My grandfather recently passed and there were a few strange occurrences that happened during his passing. I was hoping to get some more information and maybe some references to what could have happened.
To start with I will need to share some background information regarding my Aunty who was present during the passing. She once told me that she woke up one night with severe chest pain and thought she was having a heart attack. After a while however the pain subsided and she felt very calm. Later in she found out that at the time of her pain, one of her cousins (June) had suddenly passed away of a heart attack. My Aunty swears that June came to her and gave her pain to her through some kind of transference.
I have a bit of a fear of nursing homes and hospitals, so if I ever visited my grandfather in the nursing home I always felt extremely anxious and a bit sick. When we found out he only had a few days left to live, I decided I needed to visit him. When I went to his room I noticed I had no anxiety, instead I had a very calm and warm feeling. I also felt as though there was some kind of presence in the corner of his room. It was hard to explain but I could nearly see a light in the corner and it was very warm. I told my Aunty about the presence but she said she didn't actually feel anything.
The day before he passed, my Aunty, one of my grandpa's friends from the nursing home and me were all sitting in his room with him. Suddenly my Aunty said she had a headache and felt nauseous. A few moments later she lurched forward and started holding stomach in pain and crying, initially I thought the sadness of my grandpas passing had gotten to her and she was upset. A few moments later she collapsed onto the seat and said that my grandpa was giving her his pain, she said she could feel everything he was feeling.
She was fine for a while until some more family arrived (my mum, dad and sister as well as my grandfathers wife) and the same thing happened again, this time she was sitting on a chair in the corner (the same corner I could feel the warm presence from) and she was making these choking noises. She finally came out if it again and she told us that everything was ok now and my grandfather was no longer in any pain. She also said that she was drawn to the corner that I had previously mentioned to her, and that she now believes there was a spirit or some energy in that corner. I asked my Aunty to explain exactly what she felt so I could share the story on the site, her exact words were:
'It was a pain transference through my abdomen and chest through three chakra points. It was very hot and felt the colour purple. I was calm and relaxed inside me and the \'forc' only used me to make Sam's (my grandpa) pain away. I also feel this is when the essence or soul of him passed'
Once everything had settled down we decided to all sit in a circle around the room and hold hands (my Aunty's idea). We all sat holding hands and sending good energy to grandpa and we all suddenly became extremely hot, most of us had to take our jumpers off.
The only other thing that happened was the morning he passed away while I was driving to the nursing home my grandma called to say he wasn't good and I needed to hurry. I remember knowing he was going to pass soon and I was worried I wouldn't make it to him in time to say one last goodbye. So while I was driving there I told him to wait for me. 15 minutes after I arrived he passed away; I truly believe he waited for me. I can also feel warmth in my chest; I believe a part of my grandpa is with me and that he will stay there forever.
Thanks for reading the story, I know it was a bit disjointed but I do hope you understood. If you have any insight into any of these occurrences I would love to hear, especially the pain transferal. My grandfathers friend at the nursing home did suggest my Aunty could be an empath.