My husband and I have 4 children. We moved into our 40 year old home (we think it is actually closer to 44 years old) last year. Since then, I have heard footsteps on the stairs (like a light weight adult's steps) when no one is up. (I will check... Everyone asleep). The steps seem to stop at the entryway of my bedroom, the master bedroom.
Sometimes when this happens my border collie will charge up the stairs, run into my room and hide her head in the corner. She usually isn't like this. I have heard this several times, with no one around, all still sleeping. I have been in bed and felt the covers "pull down" tight on one side of my body, yet no one is there to sit next to me. I turn over... No one there at all.
About a month or so ago, I went downstairs to let me dog outside. It was around 3:30 AM (this is when most of the activity happens). I let her out, left the back door a jar and went into the bathroom downstairs just a few feet a way from the dining room. The DR has ceramic tile flooring with 6 wooden chairs at the table. I heard three loud scraping noises... Someone scooting the chairs under the table. The noise is very distinctive as my kids do this all the time. I froze thinking someone had come in the house through the backdoor that I left open for our dog. I went into the DR, no one there... dog still outside. She would have normally barked and come back inside. Three chairs were pulled out from under the table.
About 2-3 weeks ago, I was sitting here at my PC and felt a hand rest on my ribs. I thought one of my kids came up behind me. No one was there. CLEARLY, someone put their hand on my ribs. Then, within a few minutes "someone" tapped on my shoulder... again, no kids, no one. (I went to check them... watching TV.) I have no idea what is going on.
I have been somewhat skeptical of ghosts but now am open to ANY suggests! Thank you so much. Also, it seems to be me that observe these things (one of my daughters did hear the footsteps on one occasion). I am not crazy. Just a mom to 4 kids, go to church Sunday school, etc. I had to put an AC unit in my room which helps to block out the footsteps.
You are like the many of us here on this site who have encounters with ghosts and other paranormal experiences and entities. This does not mean you are crazy.
You may wish to do your own personal research on your home's history, check with neighbors and ask around. Please also consider doing more research about the subject of ghosts and other paranormal experiences that may relate to your present experiences. You may find much helpful information here on this site and sister sites. Please also consider all advice already given on your page and on this site by all of the kind and frequent ygs family of posters. :)
Please refer to my advice that I gave on the story, "Two Spirits or One?"
Frankly, I would suggest to do everything that you feel within yourself and your belief system that will work, and keep trying until you find resolve. If all else fails in resolve, just move.--Abby