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What Do I Do? Zozo Encounter


Everyone, yes I am new here. Yes, people will most likely think I am lying for this, I can assure you, I am not.

At lunch during school day, a few friends and I went into a room alone. Two sat out only watching, while my friend Sam and I did the Ouija board.

We asked if anyone as there, we got a yes, we asked who. It was ZoZo.

No matter how many times we left, we always got ZoZo. We asked him who he wanted to really talk to, why he was here and all, he always said my name. We asked a fair lot of questions, he made some sense, sometimes not. But we had all the letters given written down and we mainly understood in what he said.

My two friends that were watching were freaking out, it did get cold, we were all wearing jackets even, but we were still cold. I ended up freezing myself.

Can I get any suggestions on how to deal with it?

He said he won't hurt me or any of the friends there, he was actually fairly calm. But when we asked to leave, he moved our item we used for the board violently and fast towards the no... He didn't want us to leave. When we asked who does he want to stay, he said my name again.

I'm actually really confused in this, and would love to know others experiences and what they did.

I do not want to tell him to leave just yet, he hasn't been mean yet. I just want to so far see how it goes. Please answer me seriously, please take this seriously. Please, tell me your opinions. Any comments would be read, replied and taken into mind.

If you leave rude comments or something, do not expect a reply of any sort back please.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, MaskedRosarie99, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
5 years ago (2019-12-01)
Queenofhearts version 2,

Thanks for the advice but I believe that Rook and other distinguished members of YGS have put the story of Zozo back in the "Fiction" part of the library.

If the internet is the "only source of the truth", then I have inserted a quote from Xavier Ortega:

"The name Zozo exploded into popularity just a few years ago when paranormal reality shows began using the name as an explanation for supposed hauntings or cases of demonic possession. It's been spread around that when you use a Ouija board to conjure up spirits, Zozo might just answer the call. When this happens, you're as good as haunted. However, the stories of Zozo are just that...stories."

All up, the first five paragraphs sum this up nicely. The link to this website as below.


For me, there is no need to sit on the fence, I'm off to the downstairs bar of Miss Demeanor for a tonic water and twist of lime.

Rastas Pittwater

This comment from QuEeNoFhEaRtS is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

stilinskihale (3 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-12)
Hi!I know I'm kind of late and everything but I was wondering; what kinds of things did you find out and has anything happened since then? I'm really interested by this whole ZoZo thing and I've searching a lot to try and find information from people who've actually experienced it. I'm not sure if you'll see this or not but if you can comment back or even email me (On my profile) that would be so nice

By the way I'm sorry you had to experience that; even if he/it wasn't being aggressive just yet it was still had dangerous potential.

MaskedRosarie99 (1 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-12)
Okay, everyone,
So since this last post I left for a few months and delved into a lot of studying.
Thank you all for your help and all, but in return, hopefully I can now help others as I will be able to post a lot more things with more verified reasoning and sources.

My studying has gone into internet, libraries, grimoires, ancient books and friends whom have family in a coven or have studied this stuff their entire life (them being near 50+ of age.) so I can now say,

Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your responses and so on.
Thank you everyone.
razorback95 (2 stories) (48 posts)
10 years ago (2015-09-03)
Hey did you all know zozo is another way of saying gullible? Ob is not a toy and shouldnt be treated as such. I'm still young (20 to be exact) but never have I ever had the urge to "play" with an ob. I KNOW that I don't properly know how to operate one nor do I feel the need to find out. Why? Because I have heard enough people say only bad comes. Have I heard a select few say otherwise? Yes but they are much wiser and more expirienced than I am. Remember zozo killed the cat... Wait I think its curiousity that did it. (Slight sarcasn)
GoldPhoenix (24 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-24)
That name reminds me more of a disney character than of a demon
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-06-24)
After doing some digging around, I found that one of our members, screen name "Darren", just so happens to be the in/famous Darren Evans. I can't find any accounts on our site that name Zozo prior to his membership and submission in 2009. *sigh*
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-15)
MaskedRosarie, I've read your story a second time and I have a few questions:

What do you want with this entity you have contacted?

What do you hope to get out of your interaction with this entity?

