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2 Year Old Daughter Seeing A Baby


Last year, we moved into our home in West Boylston, MA with our two children who are 8 and 2. My two year old daughter seems to have trouble with nightmares and sleeping restfully if we don't use her essential oils. Usually, her essential oils were working for her to sleep through the night. Before her essential oils, she would wake up screaming in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back to sleep in her room, so she would end up in our room. For a while her essential oils were working. Now, she's waking up every night screaming at something.

My husband and I go into her room when she's screaming and crying and try to comfort her but she's hard to comfort. When we go in her room, she screams, "No baby! Go away!" She uses her hands to try and shoo the baby away. So we let her in our room and she attempts to sleep. Out of nowhere she starts screaming and crying again saying, "No baby! No baby! Go away baby!"

At first we thought she's dreaming but sometimes she will talk to the baby while she's playing. Not as often now as she used to but significant enough to mention. Just recently, she now says, "No baby! I don't want to go outside!" Now the baby is telling her to go outside!

I am not sure if this is related but she's been having what we call tantrums. But she is out of control sometimes with anger. She will scream in anger out of nowhere! We've also noticed that since our cat has been gone, all the activity came back and the baby has been avidly bothering my 2 year old daughter.

I've already done a space cleanse with sage, sacred salt and blessed oil. I'm at a loss and don't know what to do. I'm afraid at some point, the baby will get my daughter to go outside and she will never sleep restful again. Please help.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, oxomadelineoxo, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

csofia (2 stories) (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-19)
Can you take your daughter to sleep somewhere else for couple of nights?, if she still have those nightmares, it could be something physiological?, if she sleeps peacefully, then you can look into cleansing the house/blessing the house, but if it was my daughter and the house is affecting her, I would strongly considering moving out of there 😭
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-08)
Cleansings and Shields are based on energy and faith and because of this need to be repeated so they stay strong.

Positve energy will push out negitive energy or the opposite can hold true. If the spirit is negative and you fill the enviroment with positve energy it will have a very difficult time in manifesting. The only way I know for sure to truly rid a space or a person of an unwanted spirit is an exorcism... A ritual that forces a spirit to move on and not return. Having said that a spirit or entity may choose to move on because the type of energy it needs is no longer available to it... No exorcism required.

Please keep us updated.


oxomadelineoxo (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-08)
I honestly think that there was a spirit baby in her room because after the cleanse in her closet she hasn't been screaming anything about the baby lately. Now, it might just be nightmares but of course she's very vague so she doesn't say much. It's a possibility the baby might come back too. Once I make them go away, how do keep them away?
oxomadelineoxo (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-08)
Thank you for all the feedback. I have not thought about a journal but that's a great idea. She does sleep with a nightlight. I do plan on getter her checked out but I'm trying my methods first and then will see from there.

She's been a little better since I cleansed her closet a few times. Since the closet cleanse, she hasn't screamed about "baby" yet. She seems to still wake up upset so I'm starting to really get a feel for this situation. It seems she's having nightmares. But I'm still taking my precautions and cleansing every so often because it does help. Who knows what's really affecting her. I can only be there for possible solutions and support.

I'm pretty positive no one says "no baby" to her. She has the same people watching her and none of them say things like that. They refer to her by her name. She also doesn't have any interaction with other children even remotely her age.

As for her sleeping issues, she's always had a few but never anything where she wakes up screaming. Most of her issues were just restlessness and getting a bit fussy. Other than that, nothing that involved screaming in fear.

When it comes to cleansing, I'm not a pro but I call upon the Angels of protection and angels that clear and that particular one that I had been using seems to work ok. I say ok because it works for a few days but then again I'm not sure if she's having just nightmares.

I'm still playing everything by ear and it seems to be less frequent and less severe lately. I appreciate everyone's feedback and I would be forever greatful if it wasn't a bad spirit because when I was a child I had a few bad experiences myself and so has my husband. So we are both fully aware of the spirit world and how they like to interact with children.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-07)
Are the sleeping issues a carry over from before your move or did it begin after moving into your current home? I am a bit unclear on that issue.

The high energy of a two year old... With the emotional flip flops and tantrums they throw as they push their boundries may be feeding a spirit. Have you done any research into the property? Is it an older home... If your 2 year old is EMF Sensitive and your house has older wireing the EMF put off by older wires and fuse boxes may be adding to these experiences.

Have you tried a specific method of cleansing or are you just doing a basic sage burning or smudging in each room?

I have a Cleansing and Shielding method posted on my profile and you are welcome to try it... Unless you already are using a more focused method. A couple of things though... My method will push out and keep away negitive spirits and energy but positive ones will not be effected... HOWEVER they my 'act out' a bit because it may seem to them that you are trying to remove them as well.

