This is the story of Crybaby Bridge. There is a story of a mother who lost her baby while the mother and father were fighting, the baby was found at the bottom of the driveway where a bridge was, as the mother was running to save her baby, the baby fell over the bridge, to this day you can hear the scream of the baby and it's mother coming to save it. Whether or not it's true I didn't know, but I do now. My wife and I went there on 10-05-07 and took about 150 pictures and got nothing but orbs and got to hear some pretty spooky sounds.
We went back the next day mid afternoon and took about 20 pictures and only came up with some beautiful scenery pictures... BUT... we went back that night... And WOW... what an Eerie night. I took about 142 pictures and came up with some orbs in about 4 of them but this one in particular was just creepy. It was about 9:00 pm and around 68 degrees. After getting creeped out after hearing a weird moaning sound (could have been a dog or wild animal and my mind was playing tricks on me) I got back into the car and told my wife to get me out of there. Just as we was about to back out I reached out the window and took one last picture and when I looked at it I saw this apparition and just knew there had to be some truth to the story behind Crybaby Bridge in Salem Ohio