around but later they were replaced with the parking lot and the new residential buildings.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-13)
Hello tanya771007, first I welcome you to YGS and thank you for sharing the experiences of you and your husband.

Your husband has seen the red haired lady thrice. Ask him if he has seen her only in one particular place and time. Because as JeunaBella, it could be residual. If the red haired woman is not seen repeating the same postures and seen at different times, it could not be residual.

Secondly, I would advise you to maintain a journal. It will be helpful.

Thirdly, why don't you investigate and ask your neighbours. It will give you more information.

Fourthly, you said that on one occasion, the cats got so scared. What was your feeling about it. Did you find anything negative or harmful, I meant your gut feeling.

If you feel something negative or harmful, there is an excellent method of cleansing devised by one of the experienced posters, Rookdygin. It is there for the asking and it works effectively.

Keep us posted of any further information or developments.

Regards and respects to you.

Jack-o-lantern (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-13)
I think every ghost wants something- maybe a desire or wish, that has to be fulfilled. So, maybe you can try and communicate with it and find its need. You may probably become scared during the procedure... 😕
JeunaBella (3 stories) (58 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-13)
And for the latest event I think it wasn't the red haired woman (maybe another residual or spirit). But it was possible that the cats didn't notice she wasn't a human at first and then they start becoming aware of the fact. Cats' mood can also change at times. I have a cat who sometimes will climb on my aunt's shoulder or rolling his back for petting when she comes to visit us and sometimes acts differently like showing anger to my aunt to the extent of scratching her feet. Did you freak out on the latest event? Sometimes cats can absorb their owner emotion and feelings too and thus expressing it according to your current emotion. I've been cats owner for nearly 10 years so I'm quite familiar with their reactions.
JeunaBella (3 stories) (58 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-13)
Hi tanya771007.

Maybe it was residual considering the 'woman' repeats the same habits i.e sitting on sofa and passing through. Since your husband saw it 3 times in the living room, probably the residual emotion or energy is a lot heavier there. Could be attached to the living room too. And I think it was harmless since your cats did not felt threatened or afraid of the 'being'. And I'm pretty sure she was kind to animal too because your cat was ready to make contact with her. Animals have a unique intuition and they will know if a person is good or bad in the first place. Your husband might be sensitive to paranormal and thus he was able to see the woman. But you might consider cleansing the house (google it for the cleansing method) as an option.
Chintan (guest)
11 years ago (2014-05-13)
Hey tanya, it is great that you and your husband is taking this thing seriously. Do one thing that start prayers in your house and keep your house Fresh and Clean so that negative energy cannot affect. Do cleansing or exorcism of your house by an expert priest. Thank you and Take care Have Faith in God.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-13)
hi, very nice story... I am agree with Daniel_marrin. It's really strange that she is only visible to your hubby. I am very sorry for your cute cat. I also love pets a lot.
Start chanting the name of lords. May be this could help you. 😊
RebekahLynn (3 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-12)
I wonder if you can ask the people who live around you? Ask the neighbor's about the history if you can't find it on the web. You can also check out the library for more information.
tanya771007 (2 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-12)
Unfortunately I didn't find anything. I googled the address, there is nothing. Plain zero. I even searched into the archives. No luck.
I tried to figure out if the house had always been somebody's home or it was built with other purpose. It has a really long corridor and the rooms are placed on the both sides of it which is a strange house planning... I hope I explained it properly, my English is quite poor...
Daniel_Marrin (1 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-12)
That's very interesting that your husband feels it's more of a sadness with your landlord being a "sneaky guy" as you put it. And he mentions a women lived there but suddenly moves away. Id check the papers and articles online. Id also put my address into a search engine and see what pops. You can find a lot of articles from the papers if something did happen at that house especially if it wasn't too long ago. Let us know what you find.
tanya771007 (2 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-12)
I hope nothing horrible happened in the house. I asked the landlord about the previous tenants. He is a really sneaky guy, so I couldn't get a lot of information.I'm sure that he is hiding something. He just said that the previous tenant was a lady, a single mom with her young daughter, who ran away without paying her hydro bill and leaving the house a mess. A mess up to a point that he had to do a major renovation?
If the spirit was wearing something at least it would be easier to determine the time if anything happened...
tanya771007 (2 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-12)
I just asked my husband about it. He didn't feel a negative vibe, it was more like "sadness".Actually he is the one who is at home all day long /his studio is in the house/.I have a very hectic job,I'm coming home very late and leaving very early. Today I'm here all day, because I had a dental surgery this morning.
In general, he is the one who sees. Less than two months after we moved, we lost our cat due to leukemia (at least the vet said so). It was the most painful experience in my life, she was our baby for five years, we don't have children. He sees her very often, she comes to visit at night. I can feel her jumping on the bed but don't see anything.
Daniel_Marrin (1 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-12)
You mentioned your husband has seen this red haired women three times already. Has he mentioned anything about feeling a negative emotion when he sees her or is it more just of a frightening experience but she doesn't seem to want to harm anyone? I only ask this because he has seen her three times while you have experienced the door opening but haven't seen her or anything. Makes me wonder if maybe she is fearful of women just as your cat is to men. When a spirit does something like this it is because of a specific reason. Maybe she is trying to reach out to him and get his attention while trying to scare or freighten you. Not too sure just a thought...
tanya771007 (2 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-12)
I don't think that she is negative, judging by the cats reaction.
But now, after yesterday night, when the cats got so scared, I started thinking that it's not just her. There could be a negative man's presence also...I'll try burning sage, thanks for your advice.

I can't really say if the presence (s) is/are positive or negative, I just feel somebody is there.
savsavvy1023 (1 stories) (42 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-12)
Try buring sage and asking her to leave if she is negative. If she isn't negative,. Just don't pay attention to it. She probably won't harm you.
tanya771007 (2 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-12)
We are Christian Orthodox, there are a lot of icons all over the place, obviously they don't bother the presence.
pearlangel (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-12)
maybe you should try (if you are a muslim) call some maulvi sahab and clean your house thoroughly. Make sure that sunlight is reaching every where. CHILL 🤔
tanya771007 (2 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2014-05-12)
A small update-yesterday evening somebody opened the bedroom door again, the cats reacted not so friendly this time. The girl got scared and took defencive/attacking position, bending her spine and her hair went up. The boy hid under the bed.
This morning when I was taking a shower somebody pressed down the handle of the bathroom door and the door half opened. Thinking that my husband just got up, I yelled "Good morning" reply followed.
I went out of the shower and checked on him-he was deeply asleep.

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