For those of you who haven't read my previous story, Let me just fill you in briefly. The house my fiance and I are living in has been on the fritz lately. There has been a lot of somewhat negative energy in the house, most of which has been centered around our kitchen. We're not certain if there is one spirit or two, and whether one is good and the other evil, or just one that is angry for it's inability to cross over, or etc.
But we believed one, if not both, was the spirit of michael's grandfather who passed away quite a few years ago. Well, I took the advice of a number of people who posted comments about how I should deal with the situation I'm in, and the results have been effective in some areas, but seem to have worsened the situation in another sense. First and foremost we had an electrician come look at the kitchen light that exploded, and, not much to my surprise, the electrician could find no reason at all as to why it did that. The wiring wasn't freyed, and was up to date, and everything was "perfect" according to him. Michael and I decided to take action.
I had a Christian blessing done on the house at the request of my love, and it seemed to calm down the kitchen quite a bit. Objects stopped disappearing, coffee stopped making itself, and the overall negative feeling that was once present had dissipated. But a few days later, Michael and I noticed that the computer room had suddenly become the focus of our resident ghosts antics. Batteries disappeared overnight, the computer started turning itself on and off, and we'd wake in the morning to find papers and mail strewn all over the floor, while we are the only two living in the house and the dog sleeps in our room with us, we keep the door closed.
At that, I decided to have a professional pagan blessing done on our house. The results were similar, but lasted only a week before the antics started up again. Michael and I then began decorating our house with crosses, stars, and other personal religious relics that were meaningful to us. I was charging crystals and putting them in different areas of the house, we pretty much attempted putting up images that we thought might banish the spirit, or at least encourage it to move on, but, much to our dismay the results remained the same, a few days of peace and then more problems. I tried meditating and asking the spirit to leave, which did not work, possibly because I was only half able to focus due an unexplainable eerie sensation I had. I then decided to call a medium to come to our house and contact the spirit, or at least tell us whether it was two, or one, and figure out just what it was trying to accomplish in our house.
I was stunned by what this woman had to say. She told me that the spirit is michael's grandfather, and he chose not to cross over yet because he is waiting for his wife. He has been trying to carry on with activities he used to do when he was alive, like making coffee, moving things to where he thinks they would be appropriate, etc. She even told me where the batteries and kitchen remote were hidden.
But he's angry. Gram Elsie, his wife, had a stroke a few years ago, and since then her children have been fighting over who gets control over what assets and who will get what from the will, including her money her house and her car etc. While she's still alive! The most horrible part is that everyone is so focused on gram's money and belongings that no one is taking care of her, since the stroke she can't really talk very well, and she can't walk. The family has become "self indulgent and unconcerned with the well being of their own" that was what the medium said michael's grandfather feels like. Because of it he's been projecting negative energy into the house. I asked the medium to try and help him cross over, and to explain to him that michael and I DO take care of gram whenever she's over at the house, and that we would like for him to stop taking out his anger on us. So the medium preformed a blessing and talked to pap, asking him to please cross over because it was his time. Michael and I took pap's ashes, which used to be in our house, over to where gram was living, so husband could be with wife.
The occurrences stopped. But something's wrong. Although michael and I had an inkling that something was wrong before, and the physical oddities have ceased, something new has arisen and I'm not sure what to think. Not once in the entire time the medium was present did she mention anything about a second energy. But, now every time I go to sleep I have terrible nightmares, very very vivid nightmares that scare me ridiculously, almost to the point of not wanting to go to sleep. They started a few days after everything else stopped. Most of them revolve around me being chased, and there's a knife, although the dreams are enough to cause me to wake up sweating and usually holding my hand to my throat, the most I can remember is a knife and being chased.
Mike had a weeks vacation and slept on the couch most of the time because he said the room just made him feel uncomfortable, I asked him if it was the heat or if it was too cold, but he said neither, he just felt uncomfortable. And another question comes to mind, when mike was young he saw his reflection in the mirror brushing his teeth when he himself was not, and that was while pap was alive, so what caused that? And what about the shadows in the mirrors? And the evil looking face engrained on the back of our bathroom door? Something just doesn't add up.
And I'm worried that maybe we made a mistake in asking pap to move on. Should I attribute the nightmares to all the scary movies on television because of Halloweens approach, or is it something more than that? And if it is something more, what could it be, what kind of energy can elude a medium? I'm not sure what to do.
Maybe consult your medium and ask her if that could be possible...