Could you elaborate on what else this entity said during your communication with it?

Since the whole Charlie of it all, after reading about it in the comments here, I have been reading about both Zozo and Charlie legends. I'm highly suss about both. But I do agree you have contacted something. Here's my brief history with Zozo which I hope will help you understand why so many here aren't exactly embracing Zozo with open arms. Why so many here are warning you to cut ties with them.

When I was about 14 or 15 I dabbled with the ouija and eventually got someone who kept moving the planchette to 'Z'. Went on like that for a while until it spelled 'Zozo'. I didn't know what that meant. As the weeks went on, by the way I was also getting into astral projection at this time, the ghost I thought of as 'Z', because I believed 'Zozo' must have been a mistake, turned into the name 'Charlie'. I *thought* I had worked out his name by myself, through meditation. But since reading comments here I now have some doubts about that. After he became 'Charlie' he became very demanding. He was nothing more than a juvenile prankster and also very freakin creepy. After reading a little about Zozo and Charile I strongly feel that whoever I contacted merged the two legends, Zozo and Charlie, to appear cool or clever.
Thankfully it didn't take long to get rid of him for good. BUT in the month or so that he was around he managed to gain my trust THEN he started to touch me, inappropriately I strongly warn, make noises at night to wake me, interfere with astral projection attempts, sit on my bed at night, show himself to me whenever I was alone. It was a horrendous few weeks. Absolutely horrendous.

I can very honestly say that anyone who comes through the ouija and claims to be Zozo is not to be trusted. They will seem nice and friendly at first, but it doesn't last. You've already had the planchette move violently to 'no' when it refused to leave. Speaks to an impatient and juvenile personality.

The ouija reminds me a bit of the internet. If someone claimed they were Miley Cyruss, or whatever her name is, no one would believe them. But where the paranormal is concerned people have a tendency to believe because of some vested notion that if it's other worldly it's somehow wiser than us, and we feel humbled that it contacted us. Thus we're likely to believe more readily than we would if it were in the physical realm.

Please cut ties with whoever this Zozo is.

I hope you do respond.

Take care.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-15)
Hi Red, Miracles, granny, Rook and others, this is what I said in my comment to the O/P. We give our advises through our experiences and seeing the plight of others after using OB. I also told that to drive the point, we have to be blunt. Well, inspite of all these advises, O/P is belligerent and feels that we are going after her. As Miracles said, this is not a site where O/P gets a nod for whatever she says and we give our opinion and suggestions. It is for the O/P to take it in right earnest.

You have hit the nail on the head Red. Well, if still after so many people saying against it, if the O/P fiddles with the Ouija Board, then we can't help it.

Regards and respects to all of you. Love you guys all.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-15)
It occurs to me that you really don't want help or advice, you just wanted to get a story posted on this site. You have been given good advice that should help you but you seem to think you are being attacked.
You say that you have been dealing with this sort of stuff all of your life. Well guess what you are only a teenager and most of us are old enough to be your parent annd have also been dealing with this sort of stuff all of our lives also. My point being you are NOT more experienced than the rest of us even with the O.B. Or anything else.
If you insist on playing with the O.B. Again and ZoZo or Charlie come through tell it you refuse to talk to it put the planchette (sp?) To goodbye and close the "board"
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)

My profile explains quite a bit... But the short version is this...

12 - 22 or 23 years old... Praticing witch... With faith in Heavenly Father, Christ and the holy spirit. Used Ouija Boards, Tarot Cards, Candle Rituals for various things.

Sense the age of 22-23 I have been a member of an Organized Christian Church and have been Ordained as a High Priest.

READING...Not from the internet... The internet gives clues... But actually doing the research... Funding the books and looking over the evidence presented. Then there is the practical experience from applying, testing and working with others.

12 to 49 is 37 years of experience. Add a dash of common sense and a quirky sense of humor and there you go... I never stopped studying the paranormal... I have seen too much... I KNOW there are things we do not understand and the only way to undrstand is to RESEARCH, TEST...RETEST, EXCHANGE IDEAS AND TEST AGAIN.