A Journal is a great suggestion... As well as asking your 2 year old draw a picture of this baby... She may not want to draw it but it is worth a try. A Journal will allow you to track the strange experiences of everyone who tells you about them... Compare them to other things that have happened and allow you to go back and debunk things at a later date.

Please keep us posted.


RitaCMW (2 stories) (16 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-07)
I am wondering if any adult has been using the expression "no baby" towards your child and perhaps she is repeating it? I agree that you should drill into her the importance of not going outside alone and perhaps put locks up very high on the doors. Maybe it would help when she is upset to talk directly to this baby and say that sleep time is a time to stay away. Good luck.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-03)
I appreciate your honesty about the vagueness of your daughter. Small children can be very difficult to understand or even get to open up about things they have seen or experienced, even something mundane (or you get the kids that won't stop giving details, as well).

Have you thought about leaving a journal and writing down what she is saying and when? Maybe it will help it make sense to have it all laid out like that.

Does she sleep with a nightlight? If not, one could possibly help if it is bad dreams.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-03)
Yes please keep on giving the updates. Especially over the concern of the child, I can only imagine. Do you not want to get your daughter checked out? Only asking because you didn't mention it.
oxomadelineoxo (1 stories) (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-03)
So My husband and I have asked about the baby and at first she would just say it was a scary baby. Now that it's more in depth as to what she says to it, she won't open up about it. I'm not sure if she's scared to say something about it or if it's just a night terror and she doesn't remember? It's very hard to tell.

When it comes to others experiencing things in the house, my husband and I have actually experienced weird but harmless things. We heard conversation when our fan was on or when there was some sort of white noise. Also, we felt something push on our mattress right in between my husband and I when we were watching TV. Also, we just recently, before we did the cleanse of the house, heard literally a knock on our bedroom door. It totally freaked us out! It's fine now that I've cleansed the home. But my daughter is still having issues.

Overall, my daughter is a happy child throughout the day and will act like nothing ever happened. She doesn't mention the baby in the daytime anymore, but last night, her new phrase to the baby is "no baby! I don't wanna!" Only some nights she'll talk about what happened, to us, but she's not specific. She very vague. She's two so I don't expect a novel but I can't help but worry. I've been doing a cleanse every other day just in case it didn't work all the other times. I know it may be excessive but I'm desperate. My next steps will be to rule out night terrors. In the meantime, I have a cross and a dreamcatcher on its way.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm just going to take it step by step and see what works.
mrmonty (8 stories) (48 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-03)
I would agree with most of the posts here, it does seem to have something to do with some type of sleep disturbance and your daughter imagination. I would have to ask if anyone else has had any experiences-what about the cat, did it ever act strangely? Maybe she fears you having another kid who would get attention? Of course taking a few precautions never hurts, get a blessing on the house, make sure she doesn't go out alone until this ends. Hopefully it will be over quickly and your daughter grows up into a happy kid.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-03)
Hi oxomadelineoxo, welcome to YGS.

I agree with the others about visiting the doctors and just getting a proffesionals view, as they say, it won't hurt.

I have a 2 and a half year old, and boy can she be stroppy, and it can out of nothing, its is just her age as I'm sure you already know.

If I were in your position, I would try and talk to my daughter whilst she is doing something she likes, like watching Paw Patrol or playing with her toys, and see if you can get any information about this 'baby'...I would also drum it in that she is not, at any time, to go outside without either me or her mum.

Also, I would make a point of locking outside doors and removing any keys just in case.

Please keep us updated 😊
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-03)
Hi, oxomadelineoxo This is very scary as a little girl is suffering from all this thing. I am not so expert in this but agree with other poster. She will be fine.

BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-02)
Is anyone else having experiences in the house, or just your two year old?
Lack of sleep isn't good for anyone's temper, and two year olds aren't exactly known for patience anyway. I would suggest visiting your pediatrician and ruling out night terrors for sure. Always start by ruling out the mundane. If this "baby" is a recurring nightmare, I suppose it's possible it could work it's way into her waking hours as part of her imaginary play. Can't hurt to check into the possibility.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-02)
This is indeed a strange situation.
I agree that it could be some form of sleep disturbance and night terrors, but it's the daytime that confuses me, unless her imagination is taking over during the day. Kids are tricky to diagnose because they perceive the world so much differently than the rest of us.

Has she given any information on why she thinks there is a baby with her?
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-02)
That is a frightening story! Oh goodness! Well you took my advice right out because of your cleansing with sage and oils. May I ask what religion you are? If you're christian, for example, you may get a priest to bless your home. If you're wiccan, as am I, you can call upon the lord and lady and work with them to help rid of your troubles.
Also could this be a weird form of night terrors? I am no expert in that term but if she's screaming rapidly in the middle of the night, maybe that could be part of the solution? Especially if she's sleep deprived, it could explain the baby in day time.
Please update us on any information. I hope she's ok.

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