When I was really young my parents, my infant brother, and I all lived in a house in Clarkston, Washington. This house was very old and bigger than any of the other houses we had lived in up to this point.
At first the house seemed normal with no weird sightings or anything like that, but then when I was about 3 years old, I began to play with an imaginary friend. This was not unusual for me; I often had imaginary friends when I was a small child. This one was different though. For one thing the imaginary friend's name was Selena, a name I had never heard before. Then I told my mom that Selena used to live here and I told her that Selena was in a "dead box", now remember I was only three I had never heard about death or coffins or anything, so that was unusual.
I later told my mom that Selena was hot then cold, and then she was in a dead box. My dad later did some research on the house and found out that a long time ago a school stood where our house now stood, and that there was a fire that killed an entire classroom full of children. We have since then moved and after that my parents told me that none of my other imaginary friends were like Selena. Although at the age of about 4 I would scare my parents by yelling about people who were not really there.
All the information about Selena was provided by my mother, because I do not remember any of my childhood imaginary friends. So was this girl a spirit or just a little girl's imaginary friend? I believe it was a spirit, what do you think?