I was taking a trip to Flagstaff, AZ with my girlfriend. We were driving down the road, I remember that night very well. The green clock on the dash glowed 2:58 a.m. We were all alone on the freeway. Ahead of us, streetlights glowed brightly. My girlfriend mentioned something about 3 a.m. Being the peak of spirit activity. I looked at the clock on the dash as the minute hand crossed over to the 12. The hour hand rested on the 3. It was 3 a.m.
The streetlights began turning off one by one as we drove underneath them, leaving a darkened freeway behind us. The thermometer on the dash stopped functioning, our cell phones lost service, and the dash lights flickered and died, including the light that lit up the analog clock (we have a PT Cruiser). We continued to drive, totally freaked out. The inside of the car got very cold.
Eventually the streetlights stayed on as we passed them. The temperature returned to normal. The dash lights flickered back on and our iPhones regained full signal to the 4G network. We both looked at the now illuminated clock on the dash as the minute hand crossed the 12 again. The hour hand was on the 4. It was 4 a.m. The thermometer was working again.
The sun began to rise as we arrived in Flagstaff. I have not had a ghost experience since then. We stayed up late looking at the stars the next night, and 3 am arrived but nothing weird happened.
I don't know what that night was all about or why that happened? Can anyone explain to me what it was?