It was the weekend after Thanksgiving, Saturday, around 3:00am 2011. My sister and I were watching movies on Netflix enjoying our days off due to the holiday. Everyone was sleeping because after all it is very early in the morning.
All of a sudden we began to hear a moan/crying coming from a woman. It was very loud and it was terrifying it sounded ugly like a woman in pain or despair. It went on for about 20 seconds then it stopped for 10- 15 second, then it began again even louder. Told my sister to grab the phone to be ready to call the police because I thought a woman was being raped or being assaulted near our house. I stepped outside, scared, to see if I could prevent a crime. (shouldn't have done that could of been dangerous).
When I got to the front of the house there was no one outside yet the crying was literally in front of me it was a foggy night too. My sister came out and the crying lasted for about 2 minutes we were puzzled we looked at each other and we both got chills we were both thinking the same thing. I don't want to come to any conclusions, I'm Hispanic and grew up with the legend of the llorona. Many people in the Hispanic community swear that that malovent spirit does exist and even say they have heard the cries in their native countries and in southern california.
Could it have been a prank by some local teenagers? Yes, maybe but that doesn't explain why I could hear a woman moaning literally 20 feet from me and not a soul outside at 3:00 in the morning. I am convinced I heard the llorona in Long beach, CA.
Has anything else happened to you since?