Me and my friend like to walk around the village at night. We quite often walk to the village church and behind the church there is a loud noise that sounds like someone breathing through their nose. But it is way too loud to be a human. Also we have heard the noise several times on different occasions but all coming from the church.
We have went back during the day a few times and there was no noise and no sign of any human activity. One night we picked up the courage to go and investigate. So we walked round the church to where the noise was coming from but there was nothing, so we where just standing there staring into darkness wondering where it was coming from.
Yesterday we went to the church at 10:30 pm, and there was the noise again and this one it was the clearest it has ever been. There are 4 people that I know of that have heard this noise. When I'm to the side of the church the noise sounds like it's coming from the ground but as you go closer the noise starts to move up to the point that I was sure it was coming from the sky. But then again if you stand away from it it definitely sounds like it's coming from the ground.
The noise was first heard when we where behind the church looking at some gravestones and, of course, we starting running as fast as we could away from it. But after coming back all these times and still hearing it, I would like have some sort of answer.
So I decided to post it on here. I assure you that this is all 100% true. And I would like your opinions.