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Real Ghost Stories

Falling Objects


Some of the people on the website know me and here is my story. I'm a 16-year-old male who lives in Pretoria, South Africa. This happened late last year. I love the paranormal. This story includes me, my uncle and 2 sisters before one of them passed away earlier this year (look at my other story "Experimenting with Ouija Board" if you want to know how).

Just a little background to where and when it happened. It was around middle December last year. Me and my two sisters were visiting our grandparents and uncle. They live on a mountain on a small farm and one of the smaller battles of the Anglo-boere war occurred on the mountain. Okay now for the story.

It happened around 2 o'clock early in the morning. Me and my sisters went to go sleep in my uncle's bedroom and he also slept in the room, my uncle slept on his bed and me and my sisters on separate mattresses on the floor (he has a really, really big room). My uncle had tin cans for decoration on shelves in his room on one wall.

We were all asleep and then then all of the sudden we heard cans falling on the floor, like it was falling off the shelves. All of us woke up and when we turned the lights on there was nothing on the floor. Everything was just as it was when we went to sleep. Then we just went back to sleep (this happened 3 times the same night and every time we turned on the lights everything was just as it was when we went to sleep). I was really scared and didn't know what to think of this.

The next morning when all of us woke up I asked everyone if they remember what happened last night. All of them did so I know it wasn't a bad dream. And when I asked my uncle if things like this happened before, he said yes and I asked if he maybe knew if there is a ghost residing in his room. He told me about something that happened in his room a while ago with my grandparents. But I'll write about that in another story.

Thanks to the owners of this site for letting me post my story and thanks to everyone for reading it. Feel free to comment, I love reading comments on my stories.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, spookie1, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Haha, oh duh! I should have realized that. That is my blond moment for the day:P
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Elnoraemily - Now come to think of it, december is summer in South Africa, it's really warm here in the summer, day and night so it couldn't have been pipes 😐
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
I hope everyone enjoyed my story. It was really creepy at the time it happened 😐
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Okay. I think that's a good idea so I'll do that. Thanks girls 😊
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Well as a Christian, it is ok to contact a priest about these issues if you don't feel comfortable performing a cleansing, as elnora posted, yourselves. It can be difficult and if not done right, can cause harm. A priest wouldn't mind doing a cleansing.
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Thanks elnoraemily, I'll use that cleanse tomorrow... Hope it works
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
I'm a christian and kind of broke the rules about not talking to the dead and the only cleansing I can think of is praying
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Also, Rook (a member on this site) made a cleanse a lot of people on this site swear by.
It's this:

Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church/Positive, Upbeat (songs that give you good thoughts) songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.)

He made it himself and there are several stories on here from people who tried it. If you type in Rook into the search bar, you can find them.
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
No I asked my uncle about that too just to make sure, I mentioned in my previous stories that I'm very sceptical so I rarely miss something that could be a possible explination
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
What are you personal religious beliefs? If you want to follow your religion's cleanse, that could be a good place to start.
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
I stopped using it but I think I screwed up with the ouija board when I last used it, and now I feel very uncomfortable whenever I have to go to my room at night, it's probably my subconcious scaring me but better to be safe than sorry, does anyone have info on a blessing I could use to cleanse my house?
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Do you have pipes around your grandfathers walls? For example, plumbing or air conditioning? If you know that is.

Sorry for all the questions
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
No I checked the following morning for any sign of things falling outside. And they we're tin cans so they make quite a racket when they fall
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
That is very strange! Do you know what sort of cans they happened to be?
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Oh that is super creepy then! Nothing was outside or anything that could have made the noise?
spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Thanks for the comment. And no the pipes are underground and my uncles room was on the second floor (the stairs lead straight to his room because his room was the entire second floor and there isn't any bathrooms on the second floor) and also the only bathroom was next to my grandparents room and their room was on the other side of the house. The cans sounded like they fell right next to my matress (I slept the closest to the wall)
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Hi again Spookie! You heard all of those cans and then found nothing? Did you check anywhere else in the house to make sure it wasn't somewhere else?
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Hi, Spookie:)

I like this. It's very simple and straightforward.

I don't supposed it could have been the sound of pipes constricting in the cold or anything?

Thanks for sharing:)

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