May 2014 I went to South Africa for an internship and I stayed with a host family.
They had this really big house and there were two guest bedrooms opposing each other. One of them didn't have lights or anything, some kind of leak and there was only a towel on the bed, so I stayed in the other. On the last night I went to bed in 'my' room just like every other night.
In the middle of the night I woke up, because I was feeling very cold. No wonder, because all I was sleeping under was a towel. I opened my eyes and was totally lost, because I didn't recognize the room I was in.
It took me a while to realize I was in the opposing guestroom, because the windows and door were opposite. I still don't know how I got there and most people would say I had sleepwalked, but I'm not a known sleepwalker and my mom would notice if I sleepwalked at home, because she doesn't sleep soundly at all.
I've had another weird experience more recently, at home. I was lying in my bed, on my side, facing the wall. Out of nowhere I felt a gentle touch on my back. It felt like some kind of finger. It really scared me.
In the mean time I got this thought all over and over again "don't look". It even seemed as if it wasn't my own thought, but someone else their thought, which scared me even more. I was positive that there weren't any of my family members in my room.
I really don't know what could have caused my sleepwalking and the touch I felt on my back. I have never felt such a thing before and never really had any other paranormal experiences, other than my stepsister who used to hear or see things, like two people arguing in her room.