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Am I Really Sleeping?


My name is Dennis and I have experienced a few paranormal things in my life. This story is just one of the few that I have and hope to share more in the future. I am not really sure how to explain this or what really happened. This happened when I was about 17 years old in 2005.

It was cold night, and I was becoming sick. I was in my living room lying on the couch watching television. Keep in mind that I have not taken any medication yet. Shortly after, I dozed off and fell asleep. I suddenly woke up and everything seemed the same as before I fell asleep. Television is on and the lights off. The only light that was on was the hallway light, but something seemed off. I couldn't put my finger on it. I soon realized that I was still asleep. All of a sudden, this black figure pops up right in front of me and pulls me off the couch. It drags me across the room and through the hallway. It tosses me into the room and shuts the door. Everything was pitch black and I could not see a thing. I then woke up, still on the couch wondering what just happened.

The weird part was that it did not feel like a dream. I could feel everything, from being pulled to the feeling of when I was dragged. Everything was so vivid. The other weird part was that it didn't feel like I was pulled from my shirt. It felt as if I was pulled out of my body. This was something that I would never forget.

I just wanted to know if anyone has ever had an experience like this or knows anything about it. I would love to hear your personal thoughts on this.

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rgtoke (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-29)
jynantonnix, Yes it is a very creepy experience.

I love reading about others experiences and I will definitely read everyone's stories here. I will try to submit a few more stories also.
jynnantonnix (2 stories) (21 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-20)
I had something really similar happen once. I actually posted this recently in answer to the story "spirits in the bedroom", but it went unnoticed as the original post was not quite new. It was definitely one of the weirdest and most "real" seeming creepy experience I've ever had, but as it was so easily explained away by mundane means, I didn't think it warranted its own post. In any case, here's a restatement of what happened:

"Dreams can be incredibly real. I hope it's ok if I share something here as it's somewhat on topic. If I thought there was any chance it was paranormal I'd write a story about it, but it's just not.

Some years ago, I came down with a really vicious stomach bug. Not pretty. I couldn't keep anything down at all, and was completely wiped out from constantly vomiting up nothing by the next day.

We happened to be fairly good friends with a doctor and his wife who lived next door (military housing), and I finally called her to see whether her husband could recommend some medication or course of action, and he was kind enough to write me out a prescription and bring it over on his lunch break.

I forget the name of the medication, but it did work, and also left me in a very woozy, half-conscious state. And during this time, over the course of a few hours, every time I closed my eyes, I'd drift off, and start to feel a pair of hands around my ankles, slowly, inexorably pulling me toward the end of the bed and sometimes all the way to the floor and down the hall before I struggled back to wakefulness and found I had not moved. I have never forgotten (and it's been 20 years) just how real and terrifying it felt. And only marginally better than puking up my guts every 5 minutes."
Rich73 (1 stories) (67 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-19)
ifihadyoux, if you click on my username you'll see my story.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-19)
at rich, did you write your own story about the encounter? Would like to read it.
Rich73 (1 stories) (67 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-19)
When my house became haunted last year, I started having dreams exactly like this. They were almost always the same. I would be lying awake in bed. I knew it was coming for me and started to be afraid. I could sense it coming and getting closer and closer, and then there it was. The attack would be swift and vicious. I would feel incredible crushing and twisting forces on my body, like I was being dropped into crashing ocean surf, and then it would pull me off the bed and drop me on the floor. Sometimes it would drag me to another part of the house. I would be unable to scream or fight. These dreams are so realistic that even after I wake up I don't realize I had been dreaming for a while. I'd look around my room and say to myself, "that was really a dream?" Like you said, it doesn't feel like a dream; it feels absolutely real. That's what's so terrifying about it. If that was the only one you've had, you're lucky. You will never forget it. Mine continue to happen.
Darkstorm360abe (1 stories) (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
I ❤ reading ghost stories all the time and not one truly scares me but this one. Just imaginng the fact that a ghost is ripping out your soul is scary enough.
rgtoke (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
That sounds like what may have happened. It is still very creepy in a way.

The weird part was that I kind of knew I was out of my body. Still very strange and creepy to know.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Well, I would definitely have to say that it's a lucid dream. What I cannot tell you is the meaning of it or even really hazard a guess at that.


It is a very interesting phenomenon.
rgtoke (1 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
I have experienced this a couple of time, but this one by far was the scariest.

No I didn't have a fever. It was more of becoming a cold, pretty much a little runny nose and sniffles.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Oh creepy creepy creepy creepy creepy! 😭

You gave me the shivers reading that. That might have been an out of body experience of some sort. Makes me think of a horror movie that I can't remember the name of. I think its called insidious.

Is this the only time you experienced something like this?
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
Did you have a high fever, by chance?

I am just trying to rule out that possibility.

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