At my school, there are lots of ghosts. First there is George. He is a 10 year old boy who haunts the drama studio balcony. My drama teacher first saw him and she described him as a dark haired boy with a Victorian hat and young boy's suit on. She originally thought that it was one of her year 7s messing about but when another teacher checked the props cupboard that leads to the balcony, she discovered that it was locked. Since then lots of my friends have seen him, as well as me. The story of how he died is that he was watching a show and the balcony broke and he fell.
Secondly, there is Abigail. She haunts the English corridor and English toilets. We often see her standing by the doors to exit the school. The story is that she committed suicide in the toilets. I have heard her crying and slamming toilet doors in the toilets. I am quite scared of what I'll see in the toilets, but it's kind of alright.
Next, there is Cara. She haunts one of the history rooms. She makes chairs move and bangs the tables and stamps the floor. The story of how she died is that she got pushed out of the window by one of her bullies and she has come back to try and find her bully/killer.
There are two ghosts that haunt the P.E department. One called Charlie and one called Poppy. Charlie haunts the gym and can often be heard playing and giggling. He has never been seen but the voice of a teacher has been heard calling Charlie. Charlie died because part of the gym equipment fell on him. We think that the teacher called him to stop him dying on the misuse of the equipment.
Poppy haunts the girls' changing room. I often hear her having a shower. The showers are never on because girls get changed round there. I saw water flowing in the gutters when no one had had a shower there. I had also heard Poppy before I saw this.
Next is Daniel. He blew up himself and his teacher in a science lab. The teacher can be heard warning him against using some sort of chemical. Then some giggling and them a scream of help from Daniel before going quiet.
Last is a boy called Tom. Numerous sights of this boy has been seen in tech. We don't really know how he died but it involves tech equipment. Sounds have been heard and there are documented accounts of deaths from unsafe machines.
Thanks for reading this and all of these are true.