This story is a continuation of my previous story "A Tap On The Shoulder And The Call Of The Name." Please read that one first before reading this one.
If you have already read it, well then you know that I have had spirit (s) constantly tapping on my shoulder or saying my name when I am at home. But, now I think it's getting worse. I think it has attached to me some how. I think it is following me out of my house and coming to school and other places with me.
I was at school last week and I was walking to my locker, because I forgot something, and I felt someone poke my shoulder again. I turned, expecting to see another student or a teacher, but no one was there. The hallways was empty, except for me.
Another time, I was walking outside and I felt something push on my arm. Like someone trying to move me out of their way. Once again, I was alone and it wasn't even breezy so it could not have been the wind. Then I heard a quiet whisper, but I couldn't make out what it said. Maybe it was trying to say my name, since it's done it before.
Today, December 14, 2015, I was walking in the hallway with my friend. We were on our way to lunch, when all of a sudden she felt someone pull her hair. No one was behind us. I told her that it was probably nothing, but in the back of my mind I believe that whatever spirit is following me around is now messing with my friend.
This spirit has become more and more active now that I am aware of it. I'm not sure what to do anymore. It just keeps constantly poking me, trying to get my attention or whatever, pulling people's hair, pushing me. What am I to do? How do I make it stop? I have already asked several times to stop and leave me alone, but nothing is working.
Like I said before, it is now leaving my house and following me to school and other places. I would like your guy's advice on what to do.