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Real Ghost Stories

Footsteps 1


This is my first time on this site or any site to do with paranormal on reguards to sharing this experience. Ok so around 2 weeks ago I was at home with my girlfriend, we live in a small two floor attached house, and the house is fairly old itself.

Bear in mind I have been living with my girlfriend for the past 6 months. My girlfriend has a small boy of 8 years old from a previous relationship so he also lives with us. Now this one night me and my girlfriend Amanda went to bed around 1:30am. We have been talking in bed for around 20 minutes in the dark. Anthony who is Amanda;s little boy had been in bed asleep since at least 10pm (school holidays) so when we arrived in bed anthony had been asleep for around two hours. Amanda had checked on anthony moments before we went to bed and he was fast asleep.

So we are talking for awhile and all of a sudden our conversation is interrupted by footsteps on the landing (hall way). I need to mention now that its a small distance from Anthony's room to our bedroom, around 9 feet. The footsteps were quite slow and seem to walk from Anthony's bedroom door to the front of our bed room door. Now of course our first reaction was Anthony is going to the toilet, but the footsteps never went back the other way, meaning what ever has walked from either Anthony's bedroom or the top of the stairs (which is just to the side of anthony open door) has walked upto our bedroom door and stopped outside. After a minute or so and still heard nothing returning the other way, I got up to take a look. Now at this point my heart is racing as I go to open the door because what ever was there should still be there. So as I open the door there was nothing there at all. I look back at Amanda in absolute shock and terror. I walk across the landing to Anthony's room praying that he is awake, but unfortunately he wasn't. I went back to the bedroom and told Amanda that he was asleep. We then just went to sleep obiviously taking longer than usual because I can't stop thinking about what just happened.

Next day we spoke to Anthony and he told us that he didn't go toilet, or at least he couldn't remember (he is 8 after all). The next night was worse. Too be continued on next story "footsteps 2."

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Richard899, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

xlauraloux (20 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-01)
Hi Richard just wondering how long has your girlfriend lived in this house before you moved in? Has she not heard things before? Just asking as if it's only happening now then maybe it is something that doesn't agree with your relationship if it's causing so much fear, has anything happened that you think may have triggered this? Obviously your personal life is private and wouldn't ask you to share that, but sometimes things can happen if triggered by something. I look forward to reading your next post maybe it might bring to light what is causing it 😊
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-31)
It is all about you taking control of your home. All of the cleansing ceremonies are based on the same premise. No fear. Fear feeds other energies. So, you confidently do your cleansing, telling what you do not want there to leave. And yes, I agree completely with IfIhadyouX, England has some of the oldest traditions for this. My best tarot deck came from one of my mother's visits to Cornwall, a lovely Druid Deck.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-31)
well witches and ghosts aren't exactly related per say, but witches use sage for cleansing as well as spells, or you can find sage online if you're uncomfortable visiting a store. Local herb shops should have them if you know of one nearby.
Sage is sage after all.
Richard899 (2 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-31)
ifihadyoux - I didn't realise that, to be honest this is all new to me and before awhile ago I have never believed in anything like this remotely. But now I have experienced this I feel very different, like a different look on life. I wasn't aware of the UK holding the largest convention of modern day witches to be honest I didn't even know witches & ghosts are related. Thank you for your advise. I'll be researching now the house cleansing as if this happens to resolve it, then would save me a hell of a lot trouble moving
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-31)
Either that or there is a member on here named rook who has a cleansing ceremony listed on his profile for this site that others have used and swear by.
I'm sure cleansing is more common than you think in England, considering England annually holds the largest convention of modern day witches 😁
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-31)
Hi Richard899. I am sorry Anthony is too scared to go back. Google sage cleansing. I see even has sage-cleansing kits. My favorite bookstore has both sage and sweetgrass. I prefer the sweetgrass as it smells WAY better. I recommend you cleanse your new home as soon as you move in. It is all about your intention. You are simply telling "anything" there that it can only stay if it is positive, loving and in support of those who live there. I do a cleansing in my home every few months as I work with hundreds of students and never know what I might inadvertently bring home with me. Best of luck in your new place. Hecate
Richard899 (2 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-31)
Hi Hecate0 thanks for the advice but there's no going back to that house. Anthony is scared witless of the thought of going back not to mention myself. House cleansing is not something that's common around here in Manchester england, not that I know of. I Wouldn't even know where to look
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-30)
Hi Richard899. Before moving, perhaps you could do a house cleansing with sage or sweet grass much like Native Americans use. Simply ask the energy to leave. There are many house blessing ideas on-line. Gently and lovingly tell it that it should move on. This is your house now. But if you think it might be the ghost of a loved one, you might just ask it to be quiet and not bother you. See if this works. Moving house is such a pain. I hope some of this helps. Best of luck.
Richard899 (2 stories) (5 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-30)
wish-not-these footsteps were shoes. A few days after the same thing happens downstairs in the living room and that has laminated flooring so I'm with out at doubt shoes were heard that time. Just a heavy sound of shoes. This was every night swimsinfire for two weeks until we eventually made arrangements to stay with my parents until we can find a new place.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-30)
Interesting. The way you tell the tale it makes me wonder if you tell stories for a living.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-30)
You got us hooked now. It probably seems picky what Wish-Not asked, but most of us have heard the footstp thing, and there really can be different ones. I sort of wonder also. Has this been every night, or just the one?
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-30)
Richard- Great start to this. Question, did the footsteps sound like they came from a shoes? Or more barefooted? Heavy or light? Guessing that the two of you thought it was her son more light. I'm just trying to get the whole effect on that sound.

Thanks for sharing and I'll be waiting on the next.

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