I live in an enormous old farmhouse in West Central Indiana. The house is surrounded by 2000 acres of grain fields, interspersed with old family cemeteries. I outlined it with more detail in my story 'Not So Quiet Neighbors'.
Someone asked in the comments of that story if the activity could have come from inside the house. I said I didn't think so, because nothing else had happened.
Well, something else has happened.
I'm still remodeling the place as I have the money and time. Last week I had the old barn foundations buried and I tore up the carpet in the living room to expose the hardwood floor underneath.
I am Pagan. I've been very spiritually active in this house, even picking out a warden tree where I give offerings of booze and meat to my Gods. My wood stove is often used to burn offerings, even in summer. I have been well taken care of by the deities, falling trees missing buildings by inches and horrific tornadoes ignoring my property completely, etc.
One thing I've felt bad about is my house being so incredibly messy. Half of it is under construction and I don't have time to organize the rest. I've joked to other Pagans that my house wight must hate me.
I was in the living room, on my hands and knees, picking carpet staples out of the floor with needlenose pliers when I see movement out of the corner of my eye.
I'm struggling with a mouse problem, so first I think it's just a disoriented mouse. Then I take a look and realize it's no mouse.
It's about four inches tall, moving along the base boards, following the perimeter of the room. I'm not quite sure how to describe it, other than it looked like a squiggle. Like a stick figure with no head; it had arms and legs and a back but no head. It didn't really walk, just sort of floated along, vibrating slightly. It went around the perimeter of the room, then floated into the kitchen and disappeared behind the refrigerator.
I didn't feel scared or threatened or anything like that. It almost felt like it was just curious about what I was doing.
Could it have been my house wight?