I had travelled 350 miles to Edinburgh with one purpose in mind, that was to collect my mum and dad's ashes and spread them both together in their final resting place in the Scottish Borders. This was a place where we had all visited together some thirty years beforehand and I knew that they would be very happy there.
I was upstairs in my cousin's house. Allison had gone to pick up my mother's ashes from the funeral director. They had been there since she died in October 2014 and were now sitting downstairs in her hall, along with my dad's whose ashes I had collected from my mum's house. They had been in her front room since he died six years before. They were now both sitting together in Allison's hall.
I was in bed getting ready to go to sleep since the next day Allison and I were going to travel to their appointed resting place so that their ashes could be scattered together.
I heard voices talking, they sounded familiar. The first voice said "Where is she?" It was my dad's voice and the sound of it made me sit bolt upright. The second voice sounded like my mum but her voice was strained as if she was having difficulty talking she replied "She's upstairs." The first voice then said "Alright then."
And that was the total conversation. Strange you might say since they hadn't been in touch with each other for over six months. Strange that this was exactly the way they talked when they were both alive. Strange that mum 'knew' exactly where I was in the house though she couldn't 'see' me.
I was relieved to hear their voices again, and slept soundly that night. However, I am intrigued as to exactly why they came through to talk at that moment. Any advice would be appreciated.
Such a cute story! Thank you for sharing it with all of us.
Warm Regards,