I would like to share a story and ask for advice on how to act further. My husband and I moved to a house in July, 2012. Since day one I am feeling that somebody is watching me, especially when I'm at the computer in the living room. I didn't pay too much attention until yesterday.
We have two cats, a girl and a boy. The boy was adopted from a rescue, he had been abused (beaten) by some crazy man, when he was a kitten. So he is very traumatized and afraid of men. He loves ladies though.
Yesterday evening I was in the bedroom with my tablet and the cats. I was completely awake, the lights were on, it was just around eleven. The bedroom door opened by itself and the cats started looking at its direction. My tom cat's reaction surpriced me a lot-he started purring loudly and rolling on his back, giving his tummy for petting. He was obviously communicating with somebody, definitely a woman, he really knows and likes. The she kitty was following somebody with her eyes, considering her look, somebody not shorter than 5.7feet. I got a little bit alarmed and told my husband what just happened. I can see his confusion at first, after that he told me that he thinks he knows who the cats could have seen.
He told me that since we moved in this house, he saw a red haired woman in the living room three times already. According to his description she had long red hair, quite heavy build, white skin. She is not transparent and her face has melancholic expression and she is naked. The three times he saw her was in the middle of the day, twice she was sitting on the sofa bed in the living room, the third-she just passed from the living room towards the wall and disappeared. He didn't tell me before, because he was afraid I'll think he is losing his mind.
I really don't know what to think about all of this and how to act further. I spent all night trying to find some history of the house online, no luck. I went to the Archives Canada,nothing.I couldn't figure out if the street had different name before.
The only thing that gives me food for thoughts is the fact that you can see some ruins of an old foundation around our house.
Any comments and advices are welcome and thank you for your time.
Thank you for your reply and sharing your experience. I'm going to try burning sage for sure.
About the previous tenant-I do have her name because we were getting her mail for some time. According to your advice l looked in Facebook. There are a lot of women with this name, it's a very common one.
In local newspapes there is nothing, I don't think the presence is hers. But probably she or her young child /especially the child/ experienced something also.
I wish somebody local could help me figure out what was the building which foundation we see around the house. My intuition says that the answer is there...
Great advice, thanks again:-)