Previously, I wrote my first story titled "Broken Mirrors". This is a follow on of the experiences of the 1970's brick home. No surprise here, more experiences occurred in this family home and on another note, a lot more strange experiences to myself throughout my life.
Around 12 years ago, back in the winter months, My sister walked from University to visit our mother at home. Forgetting her house key, she decided to squeeze through the window which was left open for our much loved family member, the cat. My sister planned to wait for Mum as she thought our mother would not be far away.
It was close to dinner time and it was cold and windy outside. My sister said she sat in the lounge, reading articles for her studies. The house was quiet, and like usual, she avoided using the bathroom or anything else located at the end of the hallway as it gave you the extreme creeps when no one else was in the house. Suddenly, from the dining room the radio/CD player came blasting on. It was at a particularly loud volume and startled my sister so much she walked straight out the front door, with her bag and books in hand and left. After a phone call that night, we were all very confused. No radio/CD player was on when Mum had arrived home.
I often wonder if there a spirit trapped in the walls of that home and what it was trying to communicate. Why did it want to make us feel all so uncomfortable? Questions that will never be answered.
I saw things in this home that are hard to explain, and I may come across as a little strange when I describe these. Apart from bizarre happenings, I've also experienced other occurrences. Some readers may put it down to a very creative and active imagination or some may have something similar they would like to share. The old can't move/ can only think, while hearing whispers and seeing a dark figure at the end of my bed, happened almost weekly and only in one room. I would wake up early in the morning and this would start happening. I could never quite make out what they were saying, but it seemed to be plotting some type of horrendous doings to myself.
Further, within this home, I saw spirits of cats one of which I was sitting at a chair and placed my arm out to pat the cat. My sister, at the time, was watching me from behind and asked what I was doing. For some reason, this completely startled me that a cat wasn't there and I actually cried - for the fear I was going crazy. I had seen so many things in the corner of my eyes or in the dim of the light I actually thought I was losing my sanity, I must had been around the age of 13 when this was all occurring.
I saw dark little shadows, no higher than the height of your knees, covered in fur, with red glowing eyes, staring at me from the hallway, from the corners of the bedrooms, peeping around walls and running in across open spaces. They would grunt or hum. I was never really freaked out by witnessing these in the corner of my eye but they still make me feel a little uneasy.
Ever since I remember, at least from the age of two or three, a little elf-like man lived in and around the home. He wore red pants, would play tricks and help out around the home. I stopped seeing him when I was around 8. He told me he needed to move outside with his pet snakes... How strange is that?
I feel so silly explaining all of this. My family are aware of these experiences but I have never dared to tell anyone else. The elf man, unlike the others I seen when I was older, spoke to me often and was really nice. He called himself 'Kutt ee Keena' and always had a smile, while the other experiences seemed kind of evil or made me feel really uncomfortable.
This may have already been suggested as I have only skimed over the comments, have you ever heard of a HOB? Google it, I have only recently discovered what this is and its very interesting! 😊