I would like to apologize, first for my English, although I live in Canada, my native language is Spanish, and second, I'm not really sure if I'm making a big deal out of this experience and there is a perfectly logical explanation to it.
I am a true believer of ghosts, having experienced few odd things throughout the years, mainly seeing "things" over the corner of my eye, feelings, dreams, one night I had a sleep paralysis episode... Stuff like that, but the one I'm going to write about is so odd and strange that I would really like to share with you and hear your opinion.
I usually go swimming at the community center near my house (Meadowvale), but it closed for renovations this past fall so I had to go to the River Grove CC; which is bit further and had been remodelled earlier this same year. River Grove has an "Olympic swimming pool" with 6 lines. The two on each side are used for classes and the two in the middle are "adult lines", the lines are clearly marked by floating dividers and to go pass them you have to dive beneath them, the adult lines are for swimmers that can swim the length of the pool. The way it is organized is that you either swim behind a person, or you wait for the oncoming person to reach the end of the pool before you go, (to avoid clashing in the middle of the pool), the changing rooms are about 30 steps from the nearest pool stair (exit) and there are only two stairs at the deep end of the pool, this is an indoor swimming pool (winter in Canada, ha!)
We were about six-eight adults between the two adult lines, few ladies, some guys, and since I'm a girl,;-) I really took notice of the ladies swimming suits. One lady had a grey with white stripes, another one had a purple cap, etc. (got the idea), anyway, after 20 minutes or so, I was at the end of the shallow side of the pool and noticed the purple cap lady was swimming towards me, I was looking at her as I was waiting for her to reach the end of the pool so I could take my turn and go, I could see her purple cap going... Up-down, up-down, the water was actually moving as she was coming towards me, she must have been five or six strokes from reaching my end when...nothing...!, the water went still (calmed) and no cap to be found!, I was baffled!, waited for about two seconds and swam in her direction thinking that she may be in trouble, maybe she got a cramp or something?, looked under the water, looked at the other lines, outside at the edge of the pool, nada!, zero lady with purple cap!
The fact is, she couldn't have left the pool in such short period of time, I looked at the other lines and like I said, there were really few adults, lots of kids, but only ten or so adults, the instructors had a "lifeguard" shirt, the parents were in the viewing area, the stairs were at the other end of the pool, the only exit, the changing rooms are within minutes reach, how could she disappear in five seconds?, besides, it was so odd, who leaves the pool in the middle of a stroll?, this happened to me last week and it bothers me a great deal. I tried looking if there had been any drowning but couldn't find anything. I just really don't know what happened.
3nj0y.-Hey neighbour!, I work in Etobicoke so we are definitely very close, what school is the one you mention?, and yes, sometimes things happen and institutions try to cover them up, specially public places like the community centers or schools because, honestly, if you know it's haunted, who would want to go?, (me! LOL), anyway, thank you all, keep you posted!:D