So I am not an expert... I have my theories and have seen enough that I am fairly certian they 'hold water' but I am willing to listen or read about others.


spookie1 (5 stories) (72 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-14)
Wow rook, you really know your stuff 😁 Where do you do your research? Your really well informed
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-06-13)
MaskedRosarie: Here's my thing: IF Zozo is a demon, he's been around a hell of a lot longer than a couple of hundred years. If you can provide us with ANY kind of evidence in the way of recorded (written or otherwise) documentation that goes back further than 1980 and be able to cite that information then I, for one, will be more than willing to entertain your claim.

That said, I find it very interesting that you gave advice on another thread about Ouija boards, but you fail to see the wisdom in your own words when it comes to your experience. And I quote:
All I can say that if the so called spirit was 'Mikal' I would say, get your butt outta there and fast...

Mikal is another way known as a demon. Not just improvised as Michael the Archangel.
Neither is good either way, but if it was the actual demon Mikal, he is a huge liar. As in HUGE.
It's never good to talk to him unless he will say 'I want to relate to something in your past'
That is the only time he will be true and actually nice.
Otherwise he just a good ol' demon trying to be nice and friendly or mean and to get closer to ya."

All you need to do is replace the name "Mikal" with "Zozo" and there you have it!

Really, we're not your average run-o-the-mill teenager infested creepy pasta-ish believe it because it's on the internet OMG it's a demon kind'a membership here. We are people who research, dig deep, and then research again. We want REAL answers.

Thank you.
Lily601215 (1 stories) (2 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-13)
I have encountered ZOZO as well, I have googled a lot about him and I have to be honest... He isn't a demon you want to be around. ZOZO is a demon that has been around since the 1800's he will go as far as he can to try to trick you into being his friend... After you have fallen for this he will haunt you and kill you. Get him to leave as fast as you possibly can you may still have a chance... With me he will always come back. He will get less and less friendly with time.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-13)
I love you, you get to the point without a doubt. You and everyone else here myself included has told the O/P that the O.B. Is not a toy and the O/P considers herself as being insulted. We are more learned than she, and I will admit that even though I have had experiences that I haven't talked about here I am willing to admit that I am not as learned as some people on this site especially not you. If an O/P wants advice and you give it they should take notice because of your knowledge and so many people refer others to your profile page for the cleansing method.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-12)

I have researched this topic quite a bit... I have used Boards in the past... In the 1980's...and while I will not use one again ZOZO did not become a 'BIG THING' until the internet and the research of Darren Evans (a Paranormal Reasearcher and 'ZoZoOlogist') Darren Evans. (

On his own web page he mentions a SINGLE entry from an 18th century French Dictonary... Here is the quote...

"Zozo is listed in an 18th century French dictionary as one of the demons responsible for a severe possession of a young girl in 1816..."

Which is misleading in and of itself... The date 1816 is 16 years into the 19th century not the 18th century... Add this statment (made directly afterwards)...

"In another book written in 1906 that details Greek tourism at the time mentions that Zozo is a "nickname" or other term to describe the demon Pazuzu."

Sense when is a GREEK TOURISM BOOK a 'good' reference source concerning DEMONS?

There are other issues I can point out... Conflicting dates on when the researcher took a certian photo (was it 2000 or 2001?) and other things that I (me, me, me... MY PERSONAL OPINION) do not agree with.

Is there a ZoZo Phenomena... Without a doubt... One fueled by fear, ignorance and the NEVER, EVER WRONG internet. To many people encounter this very same 'entity'...There are only 2 (PERSONAL BELIEF) Entities that can be in more than one place at a time... Heavenly Father and an extension of Himself, the Holy Spirit... Every other Entity, Spirit, Ghost, Fey, Jinn... Call them what you will is 'finite' and can only be in one place at a time.

A mischievious, negitive fear mongering spirit or entity will 'pick up' on our fears and use them against us... This includes and images, phobiias, mental issues or worries we may have.

Bottom line is this, the Oujia Board is a TOOL not a GAME... TOOLS have there uses, and when used correctly with the proper safety precautions they can be used without incident. If someone picks up a chainsaw, starts it and just starts running around with it... Well no good comes from that.



Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-06-12)
MaskedRosarie - what kind of advice are you looking for? You asked for the advice of the members of this site; we gave it to you. If all you want is people to pat you on the head and say what you're doing is okay, you're not likely to get that here. And you're not going to get instructions on how to accomplish whatever it is you are trying to do.

Since you claim to have read stories on this site, you knew well ahead of submitting your story the reaction you were going to get so don't get irritated with us because we told you what you knew you were going to hear.

If you don't like our advice, find a site that will tell you what you want to hear.
MaskedRosarie99 (1 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-12)
Okay, after reading all the comments.
Yes, people still like to be rude and just claim I don't know what i'm doing or I should just go back to doing school shiat.

I have grown up with this type of stuff all my life,
I came here after reading so many stories and asking for advice after something happened.

ZoZo has been around since the 1800s, is it that wrong to after doing study and shiat to ask for some advice?

I have friends that were there, experiencing crap that they never have before. I have heard so many stories that they want to try the board again just to try and get some answers.
Yes, I know from this comment of mine people will most likely say 'stop playing with the board!' and stuff similar to that.
I'm not playing with it, I know the rules, I know when to get the frick outta there and move your butt asap.

All I asked was for advice in what to do.
Not to run, not to stop 'playing' with the board.
So please... Just state your advice, kindly and not being all rude and mean when it's not needed.
Thank you...
PoliexterLy (2 stories) (92 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-11)
This is ZoZo story #21893749437 I think? 😜 I could be wrong though
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-06-11)
Triskaideka - after hearing that it would be very hard to take Zozo seriously 😆
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-11)
PS - Sorry for the comments, but apparently so many people on the interwebs are frustrated by this silly regurgitated ghost story that the phrase "Zozo? Never heard of it." has become a meme, as you can see in the YouTube comments. 😆
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-11)
I have to share the epic music of Zozo:
This was my childhood. 😊
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-11)
My vision of Zozo is a city found in Final Fantasy III/VI (a fantastic video game) and the theme music for that abandoned city of ghosts is EPIC. The game came out in 1994. Connected? I suspect so. 😉
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-11)
First you are asking us to take you seriously, to take your story seriously then you say that we should not leave rude comments or something or don't expect an answer back. That is being rude to the members of YGS. We have a lot of experience and could give you good advice IF you don't get rude and snarky with US.
That being said, nobody should EVER "play" with the Ouija Board as it has been pointed out the O.B. Is NOT a toy. It is actually a "window" for spirits to come and go through. While you may THINK you are talking to a deceased relative you can be talking to a demon trying to gain your trust so that you use the O.B. More. Then you are inviting trouble to come into your life.
STOP talking to Zozo. If you don't want to listen to us you may as well be making a deal with the devil himself.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-06-10)
babygoatpuller - it honestly amazed me while reading this story that they had a Ouija board at school. I actually Googled to see if this was a common occurrence and, unfortunately, there are many stories about Ouija boards in schools. Even one where a teacher brought one out. Very much different than when I was in school LOL
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-10)
Why don't you try doing something better with your time Masked. How about reading a book, since you are at school.

Zozo sounds like the name of a clown. Oh yeah. Bozo! (duh) Now those are scarey!
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-10)
Miracles don't forget the three sixes. Jeesh all these years I thought I was so clever figuring out his 'real name'. But clearly I wasn't as smarty pants as I always thought.
The things you learn on this site LOL!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-06-10)
Tweed - unfortunately I think you may have gotten hold of a compulsive liar demon 😉 Wow, that even sounds confusing to me 😆

I realize that cannot be the case because a demon would never, ever, not even once lie to someone 😉
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-10)
whhaat? The Zozo I had said his name was 'Charlie' and turned extremely creepy very quickly. Granny and Miracles I shall endeavor to do some Zozho searches of my own at some point. That's just crazy.
Oh boy, what a fool I was made of.
_obsidianflame (3 posts)
10 years ago (2015-06-10)
Keep playing the ouija board... Thats all I ask... But this time try it blindfolded... And make one of your mates as witness to see and write what the ghost is saying... I'm sure the ghost will no longer know spelling...

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